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Fam, you at like 2500% profit if you bought st 1.37.

Dont listen to these mfers. Sell that shit, pocket your money.

Anyone here who been investing for a long time will tell you the same shit.

Grab your profit. Who cares if it gets to $400-$500?

You dont risk being up 2500% for another few hundred percent potentially.

You grab the for sure 2500%.

Go with your instincts when its all said done.

Just saying if im you, ill sell and go to sleep happy tonight. And if it continues going up, it dont matter. You made out incredible.
Yeah man that's how most people get killed in bubbles. The one sane guy tells them to leave while they on top, they decide that dude is crazy, stay and then shit plummets and then they get slaughtered. I've seen it far too many times lololol.
I listened to the one sane guy when DOGE was jumping and glad I did lol
It gets better. Selling options naked is unlimited risk. Here's why.
FYI Naked just means that you don't have the shares onhand to satisfy the call if you are margin called.
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For example, Say I sold some naked apple calls @ $136.25 strike for 4/16/21. Today.. I would be ITM (Think the reverse of buying a call).
For the person who bought calls, he would be down $226 per contract. At least.. if he got in from the previous day. He would be down even more if he bought these calls at the open. For now, we'll stick with previous close.

So... who gets that $226 per contract? Me. Cha-ching!
But what happens to the guy who buys the calls and it goes to zero? He has defined risk. At most, if he bought at previous close and it goes to zero, then he is out of $1,070 per contract. As the number gets closer to zero... I would earn all that he lost.

Here's where it gets tricky.
As the stock price reaches the strike, the contract goes up in price, and of course vice versa (see delta, gamma, and the greeks for more).

So what happens when the stock price hits or goes past my strike call? I lose money... and it's unlimited because Apple could have gone to $500 a share today. If it did, then in this situation, I would be F U C K E D. I would receive a margin call and thus would need to liquidate my other holdings (but as we know, the brokerages have the right to do this for me if I don't act immediately.
Now imagine someone getting greedy and doing this with 50 or a 100 contracts..

But wait... there's more.
Because each option contract is roughly equal to 100 shares... and because I sold a call and it hit... I also need to have enough equity in the account to each buy the put, to offset the call (strangle), or enough to buy 100 shares at that strike price. So that's $136.25 *100 shares.

If you read through all of that and understood it, then you know why hedge funds are freaking the fuck out this week. Their situation is a bit different. They were short selling shares that don't exist... and now ppl are coming for those shares... but there aren't enough to satisfy the demand...

GME could save the day by diluting the shares... but if someone locked potential customers from buying your current shares and only allowed ppl to sell them... would you help that person out down the line? If you would, then meet me at the river. You are the frog; I'm the scorpion.

*My thoughts; Do your own DD; yada yada. This is NOT investment advice and shouldn't be taken as such.*
The easiest way for a small acct retail.investor to avoid this is to do.a spread right? Could.you break this down for us who still learning
Buy a buying a put and selling a put at a higher strike
That's because they own the keys. If you don't own the keys, you don't own the crypto. Stay away from cash app and paypal as well if you plan to transfer.
Get with my boy Dr. @M4nh4tt4n for more info on that.

*My thoughts; Do your own DD; yada yada. This is NOT investment advice and shouldn't be taken as such.*

I only used RH to spam my free stock link lol. I’ll be damned if I buy some fake crypto numbers on a screen instead of the real deal. This way I take them out of circulation and earn interest.

$app is just as convenient, but is actually real crypto. You don’t have the keys there either, but you have a BTC address and can send/receive BTC whenever/wherever.
It will more than likely go way up. The gamma squeeze hasn't even begun yet.
Play with what only you can afford to lose. The rest is up to you. I lost over 10k in one day. I don't feel it. Gained 15k the next day.

*My thoughts; Do your own DD; yada yada. This is NOT investment advice and shouldn't be taken as such.*

10k swings. Damn it feels nice to get in early on something. I’m late on GME, but it only takes catching ONE play to be $traight, gentlemen...
I feel you man. Play it safe and conservatively.

Either way I'll be in this thread more often. REALLY appreciate y'all for dropping gems last year for me to even be in this position.

In this game, you’ve gotta check the pride/greed at the door. Even if you at +2,500% and climbing everyday, you GOTTA have an exit strategy. Mine depends on the strength of the company. GME, I’d cash out 90%. Apple? 10%. Otherwise, you’re just watching numbers get bigger and bigger on a screen for years...
I only used RH to spam my free stock link lol. I’ll be damned if I buy some fake crypto numbers on a screen instead of the real deal. This way I take them out of circulation and earn interest.

$app is just as convenient, but is actually real crypto. You don’t have the keys there either, but you have a BTC address and can send/receive BTC whenever/wherever.
Where would be the best place to purchase crypto in the US? And do you think mining for alt coins be worth it?
Where would be the best place to purchase crypto in the US? And do you think mining for alt coins be worth it?
If you’re playing around with sending/receiving BTC only and maintaining a max balance ~0.025BTC, $app for sure.

If you want exposure to 90% of the coins and trade at a top notch exchange, Binance USA.

If you’re in it for the investment long haul and like AltCoins as well use Celsius, Voyager, or BlockFi. In that order. Park it there and earn 5-10%.

If 100% control is more important to you than interest, purchase a Trezor or download Binance’s Trust Wallet. Buy and move the BTC from $app to them wallets. Or BTC/alts from an exchange to them. They are NOT custodial, and you own the keys. If you lose your phone, it breaks, etc. Don’t matter. Your keys get your crypto back. Just download any wallet and input your keys.

Also, mining ain't worth it anymore. Companies have too much firepower/hashrate. Unless you tryna drop $100k+ on some rigs just to break even with your electric bill, but come out ahead after 5 years of HODLing.

Fam, you at like 2500% profit if you bought st 1.37.

Dont listen to these mfers. Sell that shit, pocket your money.

Anyone here who been investing for a long time will tell you the same shit.

Grab your profit. Who cares if it gets to $400-$500?

You dont risk being up 2500% for another few hundred percent potentially.

You grab the for sure 2500%.

Go with your instincts when its all said done.

Just saying if im you, ill sell and go to sleep happy tonight. And if it continues going up, it dont matter. You made out incredible.

He's right; get your money. It's not P/L until you close the loop.
I do layers so I don't miss out on potential. Check DFV's reddit posts. Yes, he turned 50k into 50m... but check the cash value row. He has 13mil in cash right now.
The remaining options could go to shit and it wouldn't matter; he still turned 50k into 13mil. Buy and sell them in layers.

Say you bought call options at $3 when the XYZ stock price was $2. If you bought 100 contracts at say $10 per contract and the price goes to $100 per contract, you could sell 20 of them and let the rest fly. At this point, you have at least doubled your money. It's easier to let it play out once profit and initial investments have been taken.

*My thoughts; Do your own DD; yada yada. This is NOT investment advice and shouldn't be taken as such.*
The easiest way for a small acct retail.investor to avoid this is to do.a spread right? Could.you break this down for us who still learning
Buy a buying a put and selling a put at a higher strike

The takeaway is that the risks (profits/losses) are defined & limited.

Came across this on FB:



To break this down for everyone who is worried or wants to know what to expect in the coming week:

AMC current status (30JAN2021) :
AMC has 44.6 million shorted shares and a grand total of 52 million shares. That means 86% of shares are shorted (by hedge funds) and 14% are being longed (all of us)

Now what everyone is waiting for is when shorted shares expire and they (hedge funds) have to cover what they bet on. Keep in mind not EVERY share will expire on Monday. So we MUST hold beyond that.

Today’s target (1/29) was to beat $8.63 (what hedge funds were betting it would be come Monday) and we did that closing at $13.29! AWESOME. This short will expire in 0.5 trading days (Monday)

So Monday when they’re forced to cover ($8.63) they will have to buy it at its current price to cover their bet. Raising the price up even higher.

But this isn’t even the best part. All of their other shorts are SIGNIFICANTLY lower. There are 9 different short stocks between $1.98-$5.96. Some of those shorts are 1.9 days away (Tue) 2.5 days (wed) 3.2 days (Thur) so the longer you hold, the higher the price gets and the more they have to cover.

Over the next few trading days it is going to be a vIolent squeeze. We are at the starting line of what GME did. Hold your ground. Gains Monday are inevitable. But the gains on Tuesday-Thursday will be much higher.

Short squeezes are historic: and to give you an example Volkswagen had a 46% short at $6 share price which squeezed to $110 a share back in 2008. AMC is at 84% short at $13 The percentage is significantly higher and there’s a lot more room to grow. On the high end we’re talking the possibility of hitting $150-200 a share if everyone is smart and holding until Thursday

My recommendation:
2. Buy more on Monday if you can afford it because it’s going to violently rise
3. Enjoy the ride until AT LEAST Thursday evening when all the shorts expire and the price is at it’s highest.

I am not a financial advisor nor a registered stock broker. I simply have done my DD (Due diligence) and reflecting on passed events. Every stock has risk but it’s all about risk mitigation. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity so be mindful what you’re dealing with. If you have any questions I will try my best to answer them.

Happy trading, GREAT job today everyone. And don’t forget to share this or copy and paste it along other post to spread the word! I’ll see you on the moon ? ?