Welcome To aBlackWeb


One leader

2-3 others.

Totaling 3-4 members per team.

Teams must both have the same amount of members.
In the event a member is unavailable, are we continuing with the event/game?

What's the end date?
I suggest you see what your possible teammates schedule is like beforehand.
When we get a team set then I can answer the dates. It will be a week long.
My teammates availability shouldn't be a hold up but I would like to know

NFL plays with 10 players on the field. Nba plays with 4 players on the court. MLB with 8....

Are we gonna get penalized if a player is unavailable?
My teammates availability shouldn't be a hold up but I would like to know

NFL plays with 10 players on the field. Nba plays with 4 players on the court. MLB with 8....

Are we gonna get penalized if a player is unavailable?

No, however the games must go on. So if they don't show up for a tournament or game that they signed up for that's something your team has to deal with.