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ABW Interviews: Zagreus

I previously believed scientific inquiry aka reductionist logic was the only way to look at the world that was valid.

That our perception of history in any era was the authorative truth if what happened.

That pharma is the only effective form of medicine and all other should be discounted.

So as you can see I was thoroughly indoctrinated by the end of high school. But what changed for me is that those beliefs stated before were changed ONLY because I had directly experienced different...

I directly experienced the subtle layers of perception of bodily processes that are traditionally relegated to the subconscious, which is basically to say that I can independently feel how my organs are doing and look up things to remedy whatever issue.

I began to read about the kingdom's of the kongo and the ashanti and how the euros were in no shape to colonize so they were forced to divide and conquer, so that's a short example of how history has changed for me from the default white is right and has always been great narrative...

A book I would recommend would be thinking in destiny. It's very dense and hard to follow but isn't widely known and has tons of gems no matter the disposition of the person reading it

If I remember correctly, you do study chakra. What are things people have the ability to do with their minds that most either are uninformed about or don't believe?

What are some steps or tips for people who want to begin meditation? I've tried a couple times, I sat there for about 30 secs and started thinking about random shit I had to do that day while I'm sittin on the fuckin floor playin around. How does a nigga go about opening the 3rd eye?
If I remember correctly, you do study chakra. What are things people have the ability to do with their minds that most either are uninformed about or don't believe?

What are some steps or tips for people who want to begin meditation? I've tried a couple times, I sat there for about 30 secs and started thinking about random shit I had to do that day while I'm sittin on the fuckin floor playin around. How does a nigga go about opening the 3rd eye?

Although I know plenty of accomplished Hindu and buddhist practitioners, I don't study chakras all that often.

I practice the Chinese equivalent. Which is known as Taoism. In that system the chakras and prana(lifeforce) are replaced with the concepts of the 3 dantian and Qi.

One thing that is common for folks that cultivate among those lines is the perception of illness in other people. When i was just starting out I learned from a man on the opposite side of the country that could with 100% accuracy tell me what issues I was having physically, with only a few sentences and a screen name for reference which is what really shook my beliefs about what was real.

So I'll add to that remote viewing. Which is something that is documented as being pursued by the intelligence agencies such as the CIA among others. Some of the programs that the gov undertook to research the spiritual capacities of humans are alluded to in the movie men who stare at goats, for example.

Another skill is the cultivation of body heat. While my achievement in this is mediocre, there are men who have climbed mount Everest without a shirt and in shorts, purely through the power of meditation.

It is well documented that Tibetan monks can make wet blankets steam in snowy conditions with this skill, it's a well known skill that a couple people I've learned from are adepts at.

30 seconds is too long for a beginner to meditate. I started with 15 seconds, did that daily and added to it incrementally every week, until I was up to 4 hours a sitting at my height, with an average sitting being 2.

It is absolutely expected for you to have those thoughts. The objective of base level meditation is to not attach your attention to those thought, because your attention itself is giving energy to what would otherwise be quickly transitory thoughts.

So what you practice is observing those thoughts, but not attaching attention to them. Allow them to arise, but disregard them and stay in moment. This is an atrophied muscle for most and will take much practice. But it becomes much easier with time.

This allows the mind to free up the energy it was using to process those thoughts, to be directed towards more fruitful endeavour, with a couple of the most common changes being lower blood pressure and increased tolerance of stress and better control of negative emotions.

I don't like talking about the third eye because it' was never meant to be accessed by beginners. Sure some people have talent but for the most part it can cause health issues. It's akin to builders working on the top of a building before the foundation is built. It creates a unstable foundation that can mess people up, I've seen it.
Although I know plenty of accomplished Hindu and buddhist practitioners, I don't study chakras all that often.

I practice the Chinese equivalent. Which is known as Taoism. In that system the chakras and prana(lifeforce) are replaced with the concepts of the 3 dantian and Qi.

One thing that is common for folks that cultivate among those lines is the perception of illness in other people. When i was just starting out I learned from a man on the opposite side of the country that could with 100% accuracy tell me what issues I was having physically, with only a few sentences and a screen name for reference which is what really shook my beliefs about what was real.

So I'll add to that remote viewing. Which is something that is documented as being pursued by the intelligence agencies such as the CIA among others. Some of the programs that the gov undertook to research the spiritual capacities of humans are alluded to in the movie men who stare at goats, for example.

Another skill is the cultivation of body heat. While my achievement in this is mediocre, there are men who have climbed mount Everest without a shirt and in shorts, purely through the power of meditation.

It is well documented that Tibetan monks can make wet blankets steam in snowy conditions with this skill, it's a well known skill that a couple people I've learned from are adepts at.

30 seconds is too long for a beginner to meditate. I started with 15 seconds, did that daily and added to it incrementally every week, until I was up to 4 hours a sitting at my height, with an average sitting being 2.

It is absolutely expected for you to have those thoughts. The objective of base level meditation is to not attach your attention to those thought, because your attention itself is giving energy to what would otherwise be quickly transitory thoughts.

So what you practice is observing those thoughts, but not attaching attention to them. Allow them to arise, but disregard them and stay in moment. This is an atrophied muscle for most and will take much practice. But it becomes much easier with time.

This allows the mind to free up the energy it was using to process those thoughts, to be directed towards more fruitful endeavour, with a couple of the most common changes being lower blood pressure and increased tolerance of stress and better control of negative emotions.

I don't like talking about the third eye because it' was never meant to be accessed by beginners. Sure some people have talent but for the most part it can cause health issues. It's akin to builders working on the top of a building before the foundation is built. It creates a unstable foundation that can mess people up, I've seen it.

Very informative post fam.

Apologizes to the people who are here for drama and gossip, I'll get to that in a min, but a nigga needs some tips on this power of the mind shit, I'm trying to do magic outchea too b.

You said people discussing the 3rd eye is similar to people trying to shoot 3 pointers without learning how to make a lay up. So for a beginner like myself, you'd suggest doing 15 sec meditation and then increasing the time week by week. What are some other things that you would suggest a beginner do who's trying to reach that level of consciousness and mind power and what are some things that you did during the beginning of your journey that helped you?

What was your first breakthrough moment to where you felt you've reached the next level of mind power?
As a treat I'll share with you guys one of the men I've learned from that has mastered the power of heat using the Taoist meditation that I've previously spoke of. He was interviwed as part of Stan Lee's super humans show.

As a treat I'll share with you guys one of the men I've learned from that has mastered the power of heat using the Taoist meditation that I've previously spoke of. He was interviwed as part of Stan Lee's super humans show.

i prolly should watch this high
shit way more sanitary than a blow dryer, i tell u that..
Very informative post fam.

Apologizes to the people who are here for drama and gossip, I'll get to that in a min, but a nigga needs some tips on this power of the mind shit, I'm trying to do magic outchea too b.

You said people discussing the 3rd eye is similar to people trying to shoot 3 pointers without learning how to make a lay up. So for a beginner like myself, you'd suggest doing 15 sec meditation and then increasing the time week by week. What are some other things that you would suggest a beginner do who's trying to reach that level of consciousness and mind power and what are some things that you did during the beginning of your journey that helped you?

What was your first breakthrough moment to where you felt you've reached the next level of mind power?

If what I've said about meditation isn't resonating, then ways to break into a meditative mindset that also works really well, is mantras. You can recite things like AUM, with an even inhale and exhale slowly, well trying to feel the vibrations that the pronunciation creates.

This has been scientifically been shown to change people's DNA for the better, actually.

Another way is to focus on your breathing. But in this way of meditating you want to breathe differently.

What you do is try not to breathe with your chest, but use your diaphram to breathe downward. This is actually the most natural way of breathing, which is done by infants and is much more replenishing for the body, while also massaging the inner viscera of the body and coaxing it to detoxify VIA breath.

We're in a stage where science is just barely beginning to "discover" a lot of things that spiritually inclined people have known for thousands of years, a major convergence.

My first major breakthrough that changed everything was my cognizance of the inner channels of the body, which is best shown in this diagram

Once they became tangibly cognizant to my waking mind I was able to leverage that consciousness to manipulate my organs along the guidelines of the teachings (which is known as internal alchemy) and had an incredible leap in health, attitude, perspective on life and so many other things.

People on here sometimes seemed puzzled why I'm so deep into this shit. It's because I've seen tangible benefit for myself and others, it' been an amazing ride of self discovery that has given my life new meaning and has put such quality people in my life that I barely quantify all it's done.

That why I say the things I say with such passion and conviction, and why people of like mind gravitate towards me, I'm living my truth regardless of any mockery or jokes.
If what I've said about meditation isn't resonating, then ways to break into a meditative mindset that also works really well, is mantras. You can recite things like AUM, with an even inhale and exhale slowly, well trying to feel the vibrations that the pronunciation creates.

This has been scientifically been shown to change people's DNA for the better, actually.

Another way is to focus on your breathing. But in this way of meditating you want to breathe differently.

What you do is try not to breathe with your chest, but use your diaphram to breathe downward. This is actually the most natural way of breathing, which is done by infants and is much more replenishing for the body, while also massaging the inner viscera of the body and coaxing it to detoxify VIA breath.

We're in a stage where science is just barely beginning to "discover" a lot of things that spiritually inclined people have known for thousands of years, a major convergence.

My first major breakthrough that changed everything was my cognizance of the inner channels of the body, which is best shown in this diagram

Once they became tangibly cognizant to my waking mind I was able to leverage that consciousness to manipulate my organs along the guidelines of the teachings (which is known as internal alchemy) and had an incredible leap in health, attitude, perspective on life and so many other things.

People on here sometimes seemed puzzled why I'm so deep into this shit. It's because I've seen tangible benefit for myself and others, it' been an amazing ride of self discovery that has given my life new meaning and has put such quality people in my life that I barely quantify all it's done.

That why I say the things I say with such passion and conviction, and why people of like mind gravitate towards me, I'm living my truth regardless of any mockery or jokes.

Again, very informative post.

One more question on the subject before we continue with the rest of the interview. You mentioned that you've witnessed people who didn't take the necessary steps before opening their "3rd eye" and it messed them up for the worst. Can you drop an example of this happening?
Again, very informative post.

One more question on the subject before we continue with the rest of the interview. You mentioned that you've witnessed people who didn't take the necessary steps before opening their "3rd eye" and it messed them up for the worst. Can you drop an example of this happening?

Yea. I belonged to an online group of meditators years ago. One of the guys was dead set on the third eye shit to the exclusion of everything else.

As time went on we could see the fragmenting of the guys speech patterns, just writing in fragments and barely making sense.

Last I heard he became a diagnosed schizo. Hallucinations are another side effect of third eye over stimulation
Lol "very informative post" is code for I don't know what the fuck u talkin bout.

Yea. I belonged to an online group of meditators years ago. One of the guys was dead set on the third eye shit to the exclusion of everything else.

As time went on we could see the fragmenting of the guys speech patterns, just writing in fragments and barely making sense.

Last I heard he became a diagnosed schizo. Hallucinations are another side effect of third eye over stimulation


From my understanding, yall were talkin while she had a nigga and her nigga was cool with it. If I remember correctly she was even trickin and sending u shit.

A couple questions. Why didn't u smash? Where did things go south to the point she was eggin u on for days to expose her?

From my understanding, yall were talkin while she had a nigga and her nigga was cool with it. If I remember correctly she was even trickin and sending u shit.

A couple questions. Why didn't u smash? Where did things go south to the point she was eggin u on for days to expose her?
this is all niggas were waiting on lmao