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ABW Interviews: Zagreus


@Ironman goes low, I'll go high
So being that you were well read and reached maturing at a younger age than most, what were your aspirations in your teens?

Do you still have those aspirations now? If not, what are your current aspirations? What do you do for a living?

I always wanted to be an astronaut or a chemist. That held steady till the end of middle school till i realized just how much I don't enjoy math lol...

I actually do want to learn chemistry still, I have some college level books saved so I study them here and there, but besides that I'm moreso interested in business now.

Primarily i work in admin for my local gov, and on the side I work for a new start up that a friend put me on to that creates miniature satellites that are far more efficient than the ones more people are acquainted with for a fraction of the price
I always wanted to be an astronaut or a chemist. That held steady till the end of middle school till i realized just how much I don't enjoy math lol...

I actually do want to learn chemistry still, I have some college level books saved so I study them here and there, but besides that I'm moreso interested in business now.

Primarily i work in admin for my local gov, and on the side I work for a new start up that a friend put me on to that creates miniature satellites that are far more efficient than the ones more people are acquainted with for a fraction of the price

Are these like the satellites niggas use for their tv? What do people use these satellites for?

Do you have any links to the company website for anybody that's watching who may be interested in purchasing or investing?
Are these like the satellites niggas use for their tv? What do people use these satellites for?

Do you have any links to the company website for anybody that's watching who may be interested in purchasing or investing?

It's for the internet. Basically you can go absolutely anywhere and get reception. Whether it's deep in the mountains or at sea.

Right now we're in still in the alpha phase of development so that aspect isn't done yet, they'e still not sure if we'll be direct to consumers or purely providing for corporate level providers.

We're in talks with some of the biggest satelite internet providers in the United States right now like hughes net.

For those that are serious I'll ask for the go ahead to share what I can privately but I don't really want to meld my internet and real life shit too closely to share this publically lol
It's for the internet. Basically you can go absolutely anywhere and get reception. Whether it's deep in the mountains or at sea.

Right now we're in still in the alpha phase of development so that aspect isn't done yet, they'e still not sure if we'll be direct to consumers or purely providing for corporate level providers.

We're in talks with some of the biggest satelite internet providers in the United States right now like hughes net.

For those that are serious I'll ask for the go ahead to share what I can privately but I don't really want to meld my internet and real life shit too closely to share this publically lol

That's a good look fam. If it's black owned, I'm definitely down to support.

U seem like you've always been a smarty art nigga. I know you're 6'10 and shit, but were you ever picked on in school?

Also, with being a smarty art nigga, did chicks curve you for being a bookworm nigga?
That's a good look fam. If it's black owned, I'm definitely down to support.

U seem like you've always been a smarty art nigga. I know you're 6'10 and shit, but were you ever picked on in school?

Also, with being a smarty art nigga, did chicks curve you for being a bookworm nigga?

Lol.. This guy. I wish I was 6'10. I'm 6'0, I basically didn't have a growth spurt in HS smh...

To be completely honest with u bro... I had a an issue with shyness towards girls i was into up until middle school. Had plenty of lady friends but the girls that I was into would just cause the gears to stop moving lmao

So even when it was obvious I was getting hit on and I was attracted I would either freeze up or just act uninterested. I've never really been one to go out of my way to hit on girls which is why it probbaly seems like im answering your question in a round about way, i let girls come to me for the most part.

I caught flack from surenos in middle school but it was never on no harassment level shit luckily. But like I said being a much bigger dude made it to where most didn't approach especially in HS.
Lol.. This guy. I wish I was 6'10. I'm 6'0, I basically didn't have a growth spurt in HS smh...

To be completely honest with u bro... I had a an issue with shyness towards girls i was into up until middle school. Had plenty of lady friends but the girls that I was into would just cause the gears to stop moving lmao

So even when it was obvious I was getting hit on and I was attracted I would either freeze up or just act uninterested. I've never really been one to go out of my way to hit on girls which is why it probbaly seems like im answering your question in a round about way, i let girls come to me for the most part.

I caught flack from surenos in middle school but it was never on no harassment level shit luckily. But like I said being a much bigger dude made it to where most didn't approach especially in HS.

We'll get back to the subject of women, especially one in particular later in the interview lol

You're often called the magician aka majestic. When did you begin studying chakra and things of that nature?
We'll get back to the subject of women, especially one in particular later in the interview lol

You're often called the magician aka majestic. When did you begin studying chakra and things of that nature?

Back in 2010. At that time I was a couple years fresh from HS, doing research like I always do, when I came across a documentary called zeitgeist.

That movie shook me at a fundamental level, and really made me question everything I had been taught previously.

So from then on I began to read about conspiracies and alternate perceptions of history and stuff like that on abovetopsecret, which had a spiritual section. I was a smug scientific atheist at the time, but due to how much my thought processes were shaken up during the previous couple years I was a lot more opened minded to other religions and thought processes.

I came across a few philsophical websites that tintroduced me to the base level beliefs of a lot of spiritual traditions that I actually agreed with more deeply than I had ever found prior, so I did a couple years of research, started meditating, then looking for teachers of a many old traditions.
Back in 2010. At that time I was a couple years fresh from HS, doing research like I always do, when I came across a documentary called zeitgeist.

That movie shook me at a fundamental level, and really made me question everything I had been taught previously.

So from then on I began to read about conspiracies and alternate perceptions of history and stuff like that on abovetopsecret, which had a spiritual section. I was a smug scientific atheist at the time, but due to how much my thought processes were shaken up during the previous couple years I was a lot more opened minded to other religions and thought processes.

I came across a few philsophical websites that tintroduced me to the base level beliefs of a lot of spiritual traditions that I actually agreed with more deeply than I had ever found prior, so I did a couple years of research, started meditating, then looking for teachers of a many old traditions.

Zeitgeist was the documentary that altered my perception of life also.

What are a few of the beliefs that you once had , but are currently different?

What are some of the books and websites you would recommend to someone who's trying to become more "woke"?
It's for the internet. Basically you can go absolutely anywhere and get reception. Whether it's deep in the mountains or at sea.

Right now we're in still in the alpha phase of development so that aspect isn't done yet, they'e still not sure if we'll be direct to consumers or purely providing for corporate level providers.

We're in talks with some of the biggest satelite internet providers in the United States right now like hughes net.

For those that are serious I'll ask for the go ahead to share what I can privately but I don't really want to meld my internet and real life shit too closely to share this publically lol

There's a somewhat similar tech out there called "small cell". Small cell at this point is in rural areas here in NC and they have a small group of businesses that use the technology. If your homie can swing it right he/you can make a grip if you can the capital and backing.
Zeitgeist was the documentary that altered my perception of life also.

What are a few of the beliefs that you once had , but are currently different?

What are some of the books and websites you would recommend to someone who's trying to become more "woke"?
Haha goat for even knowing about the Zeitgeist documentary
i was trying to get into the satellite game too, my brother in law had all the info... nigga just got cancer, liver failure and died before we could do that shit....
Zeitgeist was the documentary that altered my perception of life also.

What are a few of the beliefs that you once had , but are currently different?

What are some of the books and websites you would recommend to someone who's trying to become more "woke"?

I previously believed scientific inquiry aka reductionist logic was the only way to look at the world that was valid.

That our perception of history in any era was the authorative truth if what happened.

That pharma is the only effective form of medicine and all other should be discounted.

So as you can see I was thoroughly indoctrinated by the end of high school. But what changed for me is that those beliefs stated before were changed ONLY because I had directly experienced different...

I directly experienced the subtle layers of perception of bodily processes that are traditionally relegated to the subconscious, which is basically to say that I can independently feel how my organs are doing and look up things to remedy whatever issue.

I began to read about the kingdom's of the kongo and the ashanti and how the euros were in no shape to colonize so they were forced to divide and conquer, so that's a short example of how history has changed for me from the default white is right and has always been great narrative...

A book I would recommend would be thinking in destiny. It's very dense and hard to follow but isn't widely known and has tons of gems no matter the disposition of the person reading it