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ABW Interviews: WhisperingEye

Aight let's get back serious for a second.

What's the your most fondest memory? And what's your worst memory?
Lol trick question, I have no memory. I smoke too much.

Nah but my favorite memory is bike riding with my dad. It was our Sunday tradition for the longest.

Least favorite would be the death of my bf of 4 years. I never lost anyone that I was intimate with, I still don't know what to do with those feelings.
I'll fight you with all my wakandan strength, bring it!

I summon the strength of the entire unified body of the Nasialite brotherhood

Lets get busy
Lol trick question, I have no memory. I smoke too much.

Nah but my favorite memory is bike riding with my dad. It was our Sunday tradition for the longest.

Least favorite would be the death of my bf of 4 years. I never lost anyone that I was intimate with, I still don't know what to do with those feelings.

Damn, I wouldn't know what to do with em either.

What's your 5 year plan?
My five year plan is to get my psych degree and become a counselor for either inner city youth or the elderly similar to what my mom does.

Aight, I think I asked you everything I can. Is there anything else you wanna say before we complete this segment of the interview?

Yall can ask her w.e yall want to now.
@Whispering Eye do you have any intentions of starting a family of your own? or are you content with your situation in life at the moment?
I don't know if I'm able to have kids tbh. I've never been pregnant. If it happens, it happens. But I have little sisters and nephews so I'm not missing a child's presence in my life.

I like where I'm at right now with things. I look after my mom, brother and granddad. That's enough for now
I seen that video that you're speaking of. People were saying it wasn't her but if it wasn't it damn sure was a doppelgänger.
I seen weeks before some nigga randomly posted it in PPM but niggas didn't think it was her. She was topping some nigga off and some other nigga was dogging her. If she would've never did it was her I would've never thought about the vid
It was a bunch of fuck niggas instigating that shit too.
There's no expiration date on her catching these hands either!

Funny thing about Chucks sloppy vid was that someone sent it to me but like twin said "I stay too high to go low,my nig."
Both of yall effectively shitted on chico
Without even doing too much
Just words from bride and u posting your keys to chuck

I remember it
I seen weeks before some nigga randomly posted it in PPM but niggas didn't think it was her. She was topping some nigga off and some other nigga was dogging her. If she would've never did it was her I would've never thought about the vid
@Cain u talkin bout the vid that was posted in Donkey?