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ABW Interviews: Goldie

Random questions of the interview!
A poster wants to know:

Are you an aye thee yist?

What is your ultimate goal to achieve in life that will make you extremely happy and satisfied, if there is one?

What's your D.O.B.?
Are you an aye thee yist? Nah, I believe in God but I don't believe in Jesus. I guess you can say I'm "spiritual" .

What is your ultimate goal to achieve in life that will make you extremely happy and satisfied, if there is one? Honestly I don't think I'll ever be satisfied. I've said it on here before, but I'm all about legacy, I wanna get to the point to where if I die that day, I would've made a contribution to the world big enough that my name would be in the history books for w.e field I decide to get into.

One of the things I plan on bringing to ABW this year is original content. Hopefully by the end of the year i'll have a podcast or two on here and a cartoon show, similar to the sims clips you can find online.

What's your D.O.B.? Do you want me to tell u before or after I tell u my social security #?
A poster wants to know:

Ask him what was it like growing up mixed. Like did he have problems with certain races and did being mixed have a negative or positive effect on his life.
A poster wants to know:

Ask him what was it like growing up mixed. Like did he have problems with certain races and did being mixed have a negative or positive effect on his life.

Nah, I never had any negative effects from me being mixed. But like I said my area is a melting pot, so it might've been different in another location. But nah, i fit in with everybody for the most part.
Freeforms! Let's talk about freeforms.
You love yours.

What made you decide to go for it?
Did anyone play a part in your decision?
What were the phases like?
Freeforms! Let's talk about freeforms.
You love yours.

What made you decide to go for it?
Did anyone play a part in your decision?
What were the phases like?

It's a combination of reasons. At first I just wanted something different. I always thought about getting dreads but I knew I didn't want the small ass dreads or the ones that look super neat, I wanted the Marley style dreads. At the time I didn't know they were called "freeform". Within the first month or 2 I felt a change within myself as well. I changed my eating habits and started learning more knowledge of self. A new frame of thinking came with the freeforms. I started looking at the world for what it was and realizing how many people are robots and only do things due to social standards and how most are afraid to be different and there's shame that comes with being different. That's when I got on my hippy shit, stopped copping designer clothes and jordans,etc.