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ABW Interviews: AP21

There's been mad questions sent to my inbox, so I'll get to those now.

"Biggest regret in life?"
There's been mad questions sent to my inbox, so I'll get to those now.

"Biggest regret in life?"

biggest? hmmm

i would probably say not pursuing my degree in college. I was so burned out by the time that I graduated, I lost all motivation to go to grad school. Katrina played a huge role in this, but at one point, my mind was made up that I was gonna live in NOLA forever, then after the hurricane came and I moved back home, I lost all motivation and momentum to keep going. NOLA wasnt the same, hell, its still not really the same imo. But all the connects and shit I had were displaced and there werent really a lot of jobs available for people not in construction. So...here we are
biggest? hmmm

i would probably say not pursuing my degree in college. I was so burned out by the time that I graduated, I lost all motivation to go to grad school. Katrina played a huge role in this, but at one point, my mind was made up that I was gonna live in NOLA forever, then after the hurricane came and I moved back home, I lost all motivation and momentum to keep going. NOLA wasnt the same, hell, its still not really the same imo. But all the connects and shit I had were displaced and there werent really a lot of jobs available for people not in construction. So...here we are

Describe how it was being in the middle of Katrina and the aftermath.
Describe how it was being in the middle of Katrina and the aftermath.
Well first, I will say I had it a lot easier than a lot of other folks. Don't feel sorry for me. I had a place to go to, I had a support system that even if I didn't get any federal aid to replace the lil shit I lost, I still would've been ok.

People lost their lives and shit. I didn't lose any friends or anything and my apartment got like 3 feet of water.

But story time...I was working at Walgreens. My supervisor had plugged up a lil TV to track the hurricane. Now, Nola had JUST had a hurricane and it turned out to be a bad rain and everyone just assumed this was gonna be like it because they were calling for evacuations and nothing happened.

So anyway, we watching the TV and my supervisor was like AP,I think you need to go home brah.

So I head back to my apartment, pack a bag thinking I'ma be back Monday ( it was Saturday iirc). My homeboy call me, he stranded at the dorm and need a ride back to BR. I headed to the dorm and that bitch was a ghost town. I swear that nigga had to be the only person there.

Now usually I can make it to BR on 1/4 tank of gas. I pick him up and get on the interstate and that shit is straight out of a movie. Traffic ain't moving at all. I'm sitting there nervous af. Eventually, I pull off and start looking for gas stations. ALL of them had long ass lines. Then signs started to go up saying they were out.

Even the shitty gas stations that sold the 5x white tees were out of gas. FINALLY, I just decided to just sit in line. Felt like an eternity.

Finally got to a pump and filled up. Nigga was nervous because my needle was as low as it hasniggas was starting to fight and shit for cutting into lines. Chicks was cursing people out. It was mad niggerish.

So, we FINALLY get on the interstate. Well, at this time, they started the contraflow plan to evacuate the city. I had never seen cars all going in the same direction on opposite sides of the interstate. To avoid a huge bottleneck on I-10, they diverted traffic on both sides to other parts of that region. This was right before google maps and shit was on phones. We were still using mapquest and shit, but I didnt have none of that. They detoured us somewhere, and I got lost and shit. I love my state, but they got some real bumfuck places out here that im sure still have KKK rallys and shit, so I wasnt trying to get lost like that. Im starting to panick again b/c now my cell phone only got like half a battery and i didnt have a car charger.

Ended up calling my stepdad to ask him where in the hell i was. I was able to point out some landmarks and he knew exactly where i was, so he told me which highways to get on, and what is usually a 50 min drive from NOLA to BR, turned into a 4 hour drive.

Katrina made landfall that monday iirc, and the rest as you know it, is history.
Well first, I will say I had it a lot easier than a lot of other folks. Don't feel sorry for me. I had a place to go to, I had a support system that even if I didn't get any federal aid to replace the lil shit I lost, I still would've been ok.

People lost their lives and shit. I didn't lose any friends or anything and my apartment got like 3 feet of water.

But story time...I was working at Walgreens. My supervisor had plugged up a lil TV to track the hurricane. Now, Nola had JUST had a hurricane and it turned out to be a bad rain and everyone just assumed this was gonna be like it because they were calling for evacuations and nothing happened.

So anyway, we watching the TV and my supervisor was like AP,I think you need to go home brah.

So I head back to my apartment, pack a bag thinking I'ma be back Monday ( it was Saturday iirc). My homeboy call me, he stranded at the dorm and need a ride back to BR. I headed to the dorm and that bitch was a ghost town. I swear that nigga had to be the only person there.

Now usually I can make it to BR on 1/4 tank of gas. I pick him up and get on the interstate and that shit is straight out of a movie. Traffic ain't moving at all. I'm sitting there nervous af. Eventually, I pull off and start looking for gas stations. ALL of them had long ass lines. Then signs started to go up saying they were out.

Even the shitty gas stations that sold the 5x white tees were out of gas. FINALLY, I just decided to just sit in line. Felt like an eternity.

Finally got to a pump and filled up. Nigga was nervous because my needle was as low as it hasniggas was starting to fight and shit for cutting into lines. Chicks was cursing people out. It was mad niggerish.

So, we FINALLY get on the interstate. Well, at this time, they started the contraflow plan to evacuate the city. I had never seen cars all going in the same direction on opposite sides of the interstate. To avoid a huge bottleneck on I-10, they diverted traffic on both sides to other parts of that region. This was right before google maps and shit was on phones. We were still using mapquest and shit, but I didnt have none of that. They detoured us somewhere, and I got lost and shit. I love my state, but they got some real bumfuck places out here that im sure still have KKK rallys and shit, so I wasnt trying to get lost like that. Im starting to panick again b/c now my cell phone only got like half a battery and i didnt have a car charger.

Ended up calling my stepdad to ask him where in the hell i was. I was able to point out some landmarks and he knew exactly where i was, so he told me which highways to get on, and what is usually a 50 min drive from NOLA to BR, turned into a 4 hour drive.

Katrina made landfall that monday iirc, and the rest as you know it, is history.

Damn that was some movie shit.

Next question sent in:

"Ask him has he ever dealt with blatant racism and how did he address it"
Damn that was some movie shit.

Next question sent in:

"Ask him has he ever dealt with blatant racism and how did he address it"

Aight, so i told ya'll that my cousin and my homeboys would always step in when niggas wanted to fight me, well, there was this one time I had to handle something on my own b/c this was when we went to different schools.

I'm not gon try to make it sound all tough, but I was in all kinds of programs and shit in elementary school b/c of my grades. I aint gon say what this one was b/c they got some bitch niggas on here that are used to being at the bottom of the barrel in life and always try to make fun of a nigga who was afforded a lot of things merely b/c he was a good dude and had good grades, but lets just say, I had to do some shit that involved keeping students "in line"...so anyway, this white dude was doing something, I asked him to chill, he called me a nigger and asked me what i was gonna do about it.

So, i had a chappelle skit moment. Like the shit was when Charlie Murphy was talking about when Rick James slapped him.

I had a decision to make. Do i let this slide, or beat the brakes off this dude. I know niggas not gon believe me b/c i expect them not to, but I went with option B and proceeded to give that cac the beats. I aint fuck him up too bad like stomped him out or anything like that, but I asked him what he said and he tried to say he aint say it. I said, nah, i heard, you, i just wanna be sure I heard what i heard so I can make sure you deserve this ass whopping.

He said something like "ni",,BOP...dotted that cac in his face. He fell to the ground, we tussle for a bit. I put him in a rear choke hold, and he apologized.

As an adult tho? nah
I had to do some shit that involved keeping students "in line"

In real life. I always thought this was a joke, but nope!
Aight, so i told ya'll that my cousin and my homeboys would always step in when niggas wanted to fight me, well, there was this one time I had to handle something on my own b/c this was when we went to different schools.

I'm not gon try to make it sound all tough, but I was in all kinds of programs and shit in elementary school b/c of my grades. I aint gon say what this one was b/c they got some bitch niggas on here that are used to being at the bottom of the barrel in life and always try to make fun of a nigga who was afforded a lot of things merely b/c he was a good dude and had good grades, but lets just say, I had to do some shit that involved keeping students "in line"...so anyway, this white dude was doing something, I asked him to chill, he called me a nigger and asked me what i was gonna do about it.

So, i had a chappelle skit moment. Like the shit was when Charlie Murphy was talking about when Rick James slapped him.

I had a decision to make. Do i let this slide, or beat the brakes off this dude. I know niggas not gon believe me b/c i expect them not to, but I went with option B and proceeded to give that cac the beats. I aint fuck him up too bad like stomped him out or anything like that, but I asked him what he said and he tried to say he aint say it. I said, nah, i heard, you, i just wanna be sure I heard what i heard so I can make sure you deserve this ass whopping.

He said something like "ni",,BOP...dotted that cac in his face. He fell to the ground, we tussle for a bit. I put him in a rear choke hold, and he apologized.

As an adult tho? nah

Next question that was sent in:

"If he's willing to talk about divorce, ask him what was the realization point when he truly knew it was over?"
Next question that was sent in:

"If he's willing to talk about divorce, ask him what was the realization point when he truly knew it was over?"

I'm not gon talk too much about it, but the point was when I didnt like going home. I enjoyed being at work or refereeing more. If it wasnt directly involving my daughter, I didnt like being there.
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I'm not gon talk too much about it, but the point was when I didnt like going home. I enjoyed being at work or refereeing more. If it wasnt directly involving my daughter, I didnt like being there.

Next question sent in (from a female poster) : " Worst sex ever? Age, and with whom?"
Next question sent in (from a female poster) : " Worst sex ever? Age, and with whom?"

there were a couple of instances but the one that stands out the most, i think i shared this one before

i was in college, but something told me to fake an illness or something but nah

basically, a chick had been eyeing me for a few semesters. We all ran in some small circles. We were pretty well known around campus and in the dorms, so this chick kept asking my homeboys to hook us up. She would always say i was scared of her "platinum pussy" or whatever the fuck that meant. She wouldn't even hide her flirting. She was mad flagrant with the shit.

So my homeboys gassed me up (this was when them niggas was laughing at me and not with me). My nigga was like, "AP you tripping, i would fuck the hell outta her if I was you"...i found out later this nigga was

4csmjbjx36ms4d5.gif the whole time and shit

So, i was like fuck it...she called me down to her room one weekend her roommate was gone home for the visit. I went down there and that bitch was pitch black except for this small ass tv/dvd combo she had...shit looked like watching a smartphone in the dark from 10ft away.

Anyway, she gets to kissing on me and I was mortified. Her breath smelled like week old leftovers. She kept trying to kiss me in my mouth, but i dodged that shit like Pootie Tang

she reaches over and hands me a condom. So i put it on, and she kept talking ALL this shit about how good she was gone ride me and make me say her name and shit...she gets on top and proceeds to do the worst riding in the history of sex.

Imagine a chick take her sweet time to grip the dick, get you all rocked up, find the hole, insert, then do this

that shit was so bad. She going off moaning and shit and im just looking there with the :foh5:face, like "baby what is you doing"

She came in like 10 secs tho, so i guess that was good??

It was so bad, I ended up faking a nut just to be done.

Everybody in our respective circles knew what went down so it wasnt like i could hide the shit. She was raving to her girls about how good i was, and i was holding my head in shame to my boys.

Them niggas was legit doing this shit

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Wait.... @AP21 youe ex is white? Not that there is anything wrong with that...but you know those old Carlton Banks jokes are beginning to sound more real.

Dread, do you believe the word of a nigga under 6ft tall? I dont
there were a couple of instances but the one that stands out the most, i think i shared this one before

i was in college, but something told me to fake an illness or something but nah

basically, a chick had been eyeing me for a few semesters. We all ran in some small circles. We were pretty well known around campus and in the dorms, so this chick kept asking my homeboys to hook us up. She would always say i was scared of her "platinum pussy" or whatever the fuck that meant. She wouldn't even hide her flirting. She was mad flagrant with the shit.

So my homeboys gassed me up (this was when them niggas was laughing at me and not with me). My nigga was like, "AP you tripping, i would fuck the hell outta her if I was you"...i found out later this nigga was

View attachment 50474 the whole time and shit

So, i was like fuck it...she called me down to her room one weekend her roommate was gone home for the visit. I went down there and that bitch was pitch black except for this small ass tv/dvd combo she had...shit looked like watching a smartphone in the dark from 10ft away.

Anyway, she gets to kissing on me and I was mortified. Her breath smelled like week old leftovers. She kept trying to kiss me in my mouth, but i dodged that shit like Pootie Tang

she reaches over and hands me a condom. So i put it on, and she kept talking ALL this shit about how good she was gone ride me and make me say her name and shit...she gets on top and proceeds to do the worst riding in the history of sex.

Imagine a chick take her sweet time to grip the dick, get you all rocked up, find the hole, insert, then do this

that shit was so bad. She going off moaning and shit and im just looking there with the :foh5:face, like "baby what is you doing"

She came in like 10 secs tho, so i guess that was good??

It was so bad, I ended up faking a nut just to be done.

Everybody in our respective circles knew what went down so it wasnt like i could hide the shit. She was raving to her girls about how good i was, and i was holding my head in shame to my boys.

Them niggas was legit doing this shit

View attachment 50479

Next question sent in: "Does he believe being raised by mostly women , contoured his personality and how he carries himself?"