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COMMUNITY ABW - Hip Hip AOTY Nomination thread

I can ride to Kendrick. However, you can’t base how great an artist is on whether or not you can ride to their music.
No rick ross song is making me dissect anything. He simple with it but it just sound complex. And Kendrick my dude but i dont listen to that many songs off damn.

Ross cant do this tho.

What he said was cool, he had some strong bars in it. He aint take any plays off in it.

But the 3rd verse, where he's running with the bars, wha is he sayin though? But ppl would take that as he killing the song, like dude you're just rambling fast.

Song was cool though, no hate from me, just the last verse, wasn't clear enough from me, maybe i'm slow Lol
Let’s start with DNA since that’s what’s on my radio right now.

It was a cool song, bars was (ok).

For me, I just don't get the hype around him though. It's cool and I'm a fan of dude, day 1 at that, but I aint pushing up there like the masses. just me again
Kendrick is cool, but lyrical wise, he is not even seeing Ross. Lol.

Nah, don't just post a gif

Where's your rebuttal

That man say he ready
This is like comparing bow wow to jay-z lyrically, there's some debates and comparisons that are so ridiculous that you look silly even entertaining it.
This is like comparing bow wow to jay-z lyrically, there's some debates and comparisons that are so ridiculous that you look silly even entertaining it.
I actually think he has a case with this particular example though... Shrugs

I will say, to his credit, he (knock) was one of the first people to tell me about Kendrick to the point where I wanted to fight him because that's all he talked about so,I don't think he just saying shit for shock value.

Take from that what you will