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COMMUNITY ABW Court: WhisperingEye vs Germs Sexual Harassment

I think the trial went down perfectly as is. Germs had the same "limited" time as the other team, he was just quick on his feet and was able to find evidence to make quick rebuttals.

Having a selected jury sounds good but that's an easy out for people to say I picked people I know would choose this team or that team, so I left it to all the posters.
I think the trial went down perfectly as is. Germs had the same "limited" time as the other team, he was just quick on his feet and was able to find evidence to make quick rebuttals.
I disagree here, the burden of proof is heavy b. Denying it, is easy work.
He been shaking since ‘losing’ b

After I got done talkin my shit, I went and played the new destiny raid.

@Goldie Where my bread at tho?
Appreciate it, fam but I don't think @Joshimir Putin would do that to me.

He tried hard and though he won't be compensated for this efforts, they are appreciated.

Yall just gonna keep this creep as ya'll president though... That's the real concern. 10 bucks says this won't be @Germs only trial.
Appreciate it, fam but I don't think @Joshimir Putin would do that to me.

He tried hard and though he won't be compensated for this efforts, they are appreciated.

Yall just gonna keep this creep as ya'll president though... That's the real concern. 10 bucks says this won't be @Germs only trial.
I mean, if another lady wanted him hemmed up I could prove his guilt before noon tomorrow

My RCS and SS game strong, I got evidence for cases on like 4 members that posted in this thread already
Appreciate it, fam but I don't think @Joshimir Putin would do that to me.

He tried hard and though he won't be compensated for this efforts, they are appreciated.

Yall just gonna keep this creep as ya'll president though... That's the real concern. 10 bucks says this won't be @Germs only trial.
Id appreciate if u stop @‘ing me, I might get the impression that u want me to interact with u

Get it


I mean gotta give Germs his props for how he repped himself. I don't think anyone expected him to do the kinda job he did.
Taking this into consideration it's only fair that this be ruled a mistrial, and be rescheduled for a later date.

Also, why didn't you vote? Did that little sprinkle of snow yall got today ruin your internet sebastian?

I was instructed to sit this one out

Plus, this would've given people who don't normally participate in other threads the opportunity to do so

I told y'all he was guilty

And I'm pissed af that in 15 pages, not a single person posted the 50 that nigga did that shit gif.

SMH abw
I think the trial went down perfectly as is. Germs had the same "limited" time as the other team, he was just quick on his feet and was able to find evidence to make quick rebuttals.

Having a selected jury sounds good but that's an easy out for people to say I picked people I know would choose this team or that team, so I left it to all the posters.
It worked this time

I'm saying, if the burden is goin to be on the accuser, that's gotta take a day or two to compile evidence and the same time allotted to the defense.
Chicity didn't want to vote guilty but whispering eye lured him with breasts

Josh was the prosecutor so he had no choice

All the other votes was from women who seem to stick together
Chicity didn't want to vote guilty but whispering eye lured him with breasts

Josh was the prosecutor so he had no choice

All the other votes was from women who seem to stick together

My titties are big but they ain't magical, jo. I think Chi knew he wasn't being objective due to his blinding hatred of Josh.

Josh believed in the cause. He's down for women's rights.

And the other women voted how they wanted.
I figured @Azlyn would say he was at the least kinda guilty and voted that way

Which ever way Az sways her hips, I move ;)
I figured @Azlyn would say he was at the least kinda guilty and voted that way

Which ever way Az sways her hips, I move ;)
She would tell u herself I’m nothing but a gentleman, in fact..she curved me, harshly..in an emotional thread about my mother


And still the respect there