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COMMUNITY ABW Court: WhisperingEye vs Germs Sexual Harassment

Lol I can knock that case out in 5 mins, but seeing what transpired earlier, I'll give you the few days you need to create a compelling case.
Man looka here...I don't even want Josh rollin wit me to TRAFFIC COURT!

I go in for 75 dolla ticket...get locked up and charged wit 3 felony counts of hit & run and wreckless driving. All cuz that nigga wanted to speak on my behalf. Lol
Du's gonna rip your defense to shreds

I want my compensation in bitcoin

Let's go

Music To Read The Intro To

Today in ABW Court, @Whispering Eye from the Chi, has accused @Germs from ... I'm sure somewhere in the souf, of sexually harassing her.

We're going to get to the bottom of these claims.

The plantiff WhisperingEye will be represented by @Joshimir Putin.

The defendant Germs has decided to wave counsel and defend himsef.

Any opening arguments?​

Lmfaoooo I couldnā€™t click the video at the time. I read the post to the video!

Yā€™all niggas is funny.
Mars partner in crime rime took the deal and let Mars walk

He owes her
aight...inbox me with the details of the case so we can prepare our opening statement