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ABW Court: THOR vs Chicity

Your honor allow me to break down this travesty of a case

Your Honor

The case of Thor vs @Chicity is not one if robbery but a misused power.

While the case is unprecedented, Mods should not.......

As you can see, the plaintiff case is entirely hinged on what should/shouldn’t be allowed. That in and of its self is a trial of its own. In this case we are looking at what is and isn’t. It isn’t against the rules for members to give members money. It isn’t against the rules for mods to give members money. Regardless of what the money is used for

The plaintiff is trying to introduce a new rule AND railroad me and that SHOULDN’T be allowed. Not on your watch. I fully admit to giving a member money to carry about a ban of their choosing because it has never been frowned up on before. Since learning of the...precariousness of my position I have since sworn off giving money out for nefarious reasons. That’s the best I can do.

He shouldn’t be giving an compensation for being banned. He should instead try to get a very good rule in place so that the next mod knows better. I’ll help invest financially in this change because I believe in his cause.

But that nigga gentleman being greedy
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Your honor allow me to break down this travesty of a case

As you can see, the plaintiff case is entirely hinged on what should/shouldn’t be allowed. That in and of its self is a trial of its own. In this case we are looking at what is and isn’t. It isn’t against the rules for members to give members money. It isn’t against the rules for mods to give members money. Regardless of what the money is used for

The plaintiff is trying to introduce a new rule AND railroad me and that SHOULDN’T be allowed. Not on your watch. I fully admit to giving a member money to carry about a ban of their choosing because it has never been frowned up on before. Since learning of the...precariousness of my position I have since sworn off giving money out for nefarious reasons. That’s the best I can do.

He shouldn’t be giving an compensation for being banned. He should instead try to get a very good rule in place so that the next mod knows better. I’ll help invest financially in this change because I believe in his cause.

But that nigga being greedy
Don’t say nigga in court.
Your Honor

The case of Thor vs @Chicity is not one if robbery but a misused power.

While the case is unprecedented, Mods should not be able give out money knowing a ban will result of it.

If a poster get money from a mod not knowing what it was far the mod holds no responsibility for the use of the funds.

If a friend loans another friend some money and the funds are used to commit a murder the friend would not be responsible. He might feel bad but no charges.

If that same friend gives a friend money after he tells him he needs it to buy equipment to blow up a plane the friend will be on trial also.

Mods giving money knowing it would be used in ban sets a bad example and a gross misuse of power.


In your example both murder of a friend and blowing up a plane are against the law, banning a poster is not only legal but an action that can be purchased in our very store.

Your argument is based around feelings because you FEEL it was wrong for my client to do, but was it illegal? Not at all.

Until you can show me what rule my client broke, this case should be dismissed and my client is owed an apology.
Your honor allow me to break down this travesty of a case

As you can see, the plaintiff case is entirely hinged on what should/shouldn’t be allowed. That in and of its self is a trial of its own. In this case we are looking at what is and isn’t. It isn’t against the rules for members to give members money. It isn’t against the rules for mods to give members money. Regardless of what the money is used for

The plaintiff is trying to introduce a new rule AND railroad me and that SHOULDN’T be allowed. Not on your watch. I fully admit to giving a member money to carry about a ban of their choosing because it has never been frowned up on before. Since learning of the...precariousness of my position I have since sworn off giving money out for nefarious reasons. That’s the best I can do.

He shouldn’t be giving an compensation for being banned. He should instead try to get a very good rule in place so that the next mod knows better. I’ll help invest financially in this change because I believe in his cause.

But that nigga being greedy

Your Honorable

Rules are forever changing. And when atrocities are committed dues have to be paid.

It’s not illegal to be a racist but they pay for being one when caugh red handed. Jobs are lost and sponsors leave.
In your example both murder of a friend and blowing up a plane are against the law, banning a poster is not only legal but an action that can be purchased in our very store.

Your argument is based around feelings because you FEEL it was wrong for my client to do, but was it illegal? Not at all.

Until you can show me what rule my client broke, this case should be dismissed and my client is owed an apology.
@Thor you still willing to settled out of court for 20M?


My bad. Judge Kandy had a rough day, today. I’m just regaining my full vision back.

@Goldie rebuttal?

If not we can start deliberating.