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ABW Court: THOR vs Chicity

Just dismiss the case. Nothing can be proven and I'm ready to put this young sissy back on ignore.

Sorry I'm late your honor, here's my exhibit A.... the abw rulebook


Where does it say mods can't give money to posters for robberies?
@Thor let me know if you need me to take the stand. I just need Witness Protection, 20Ms, and a 3piece w/ 2 sides from Popeyes..... Oh and a large sweet tea , I don’t ask for much
@Thor whenever you have time. Answer this.

Your Honor

The case of Thor vs @Chicity is not one if robbery but a misused power.

While the case is unprecedented, Mods should not be able give out money knowing a ban will result of it.

If a poster get money from a mod not knowing what it was far the mod holds no responsibility for the use of the funds.

If a friend loans another friend some money and the funds are used to commit a murder the friend would not be responsible. He might feel bad but no charges.

If that same friend gives a friend money after he tells him he needs it to buy equipment to blow up a plane the friend will be on trial also.

Mods giving money knowing it would be used in ban sets a bad example and a gross misuse of power.

I gotta start being my own lawyer

My niggas always leave me high and dry, pause