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ABW Court: Should Lucien Remain Banned?

What Should Be Lucien's Verdict?

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It has nothing to do with race...if a white person in the public eye talked shit about homos they will get jumped on..look at what happened to Tyson Fury after he won the heavyweight title dude was banned from boxing for 3 years...if you read up on it you will probably read some bullshit about a failed drugs test but the truth is it was all about his words insulting gays.
This case has to do with race. Where you been?
*stands up in courtroom*




This case has to do with race. Where you been?

But the bigger issue is freedom of speech...there was a time when I would get angry over words shit YOU made me mad yesterday when you disrespected the legendary Big L but I just took a breath and let it go...wanna know why? because you are free to state your views and I respect that no matter how much I disagree.
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As a black woman, I cannot come into your white household and tell you how to make your casserole with raisins if I never did the shit before.
Freedom of speech is not just an American thing.. it is worldwide and our god given right to speak our own truths, the only problem is that there is now a war going on to kill freedom of speech and turn everybody into robots who all think and speak the same, like a production line full of mindless zombies and anybody who dares to be different will be attacked...or in this case banned...you might not like what my client had to say but god damn it that is his right to say whatever the fuck he wants to say! if it upsets people then that is their problem and they should look into toughening the fu*k up!

Freedom of speech is not a worldwide thing. There are parts of the world where you can’t speak your mind and if you do you get jailed or killed. Your client is/was free to speak his mind but the mods have the right to ban you if your views and actions are a detriment to the site, and you’d have a better argument if EVERYONE was in disagreement with his banning, but his views were deemed detrimental enough that it warranted his banning. There are consequences for said freedom of speech, it doesn’t shield you from punishment, see Roseanne.
Freedom of speech?

That mother fucker is canadian, they lock each other up over scathing twitter post and text messages.

He is use to being charged for thought crimes, aint shit new to him.

Also freedom of speech is not without consequence.
It was “fuck that bitch” when Roseanne said some fucked up shit but now it’s...

“Biggie give me one mo chance” when it comes to Lucien.
Freedom of speech is not a worldwide thing. There are parts of the world where you can’t speak your mind and if you do you get jailed or killed. Your client is/was free to speak his mind but the mods have the right to ban you if your views and actions are a detriment to the site, and you’d have a better argument if EVERYONE was in disagreement with his banning, but his views were deemed detrimental enough that it warranted his banning. There are consequences for said freedom of speech, it doesn’t shield you from punishment, see Roseanne.

@Preach2Teach its on you. U can call your first witness up.
Yall know he punishing all black folks for not accepting him during middle school and high school right?

Wasnt black enough to hang with the hoodlums.

Wasnt white enough to hang with the whites.

So he wound up stuck with the kids that ate glue, sniffed markers and ate their scabs.

Textbook Arrested Development.
So y’all really in here trying this man for speaking on people’s race but y’all doing the same shit speaking on Canadians and what you believe them to be or what their life is like...
Like y’all said if you don’t know you shouldn’t speak on it if you wanna get technical. Js

Yet I see nobody speaking on it!

Funny asf...