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ABW Court: Should Lucien Remain Banned?

What Should Be Lucien's Verdict?

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Man look...homie was fine in his position and discourse on the subject of “can blacks be racist” I disagreed with his position but I was perfectly ok with his stance and even respected the fact that he felt strongly enough to defend.

I only asked if he was white cause It would help me understand his position better...because most of the time...its whites who take that position.

Only when he made that statement...is when he violated. That one statement was full of arrogance and entitlement that only a white person can display. It was totally uncalled for and directed at black people specifically in such a condescending matter.

And again...if you cant see the problem of that type of rhetoric being acceptable on A BLACK WEB

Then there is a bigger issue at hand than just feelings of unwarrented bannings and problems with moderators
First of all “freedom of speech” doesn’t apply to your client because he’s Canadian, and second of all, even if you say he has “freedom of speech”, there are consequences for saying things out of pocket. Roseann Barr recently made disparaging comments and was subsequently fired from her show. She was well within her rights to use her freedom of speech and her employer, who is a private company had the right to fire anyone for conduct that violates company policy.

Freedom of speech is not just an American thing.. it is worldwide and our god given right to speak our own truths, the only problem is that there is now a war going on to kill freedom of speech and turn everybody into robots who all think and speak the same, like a production line full of mindless zombies and anybody who dares to be different will be attacked...or in this case banned...you might not like what my client had to say but god damn it that is his right to say whatever the fuck he wants to say! if it upsets people then that is their problem and they should look into toughening the fu*k up!

Man look...homie was fine in his position and discourse on the subject of “can blacks be racist” I disagreed with his position but I was perfectly ok with his stance and even respected the fact that he felt strongly enough to defend.

I only asked if he was white cause It would help me understand his position better...because most of the time...its whites who take that position.

Only when he made that statement...is when he violated. That one statement was full of arrogance and entitlement that only a white person can display. It was totally uncalled for and directed at black people specifically in such a condescending matter.

And again...if you cant see the problem of that type of rhetoric being acceptable on A BLACK WEB

Then there is a bigger issue at hand than just feelings of unwarrented bannings and problems with moderators
Talk that shit BDPac!!
Man look...homie was fine in his position and discourse on the subject of “can blacks be racist” I disagreed with his position but I was perfectly ok with his stance and even respected the fact that he felt strongly enough to defend.

I only asked if he was white cause It would help me understand his position better...because most of the time...its whites who take that position.

Only when he made that statement...is when he violated. That one statement was full of arrogance and entitlement that only a white person can display. It was totally uncalled for.

And again...if you cant see the problem of that type of rhetoric being acceptable on A BLACK WEB

Then there is a bigger issue at hand than just feeling of unwarrented bannings and problems with moderators

So you got offended and in your feelings over words but in that other thread you said people shouldn't do that.

Is it ok for people on this site to call the white members honky's or cacs.

@Goldie I think the ABW need sensitivity training
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Freedom of speech is not just an American thing.. it is worldwide and our god given right to speak our own truths, the only problem is that there is now a war going on to kill freedom of speech and turn everybody into robots who all think and speak the same, like a production line full of mindless zombies and anybody who dares to be different will be attacked...or in this case banned...you might not like what my client had to say but god damn it that is his right to say whatever the fuck he wants to say! if it upsets people then that is their problem and they should look into toughening the fu*k up!

But you white tho.
Freedom of speech is not just an American thing.. it is worldwide and our god given right to speak our own truths, the only problem is that there is now a war going on to kill freedom of speech and turn everybody into robots who all think and speak the same, like a production line full of mindless zombies and anybody who dares to be different will be attacked...or in this case banned...you might not like what my client had to say but god damn it that is his right to say whatever the fuck he wants to say! if it upsets people then that is their problem and they should look into toughening the fu*k up!


It's on you @5th Letter
Man look...homie was fine in his position and discourse on the subject of “can blacks be racist” I disagreed with his position but I was perfectly ok with his stance and even respected the fact that he felt strongly enough to defend.

I only asked if he was white cause It would help me understand his position better...because most of the time...its whites who take that position.

Only when he made that statement...is when he violated. That one statement was full of arrogance and entitlement that only a white person can display. It was totally uncalled for and directed at black people specifically in such a condescending matter.

And again...if you cant see the problem of that type of rhetoric being acceptable on A BLACK WEB

Then there is a bigger issue at hand than just feelings of unwarrented bannings and problems with moderators
Do you think banning him from that thread/topic was a viable option?
So you got offended and in your feelings over words but in that other thread you said people shouldn't do that.

Is it ok for people on this site to call the white members honky's or cacs.

@Goldie I think the ABW need sensitivity training

Says the guy who insulted a dead child because of feelings on the internet.

Do you think banning him from that thread/topic was a viable option?

Naw. Sit him down from the whole site. Let him know that wont be tolerated. This is a BLACK space. WE set the rules, parameters and codes of conduct. And...




Naw. Sit him down from the whole site. Let him know that wont be tolerated. This is a BLACK space. WE set the rules, parameters and codes of conduct. And...




Isn't removing him from that topic setting the parameter?
And you need to shut up because you talking all that freedom of speech shit. That shit works well with you white people. Black folks got the right to speak freely, but it’s always an issue. Then here come white folks tryna regulate.

I often wondered if Kap was white would it be all this hoorah!

It has nothing to do with race...if a white person in the public eye talked shit about homos they will get jumped on..look at what happened to Tyson Fury after he won the heavyweight title dude was banned from boxing for 3 years...if you read up on it you will probably read some bullshit about a failed drugs test but the truth is it was all about his words insulting gays.