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ABW Court: Should Lucien Remain Banned?

What Should Be Lucien's Verdict?

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I just wanna say this though.

As a black person, I ask that if you are non black, respect the fact that some people don’t wanna hear what someone who is nonblack has to say on a topic dealing with black issues OR don’t pick and choose when you wanna be an advocate.

If you are here vouching for what’s going on in this thread and still feel the need to put your two cents in and you’re nonblack, I wanna see that same energy when discussing how to make BLACK communities better. What BLACK people can do to build, so on and so forth.

Going hard af but I don’t see it happening in any other thread dealing with black issues.
Goated but uh

Let us have open dialogue so we can at least know when others think we're coming off ignorant

The mfs that wanna be ignorant wont learn from it but those thats genuine might
According to you blacks can be racist. I feel like what you said is racist just now.

What are we gonna do about this?


I'm not racist so you feel it is but its actually just an insensitive comment.

Like I don't fuck with fat bitches but still cool with them.

I'm not racist so you feel it is but its actually just an insensitive comment.

Like I don't fuck with fat bitches but still cool with them.
That’s sizeism and quite frankly I do not like it. I’m offended.
If we gonna be all the way 100.

That wasnt even an anti-black statement.

Insensitive? Possibly

Anit-black? Nah

So...we are discussing specifically “Can BLACKS be racist?”

So it is centered around BLACK people.

So when he said what he said

“Maybe you(Blacks) should have done a better job of defending yourselves(Blacks).”

Speaking directly to black folks...how can that be interpreted other than anti black?

Like I said...I was cool with homie position in that debate...however he overstepped with that post...point blank.
Latinos have no power here and we definitely don’t feel superior so does that mean I can’t be racist either?

Or is it a double standard?
I am sorry and I will refrain from using that type of language and work on being more accepting of others on the plus size of things.

Yours Truly, Dwayne.
Why can’t the nonblacks be this damn respectful.

See how simple that is. They rather argue with ya.
So...we are discussing specifically “Can BLACKS be racist?”

So it is centered around BLACK people.

So when he said what he said

“Maybe you(Blacks) should have done a better job of defending yourselves(Blacks).”

Speaking directly to black folks...how can that be interpreted other than anti black?

Like I said...I was cool with homie position in that debate...however he overstepped with that post...point blank.

According to some on ABW the only way that someone can be racist in any way is if he felt superior over blacks...

Or so I was told...
I just wanna say this though.

As a black person, I ask that if you are non black, respect the fact that some people don’t wanna hear what someone who is nonblack has to say on a topic dealing with black issues OR don’t pick and choose when you wanna be an advocate.

If you are here vouching for what’s going on in this thread and still feel the need to put your two cents in and you’re nonblack, I wanna see that same energy when discussing how to make BLACK communities better. What BLACK people can do to build, so on and so forth.

Going hard af but I don’t see it happening in any other thread dealing with black issues.

o ok

This is repetitive. Granted, I'm fueling a fire. This is the same attitude that squashed Black Wall Street. A young boy, with a strong entrepreneurial spiritual, that white culture usually applauds, is having that flame stomped. This is not a huge disaster, but it's another data point which shows how white folks are keeping African Americans down.

Sometimes, the most subtle acts of racism are the strongest evidence for the larger, more oppressive system of checks and balances within which racism functions and flourishes.

I'm pasty af. If it was me mowing, I know no police would have been called, so this story resonates with me.

Just caught this on Reddit. His story is blowing up. Beautifully photorealistic

I have a history paper coming up. Requirements are that it be centered around an American cultural artifact between the years 1900 and 2000. I chose techno music and want to focus on it's origins, the Belleville three, and the role of Black artists in the development of digital music. Expanding from that, I want to tie in the lack of discussion concerning the importance of these contributions from Black musicians as another example of a trend where history fails to acknowledge and outright neglects the significance of Black creations until way after the fact. Black history month just came and went, yet I heard nothing of the Belleville three outside of my own exploration for this paper. However, the White power structure will conveniently beat us over the head with odes to Blues and Jazz musicians in their patronizing efforts to try and ameliorate their past transgressions and ignorance. These genres are quite distant in their relevance, though. This is the crux of my thesis: Techno's importance, and the role Black Americans had in shaping it and also shaping the current digital music paradigm, goes unrecognized because of its current relevance.

There's a lot of evidence of this slow reaction trend, from drugs to environmentalism, that I will also introduce to support that thesis. But I need some good sources and I know some of you are into the techno scene or used to be so I figure this is a good place to check.