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COMMUNITY ABW Court: OhMars and Nkechi Vs Racial Slander

Is Ohmars Guilty?

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this man may have to be removed from the court room.

how can a man concentrate with these constant outburst.

it's inexcusable,

amd ultimate just unprofessional.......I don't' see how we can move forward until something is done.

the prosecution already pleaded guilty. reuses to show her face in court. I don't understand why this case hasn't been stopped dead in its tracks.
This does not make any sense... at all
The State intends to prove @OhMars knowingly bypassed @Nkechi beliefs of being of a mixed heritage and continued to call her racial epithets, regarded her as 'pretending to be black', and lastly created the illusion that she was a jewish woman pretending to be black

Thus concludes my opening statment

@King Du, go

ladies and gentlemen of the jury....

I have a question for you....

when you look at the bottom of my post...what do you see?

i'll help you...

you see cosign,
you see no sign,
you see ether,

and my personal favorite....feelings...

now don't take my word for it... check for yourself...

i'll wait...

but while you check....make sure you let me know where the..."accountability" button is.......let me know where "skepticism" reaction is....

ii'll save you the time....there is none...and that's nobodies problem.....you can't expect a forum to have a "accountability" button...you leave that to the members, the community...

if someone needs to be held accountable, if someone says something and you're skeptical of it's truth..

ladies and gentlemen of the jury... if someone posts something you aren't sure that it's true... it's the responsibility of you,......the members of ABW....

you sir,

ou mama, you with the glasses,

you with the nice blouse,

you with the family at home

you with the job that has a little down time....

it's a community responsibility.

We question, we inquire, we interrogate, we insepct, we investigate...

it's our right.....

my client was just expressing his right...


and only you can stop them....don't let right be taken from our posters... tomorrow it could be you....

and guess what???

i'll be your corner as well..

cuz defending rights is what i thought the integrity of this courtroom was all about

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Charges were brought against Mars and Supes by the State for mutual racial combat after police were called to the home. Both had/have the opportunity to prove their innocence. Supes decided to plead out. While the case could have been dropped, the State has chosen to continue with the trial of OhMars

What was Plaintiff (Mars) vs Defendant (Supes), is now the State (Mod) vs Defendant (Mars) *Represented by Du Chiles)

Hopefully this clears up any confusion
The State calls to the stand @Sam Crooke as he has first hand knowledge of the Defendant continuous dismissal of Supe's mixed heritage
This sounds coached

nigga you made a thread

who tell you to make a thread?

i didn't tell you to make a thread.

did the maestro tell you to make a thread? of course not he's not here.

do you know what a thread does???