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COMMUNITY A Running List of Things Straight Men Can't and Shouldn't Do Because It Will Make Us Gay

sitting next to a nigga at the movies....

Waving thought shalt not wave .. you can put your hand up in acknowledgement but waving is gay as fuck


oh oh when walking your arms shouldnt swing dangledly.. you only have an appropriate amount of degrees for your arms to swing whilst walking
Spotting Niggaz on the bench is super wild homo.

Fuck I look like standing over a nigga.. Balls all in his face while he grunting and straining?

Sneezing is gay.

So are hiccups.

Fuck a grown man look like getting hiccups
cs my sneezes sound like dogs barking everyone tell me...

You cot damn right cuz i aint gay

if you dont got enough bass hold that shit in and have a heart attack like a real nigga
cutting your sandwich in half.. if i get a sub

and they raise the knife to cut your sandwich in half the appropriate response is

Real talk. Left overs gay ass all monkey shit.

Fuck a real man look like leaving food on the plate??