Clown shit
Clown shit
I don't think he was ever an allie.White dude went to a church and murdered a bunch of black people, he got arrested alive, he’s still alive, didn’t get the death penalty. That combined with other shit from the year had block people say Black Lives Matter, other people in this same country said all lives matter.
Disingenuous “allies” like Rapport always show themselves eventually. If they actually understood, they understand. But they dick rided black people cause it made them seem cool. Once they stop caring about being cool..
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They never are..I don't think he was ever an allie.
Would y’all watch a show about a job recruitment agency, that has a reputation for being out of the box?
Meaning that they align people with the jobs that are best for them given their evaluation and not primarily what’s on the resume.
So it leads to job seekers having a lot of quirky, eye opening, and emotionally moments.
The premise opens up so much that you can do with so many different actors and locations
Can I have it then?I hate walking this dog
[B]It’s a magnet for white women[/B]
Clown shit