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Damn. Having a B day meal at bojangles at the age of 35 gotta be rough. I hope they at least gave you the fresh biscuit and chicken.

Or at least go to a place that will at least give you a free desert if it is your B day.
Imagine telling the people at bojangles that it's your B day and they just tell you "so".

i was heading home and stopped on way in you assholes

For those who are currently beefin wit another poster...is it TRULY on site if yall were to see each other in public?

Like how would you even approach that poster, and what would you say?
I'm sleepy af. Been trying to occupy myself to keep from dozing off at work.

This is where a side chick comes in handy.
When I was young and I was like that. It was cause I felt alone, and I felt that so little people cared about me or how I felt.

That when I was around people willing to hear my opinions, it was like when some lonely people take hot showers to feel warmth similar to affection. It gave me what I was missing and I got so overwhelmed with the feeling that I’d argue for the sake of communication that I never get elsewhere.

And I did it around some people more than others, it was because out of everyone, I felt that they cared about me enough to not want to hurt my feelings. So I became more combative because that was my idea of friendship.

But that was me…can’t say why anyone else does it.

I basically agree with you and @IP360

I was having a conversation with 3 of my lovely lady co-workers….I always bring up relationship topics and I enjoy challenging their views on things.

I asked in relationships who do they believe are more prone to starting arguments…..men or women. I told them women tend to argue more

They were hesitant at first but they pretty much agreed with me that women tend to start arguments more than men do. I told them it’s a way for them to sort out and deal with repressed emotions.

One of them said that they had a male who was like that and wondered why…..I pretty much told her it’s because he’s a nigga who can’t sort out his own emotions and needs to impose them on others. A lot of men like that also tend to have abandonment issues and fear being rejected. So they ironically have a need to always feel as if they are the ones correcting or antagonizing others…which puts them in a loop

There’s also a difference between arguing and debating..

Debating is exchanging ideas to see which one best fits a solution….arguing is based on emotional appeals and opinions and being offended because of such
Following the leader without question, hide what you think or feel or be a sheep has ended in terrible results as well.
And I would argue that individualism at its current stage is more detrimental.

the current state of it has made folks more dependent on others

which is crazy
What’s it’s current state?

individualism in its current state is against the family structure and the aspect of doing what’s best for the community and not the person

it also have folks walking around and believing they could be whatever they feel.

basically “Let them cook” culture and individualism gon hand and hand and it’s not a good thing in its current form IMO.
individualism in its current state is against the family structure and the aspect of doing what’s best for the community and not the person

it also have folks walking around and believing they could be whatever they feel.

basically “Let them cook” culture and individualism gon hand and hand and it’s not a good thing in its current form IMO.

Everybody thinkin' they're a boss. Everybody with a Vistaprint account talmbout they're a CEO. Folks talmbout they're a "high value man/woman"...

Yeah, that whole shit can gtfoh.
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