Eh, it’s Yuengling and Hershey so I’d probably pass. Big names in beer usually turn me off, even though I love a chocolate porter or stout.
Try this if you like chocolate stouts:
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Any of yall tried sours before? Buddy has been brewing them and bought a few from the store and let me try a couple. Shit is pretty bomb. Takes like 2 years to fully brew though.
Wicked Weed is one of it not my favorite brewery in NC. My favorite beer from any NC brewery is the French Toast Stout
I saw this but was worried it might be too sweet. Might give it a shot though cause I love stouts.
I’m familiar with them and have had the Pernicious and Hazy IPAs which were really good.It's a pretty good beer. They even have a bourbon barrel one.
It's a pretty cool brewery that does some decent different types of beers.
I’m familiar with them and have had the Pernicious and Hazy IPAs which were really good.
I hadn’t had theirs, but bourbon barrel beers are goat. They just give me heartburn like a mutha.
Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale is probably the best one I’ve had. About 8% alcohol but none of the boozy taste.I like some barrel aged beers but a decent amount taste a bit too boozy for me.
Any of yall tried sours before? Buddy has been brewing them and bought a few from the store and let me try a couple. Shit is pretty bomb. Takes like 2 years to fully brew though.
If you’re talking nationally available domestic, maybe Sam Adams is the best, but I’m doubtful. Almost any local or regional craft brew beats the breaks off of Sam Adams. I don’t think I’ve had a great Sam Adams. And Budweiser is trash.Here's what you need to know;
1. Domestic beers have a twist-off cap. Imported beers require a bottle opener. Some people can open a beer bottle with their teeth, I used to do that but I stopped because I'm not trying to lose a tooth over a bottle of beer. Also, there's people that don't know that all domestic beers are twist off, so they use their teeth to open a bottle that they could have just twisted with their hands. Those people don't understand how dumb they look.
2. As far as domestic beers, Budweiser is the standard by which all other domestic beers are judged. If you want to be a beer snob, Sam Adams is probably the best domestic beer.
3. Imported beers aren't necessarily better, they're just more expensive because they're imported. Anything imported has a tariff (cars, appliances, beer, etc.) So a 6-pack of Heineken might be $8.99 whereas a 6-pack of Budweiser might be $6.99. It doesn't mean the Heineken is "better" per se, it just means it's imported and that's why it's more expensive.
4. Beer on tap tastes better than beer out of a bottle or a can. I never thought about it but somebody explained it to me; the liquid flows through your mouth smoother when you drink out of a cup.
5. When you're doing shots, inhale before you take the shot, then take it, then exhale. If you inhale before you take it you won't make that face that people make when they're doing shots.