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2022 NBA Offseason Thread

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I hope Mitchell goes to the Knicks

Me 2. I been saying this.

No way is DM gonna win us a ring. But you need to have in demand talent on your team to make championship moves.

So for now, Knicks just need to stockpile talent. And then eventually they can figure out fit, and trade even DM when a superstar gets disgruntled.

Kind of how the Pels are doing. Maybe Zion, Ingram, and Mccolum work out, but if they dont, you can trade Ingram or Mccolum for a piece that does. As long as you have that pieces, you can make trades for other pieces.

Thats how im looking at this whole shit.
Or not at all depending lol can the Suns handle KD contract? They clearly can't with Ayton nor should they with the bad blood there.
I just mean that this is gonna determine if the suns are gonna be in the running this off season for Durant

So the offer sheet thing is a step in the right direction to get transactions going a bit again
I just mean that this is gonna determine if the suns are gonna be in the running this off season for Durant

So the offer sheet thing is a step in the right direction to get transactions going a bit again
Understood and agreed been a stalemate the whole offseason so far lol. Personally I don't think they can but hey we've seen crazy trades happen before.
Finally The Ayton stuff is happening so the KD stuff should move a bit

I hope it works out in our favor for picking up Durant but I honestly don't see him moving anywhere this year and bkn ultimately ending up playing themselves.

Hoping the Raptors pivot and pick up poetl for the low before another team snatches him up.

Turner wouldn't be the worst constellation prize move either depending on what goes the other way.
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