2018 Oscars

So niggas can't even celebrate achieving greatness in their fields without being bashed by other blacks? I swear being black is rough. You can't do shit without catching hell from someone.

Relax fam, don't go full blown tariq nasheed. I just think it's weird that a guy who makes movies against the white establishment, feels so honored to be rewarded by them. U consider it "achieving greatness", I don't.
So my girl turns on the Oscars last night and the first thing I see is a grown ass black man dressed like a fucking mammy doll. Why is this still a thing?


Tha fuck Paperboi out here doin mayne

hopefully Earn aint have shit to do with this
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Relax fam, don't go full blown tariq nasheed. I just think it's weird that a guy who makes movies against the white establishment, feels so honored to be rewarded by them. U consider it "achieving greatness", I don't.

I feel the same about all those awards, all the complaints of Oscars So White and now they throw some people a little award and people forgot the disrespect like everything all good. The same with the Grammy's where black awards aren't even shown but these people happy they won them.
These black celebrities don't show up to the BET awards where they're needed but wanna show up to these white awards. I don't care about the BET Awards cause it seems like they don't care.

I would agree with that and stiill kind've do, but niggas done sold that shit to the white establishment too.
Relax fam, don't go full blown tariq nasheed. I just think it's weird that a guy who makes movies against the white establishment, feels so honored to be rewarded by them. U consider it "achieving greatness", I don't.

People get happy about being honored in whatever industry they're in. The man has worked his whole like making movies and finally got the recognition he felt like he deserved. We going to knock him for being happy about that? I don't care about award shows, so it's not about me thinking its achieving greatness. I'm just point out that this particular award is considered the pinnacle achievement of his field, and it's not that crazy that he'd be happy about getting that achievement.
People get happy about being honored in whatever industry they're in. The man has worked his whole like making movies and finally got the recognition he felt like he deserved. We going to knock him for being happy about that? I don't care about award shows, so it's not about me thinking its achieving greatness. I'm just point out that this particular award is considered the pinnacle achievement of his field, and it's not that crazy that he'd be happy about getting that achievement.

I don't want no smoke fam, was just speaking my opinion.
It may sound crazy

But I kinda wish we as black folk would do a self imposed segregation of some sort

fuck these white folks and thier approval and opinions man

Im not saying that shit was all peaches back then

but at least when we had our OWN schools, markets, medical professionals etc...we excelled and we truly looked out for us

once desegregation began niggas with the "white man ice is colder" mentality jumped for joy

like for me

Fuck Harvard and Yale

send our best and brightest to Howard and Hampton

all these elite athletes...fuck the PWI's got to HBCU's

you will still make it as a prefessional in whatever career you choose...

I went to AAMU(Alabama A&M) and all my classmates I really fucked with are THRIVING in thier professions

from Engineering, Education, Law, Medicine

hell I went to college with the current and first black LT Governor of Wisconsin

Like lets get back to worrying about us man
It may sound crazy

But I kinda wish we as black folk would do a self imposed segregation of some sort

fuck these white folks and thier approval and opinions man

Im not saying that shit was all peaches back then

but at least when we had our OWN schools, markets, medical professionals etc...we excelled and we truly looked out for us

once desegregation began niggas with the "white man ice is colder" mentality jumped for joy

like for me

Fuck Harvard and Yale

send our best and brightest to Howard and Hampton

all these elite athletes...fuck the PWI's got to HBCU's

you will still make it as a prefessional in whatever career you choose...

I went to AAMU(Alabama A&M) and all my classmates I really fucked with are THRIVING in thier professions

from Engineering, Education, Law, Medicine

hell I went to college with the current and first black LT Governor of Wisconsin

Like lets get back to worrying about us man

Asians up their community, Hispanics are doing the same. I don't know when it comes to us it's like every man for themselves
the issue with spike is that as someone has mentioned, Spike has basically been shitting on the Oscars for overlooking him for decades and now that he finally got one, now he copping pleas
Asians up their community, Hispanics are doing the same. I don't know when it comes to us it's like every man for themselves

Crab in the barrel man.

B/c a lot of us have this mentality that only ONE person can succeed and be at the top. As if there's only one lefylt for us.