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2018 Oscars

Ratings were a disaster. More and more people are getting hip to how self aggrandizing and sanctimonious that entire show is every year.

It becomes a disingenous pity party with a bunch of assholes who benefitted from the established system for years now screaming about equality and fairness. As if they aren't just riding another wave to remain relevant. Transpanrent mothafuckers.

People are having enough of wealthy and immoral people who are only looked at to entertain telling them what their values and principles should be.

White liberal propaganda needs to keep dying a slow death.

Michael Shannon watching his film Shape of Water win the Oscar for best picture on a mute TV at dive bar (Old Town Ale House in Chicago).

He shoulda been nominated for his role.
Only interested in the cinematography nominations .. My dude Deakins finally nabbed one... Long overdue

Good win for Oldman too. One of my favourite actors since Leon
I was about to come in here and ask what yall thought about Spike Lee jumpin for joy for finally getting awarded by massa but then I just saw the paper boy shit

So my girl turns on the Oscars last night and the first thing I see is a grown ass black man dressed like a fucking mammy doll. Why is this still a thing?

I was about to come in here and ask what yall thought about Spike Lee jumpin for joy for finally getting awarded by massa but then I just saw the paper boy shit


So niggas can't even celebrate achieving greatness in their fields without being bashed by other blacks? I swear being black is rough. You can't do shit without catching hell from someone.