2018-2019 NBA Season Thread

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America is the only country in the world that'll get sexy ass cheerleaders dressed in booty tight army clothes and have them shake their ass in honor of veterans. Shits hilarious.
Damn this nigga Melo really gonna end his career running and gunning in China w Jimmer
I legit have no clue who most of the players on the magic are.

And they're killing the Knicks
plus he'll have his jersey retired in Denver.


I mean why though you don't need a backup G?

At least trade him when he is expiring

Id be shocked if he's still on the team pass the deadline, think he ends up getting packaged with a pick and traded for some help on the wing
Id be shocked if he's still on the team pass the deadline, think he ends up getting packaged with a pick and traded for some help on the wing
Eh I mean you have another ball handler and somebody to orchestrate the offense a bit if you have injury and he's another scoring option off the bench. I think you should just get another defender through other means but that's just my opinion
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