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2018-2019 NBA Season Thread

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Great deal for the Knicks based on what I saw

Kept the draft pick, added another young piece..now they can stop playing mudiay

Opened up 2 max slots for the summer....oh shit


It's a good deal for both teams, if the knicks get whatever free agents they are targeting it will be a great deal for them

I forgot about dirk , porzingis aint leaving that's his idol
Fuck it, Ill add to it.

KDs best friend is a Royal Ivey. Royal Ivey is from NY. More importantly, Royal Ivey is an assistant coach for the Knicks and he talks to KD everyday.

Thats how they knew KD is ready to come to NY as long as someone joins him

His agent who is a huge Knicks guy is probably lobbying for it too. If Kyrie signs then they can flip DSJ + Knox/pick for a 3rd Star.
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