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2018-2019 NBA Season Thread

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Draymond must have let the rumors get to him and thinks KD is out of there this summer. Because he can't believe his actions have made KD want to stay now.
I just saw that Draymond was calling KD a bitch.

Man how we go from arguing about making a pass to calling peole bitches? Suspension makes much more sense now.

KD should have swung at dude. Cant be calling grown ass men bitches in a heated argument.
That idiot looked off KD and then pulled that bullshit....I blame the media for gassing that niggas heads....then niggaz saying Draymond can shut down prime Shaq lmao

Gilbert funny as hell. This is why OJ Mayo was gassed up but it was only because dude was 5 years older than everybody else.
You cats are dedicated. I couldn't make myself turn that one on.
LOL, missed most of the game. Looked at the box score and saw Sexton was playing well, so i decided to check out the 4th qtr. Big mistake, Sexton was pretty bad (apart for one nice alley opp he passed to Nance).
Rockets insider posted this not to long ago in regards to Gordon Hayward

"Celtics quietly looking to pull a Blake Griffin.

I dont have many details on this. I just know that the Celtics approached Morey to get a feel. Maybe other insiders can add something here. Celtics smell some blood with the Rockets struggling."
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