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❗️Where Do You Rank Them? @Love (Vol 29)

where does she fall?

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You funny. This is ya'lls life. idgaf about what a bunch of strangers feel about some shit I type on a screen but you do.
Uh the fact that you been going back and forth with me indicates you do care though. And again it's not personal so bark up a diff tree
It ain't no sausage fest around here. Ya'll are all the girls abw needs. And only the niggas that don't fwm seem to have an issue...ole co-signing faceless ass chumps. This is Love's thread. Talk about her.

This is why Lea's top 20
I closed her thread when she asked and goldie opened it back up. Address that with him.

I also told Love her reasons why she ain’t wanna do ain’t have to be approved by nobody. So try again.
now kandy you know...
Uh the fact that you been going back and forth with me indicates you do care though. And again it's not personal so bark up a diff tree
Chile please. That's your lil go to so okay...You made a whole other persons thread about me so who is concerned with whom?:cont:
Chile please. That's your lil go to so okay...You made a whole other persons thread about me so who is concerned with whom?:cont:
Hey man if you fit the example I made to support my view in this thread then hey

I mentioned to kandy ohmars and Du last week as examples and neither caught feelings saying "You just mad they fuck with me!!!"

What else you got?
@Kandy, please take me out so @Beta can feel better...he keeps saying he doesn't care but he has some kind of quota for typing my name or shit. Maybe if I'm out he can move the fuck on.
No that wouldn't change anything because it's not about you

Kandy knows I been complaining every thread damn near so she knows it's not just towards you
Beta trying to hard again smh

Nigga would sell his soul, just to by some attention

CTB gonna scarafice one of his lambs if he don't get back into the top 5

Black Mirror warned us about the Nose Dive but here we are

Beta trying to hard again smh

Nigga would sell his soul, just to by some attention

CTB gonna scarafice one of his lambs if he don't get back into the top 5

Black Mirror warned us about the Nose Dive but here we are

Lol you sell your soul to whatever female gives you attention you slut
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