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“Housing is a right” demystifying buying the block & the immediate housing crisis

You just old and wrong man it’s cool. Keep the sugar out your grits
This is what kills me about America. I think if you went up to most American citizens and went down a list asking what should be profit driven and what should be run based on the benefit of the people, almost everybody would probably come off thinking most things, especially necessities, shouldn't be profit driven. The Republicans have done a good job of turn the word Socialism into a curse word, but I'm betting most Americans would be happier under a more socialized system. A lot of our system really doesn't make sense when you actually think about it.

It's one thing to have private ventures for prime real estate or fancy houses, but we really should have a way to guarantee all citizens basic housing. How can that not be possible in the so-called richest nation on earth?

It's very much possible...now how likely? Not very. And that's because in America everyone thinks they're one great idea from being the next millionaire...and limiting the areas that could be achieved in would be deemed anti American
Able body renters not wanting to work and taking advantage of the loophole, Can we talk about that? Or na?

Is it really people not wanting to work or is it people not wanting to keep being exploited by employers and many saying "fuck that"? There's a difference between the two and that context is important. Trying to paint people with a broad brush on some "them people are lazy" is exactly that pull yourself up by your own bootstraps bullshit that companies and politicians use to keep people dumb enough to not realize they're being exploited.
Is it really people not wanting to work or is it people not wanting to keep being exploited by employers and many saying "fuck that"? There's a difference between the two and that context is important. Trying to paint people with a broad brush on some "them people are lazy" is exactly that pull yourself up by your own bootstraps bullshit that companies and politicians use to keep people dumb enough to not realize they're being exploited.

AKA not wanting to work. For watever reasoning...

Theres is no context needed for exploitation.

The rest is your assumptions.
Everyone should be upset about this. Our wages haven't moved up in years compared to rent that is a joke

I've mentioned it before but actually working for a property management company and seeing what discussions are had when rent prices are raised or lowered its crazy to see.
Is it really people not wanting to work or is it people not wanting to keep being exploited by employers and many saying "fuck that"? There's a difference between the two and that context is important. Trying to paint people with a broad brush on some "them people are lazy" is exactly that pull yourself up by your own bootstraps bullshit that companies and politicians use to keep people dumb enough to not realize they're being exploited.
Well if they say fuck that, then they have to deal with the consequences of that decision. If that means no home, then that’s what it means.

Its ok to want better, but don’t complain when you pulled that trigger before the better comes along.

As much as people don’t want to accept it, you HAVE to live in the reality of the how things are.
Well if they say fuck that, then they have to deal with the consequences of that decision. If that means no home, then that’s what it means.

Its ok to want better, but don’t complain when you pulled that trigger before the better comes along.

As much as people don’t want to accept it, you HAVE to live in the reality of the how things are.

I'm in agreement that despite the circumstances people need to live in the world as it is and not as they hope for it to be. But I also hold space for people who've just reached their wits end of things and can feel like they're at the end of their rope after legit trying to do better but being unable to due to things outside of their control.
Like folks who are immunocompromised I don't expect them at this point to be out trying to get a front facing customer service job that might put their health in danger on a daily basis just for minimum wage that won't even make you enough money for a 1 BR apartment. And this past year and change has shown just how much this country depends on those jobs to keep shit going because despite what many think those are a good portion of the jobs in the US
Like folks who are immunocompromised I don't expect them at this point to be out trying to get a front facing customer service job that might put their health in danger on a daily basis just for minimum wage that won't even make you enough money for a 1 BR apartment. And this past year and change has shown just how much this country depends on those jobs to keep shit going because despite what many think those are a good portion of the jobs in the US

My thing is folks want you to live in reality and all of us are but whenever some shit comes along to make things easier people find ways to shit on it and say it’s lazy. 15 an hour shouldn’t happen because you got by on 5.25 an hour in 1992. I feel like a lot of niggas think better is not realistic but the pessimism is crazy.
Everyone should be upset about this. Our wages haven't moved up in years compared to rent that is a joke
What's even more disturbing is a lot of landlords require your rent to be 33% of your monthly income. So basically you have to be making 3x your monthly rent to even get your application through unless it's income restricted in a bad spot or possibly slumlords
What's even more disturbing is a lot of landlords require your rent to be 33% of your monthly income. So basically you have to be making 3x your monthly rent to even get your application through unless it's income restricted in a bad spot or possibly slumlords

Facts it’s like damn might as well buy a house some of these mortgages cheaper than rent
If you're able to work get a fucking a job or create your own business and get paid.

All these Twitter wish upon a star niggas are living in imagination land because ain't nobody giving you shit in this world. Nowhere in the world is housing free no matter the government. Does that mean it's right nope not at all but doesn't change shit.

In a perfect world every mouth would be fed and every person would have a roof over their head but that ain't this and people need to get on the same page with that reality.

haha ridiculous premise. so what happens when monopolizers of water resource decide bottled water should be $10 a bottle? or electricity is parceled out at $1k monthly but wage continues stagnation and spiraling downward in comparison to price hikes?
seems to me that there's no one gate keeping necessity fairness or it's at such a massive level where everyone has an iron in the fire wanting to make profit. if they don't see the results of their ambitions, all is fair. just like they won't show the ravages of war, if it's not televised then remorse is not realized. housing should not be within the mechanics of making wealth and don't let me get started on what i feel about the field of medicine. all i'm really saying, and it may come off as delusional or wild, but earthlings have to begin consideration for each other. we can't allow monopoly of necessity, ever.

what do humans actually do once we are born? monoplize? buy houses??? treat people fucked up? ..and then we die??? fuck a world like this. fix this shit.