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“Housing is a right” demystifying buying the block & the immediate housing crisis

You all kinds of wrong and clearly don't understand how real estate works. I'll just let you continue to be ignorant because you don't want to learn anyway. If you do want to get some knowledge, just say so and I'm sure everyone here would oblige you.

lmao @ how real estate works

it works by railroading the marginalized

* chapter closed *

Some of yall really got gold fish memories. Yall dont remember what happened the last time you believed a white persons press release, because it got a famous black face to say their start up was going to help black people. Remember when Ne-yo gave that passionate speech on the startup he invested it that was gunna help POC, (especially black women) learn how to code for no tuition fee, up front. Then you gotta read to find out they want 17% of you income for 4 years if you land a job making 40k or more, just cause they let you use their computers. SMH

I dont trust this for the simple fact they're making it seem like this is a charity and acting like they wont charge for anything. This startup raised 165million dollars and one of the people they got money from was Sequoia Capital. This is a lil info on Sequoia.
Sequoia Capital is an American venture capital firm. The firm is headquartered in Menlo Park, California and mainly focuses on the technology industry. It has backed companies that now control $3.3 trillion of combined stock market value, equivalent to 22 percent of Nasdaq

You dont control $3.3 trillion and become the largest VC in India by giving away free services. And from some of the video I saw tonetalk speaks on this, Landis doesnt own any property, they're like the middle man. Also worth noting that they're probably middlemen to the same VC companies that are buying up all the homes ( and overpaying) and jacking the rent up sky high.
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Searching more, its hard to find anything on the company other than their press release. But I was able to find 2 sites where people left reviews. Up to yall if you believe them or not, but IMO......the positive reviews are clearly fake af lol. In fact theres only 1 bad review. Clearly Lindsay is really put some work into those reviews. I'll add a few screen shots.

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This second one seem to have more real reviews, but whats more noteworthy is the editorial reviews, It brings up great points. Scroll past the editor review to see some user reviews.

Buying with Landis
Landis is a rent-to-own program that purchases the home and then rents it out to you as a tenant. Landis claims to operate a one-year program for the tenants to buy the property once they can afford a down payment. A common complaint with all rent-to-own programs is an inability of the tenant to secure a loan in time to purchase the property, at which point the tenant is either forced to walk away with a loss or continues to rent.

Landis may sometimes suggest that a customer reach out to someone (e.g. a lender) who can help them, but the company doesn’t make money from it, and only gives the info to the customer, not the customer's info to anyone else. Landis does not receive any referral fees from third parties (such as lenders, real estate brokers, etc.) and keenly guards customers' information. This is a refreshing approach that adds value to consumers. Landis states that: "companies at our stage don't have any incentive to charge hidden fees: growth and customer experience simply matter much more than revenue."

Landis program purchases the home and rents it to the tenant with an option to buy. Landis reviews full financial, credit, and work history of each potential tenant. Those few applicants who pass the screening may select a home within the allowed amount Landis sets. A tenant pays rent, a portion of which becomes a down payment to eventually buy the home. After a year, if the tenant decides to move out, Landis deducts half of the down payment amount saved, as an added fee. When purchasing a house from Landis, a tenant must and pay closing costs of the sale.

Landis has only enough cash on hand (structured as debt) to place offers against a handful of properties. This is why the company likely rejects the majority of applications as a way to reduce risk. It is safe to assume that only a very small number of applications with Landis are approved.

According to the company, "lenders send us customers that want to buy a home but can't close on a loan. It could be due to a low credit score, insufficient down payment, a recent bankruptcy, self-employment, or some other reason."

To secure a mortgage on competitive terms is a primary and the best option to buy a home. Yes, the down payment is difficult, but adding Landis to the mix doesn't solve the overall affordability. Landis claims that owning a home is always cheaper than renting it, but Landis is a landlord.

There is nothing to substantiate that renting a home from Landis is less expensive to own it during that same time frame. There is also nothing to suggest that Landis is offering reduced rent to the tenant at any given time. Buying a property is a risk, and Landis must account for this risk with added fees. The true costs of this rent-to-buy program are incredibly difficult to estimate by anyone other than Landis, and these costs are absolutely real.

Buyers are unlikely to receive a buyer's rebate from a real estate agent when buying with Landis program.

Buying a home is one of the most important transactions in people's lives, especially the first home.
By adding Landis rent-to-own proposition, buyers are subjecting their transaction to the additional 3% appreciation fees, paying rent, and a possible loss of half of the down payment amount if moving out.

Landis receives a neutral editor's score because of several factors. When asked, the company declined to disclose its application volume and applicant success rates. Lack of this information makes it difficult to estimate the “weight” of overall operations and the returns the company is required to make against the total number of participants.

An undisputed positive is that the company doesn’t make money from referrals, making their claims to hold consumers’ best interest viable.

Landis claims that owning in the long term is cheaper than renting, especially in the markets where it operates. However, there is no clear evidence money is saved and there is no evidence that consumers who choose the Landis model end up with a higher chance of purchasing the home.

Landis states: “We completely agree that a mortgage is better. That's why we coach all our customers to do what they need to get a mortgage. It's the whole point of the company. We work with those who simply can't get a mortgage (because of credit score, down payment, etc.) and we coach them to fix what prevents them from getting one. As soon as they can get one, they graduate from the program.”

We find no solid evidence that Landis offers home buyers tangible savings as part of their rent-to-own program, but at the same time, some home buyers may decide for themselves that the program is worth the added fees.

HomeOpenly editorial staff remains overall neutral on the subject: we can neither recommend Landis nor suggest that buyers refrain from using the program.

The user reviews.

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Twitter is annoying as fuck

lol bruh I get your against any new shit. But isn’t Brooklyn being brought up by white folks and moving black people out? I’m not saying that why you in the South but the cost of living is super high. Do you think any changes could be made so y’all can actually live there and thrive or you think everybody just complaining
lol bruh I get your against any new shit. But isn’t Brooklyn being brought up by white folks and moving black people out? I’m not saying that why you in the South but the cost of living is super high. Do you think any changes could be made so y’all can actually live there and thrive or you think everybody just complaining
Get. To. The. Money. Broke. Nigga!

This is what kills me about America. I think if you went up to most American citizens and went down a list asking what should be profit driven and what should be run based on the benefit of the people, almost everybody would probably come off thinking most things, especially necessities, shouldn't be profit driven. The Republicans have done a good job of turn the word Socialism into a curse word, but I'm betting most Americans would be happier under a more socialized system. A lot of our system really doesn't make sense when you actually think about it.

It's one thing to have private ventures for prime real estate or fancy houses, but we really should have a way to guarantee all citizens basic housing. How can that not be possible in the so-called richest nation on earth?
Na but in all seriousness housing is in crisis mode throughout the US and i wished something could be done but U.S is built on capitalism and ya think twitter fingers will miraculously reverse the very dog eat dog fabric of this world.

Wall street bankers are buying up all the starter homes here in Charlotte and essentially pricing out first time home buyers and making them dwell in a revolving door of renting. They then flipped that money and started buying whole townhome communities so you can only rent those too. Its fucked up across the board.
This is what kills me about America. I think if you went up to most American citizens and went down a list asking what should be profit driven and what should be run based on the benefit of the people, almost everybody would probably come off thinking most things, especially necessities, shouldn't be profit driven. The Republicans have done a good job of turn the word Socialism into a curse word, but I'm betting most Americans would be happier under a more socialized system. A lot of our system really doesn't make sense when you actually think about it.

It's one thing to have private ventures for prime real estate or fancy houses, but we really should have a way to guarantee all citizens basic housing. How can that not be possible in the so-called richest nation on earth?

To these niggas we need to just get money because the world isn’t fair and trying to make it easier is coddling. But to those niggas don’t even read
To these niggas we need to just get money because the world isn’t fair and trying to make it easier is coddling. But to those niggas don’t even read