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“Housing is a right” demystifying buying the block & the immediate housing crisis

where did this whole "schools need to give out supplies" shit come from?

Was this ever a thing???

Growing up my parents always had to foot the bill for school supplies. First day of school we got a list of shit we needed and my moms would cop it and if she didn't have the money either my pops would give it to her or he would buy it all.

I brought 4 kids through Phoenix public schools, consistently one of the poorest school systems in the nation. Same shit: We got a list at the beginning of the school year and went out and bought whatever the kids needed. I know when we first got out there we were poor as shit and we got stuff from one of the local churches while going to their food pantry, but that's about it.


A good part of that first tweet ain't got shit to do with the schools. Schools don't give out clothes and shoes, there are other agencies and organizations that handle that. Schools don't provide mentors either; programs like Big Brothers and Sisters is where you get that; send money there.

Money for the parent's bills??? Wheredeydodatat??? Since when do schools pay the parents bills??? This broad just threw out random ass shit and put it on the schools needing help.

Also, since these are public schools, these people need to go to the school board fight for the same money for their schools as the white schools in the area and if they're unwilling to do that then they really don't give as much of a fuck as they claim to. No, they shouldn't have to fight for the same money but that's the situation so they need to get to work to get the same things for their children that the white folks are getting.
rent to own contracts are predatory and usually keeps someone in perpetual debt. its 2021 wake tf up
I think you need to go back to sleep. This ain't Rent-A-Center. Apparently there's an entire program in place to help them become owners.

This is what happens when people constantly search for something to be outraged about. They end up attempting to discredit a program that can actually help black people.

And of course they do it from their nice cozy home without a real care for people out there struggling.
I think you need to go back to sleep. This ain't Rent-A-Center. Apparently there's an entire program in place to help them become owners.

This is what happens when people constantly search for something to be outraged about. They end up attempting to discredit a program that can actually help black people.

And of course they do it from their nice cozy home without a real care for people out there struggling.

it functions like rent a center dumbass