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  1. StringerBell

    COMMUNITY Fair or Foul? Preschool school Parents in New Jersey area want curvaceous art teacher(đź–Ľ) fired cause her body will distract students from learning

    The Moms are more worried about the kids fath suddenly wanting to be involved with their kids school activities all of a sudden… Update: Unfairly attacked sweet innocent victimized teacher speaks.. Update: The sweet innocent Rican teacher speaks out on unfortunately being body shamed…
  2. GOAT

    OPINION At what age is it okay for kids to start playing GTA or Red Dead?

    Thinkin about buying Red Dead 2 when it drops for my son. He will be 7 then. Any of u parents out there let your kids play gta?
  3. Remedy

    COMMUNITY Official Motherhood Thread

    I'm not an official mother yet, but might possibly be in the near future. So I'm making this thread for all the Moms and future Moms of ABW. Here we can discuss the ups and downs of parenthood...expectations vs reality. Give advice, things you wish you knew, what you've learned. Share the...
  4. GOAT

    Poll Who got the strap?... Official Gun Owners Thread

    :foh6: I been thinkin about gettin a pistol for a while to protect mi casa. But having lil kids kinda makes me worry. I know when i was a kid whenever i was alone i would snoop around the crib just looking at all the shit i couldnt look at when my parents were home. Are any of u guys gun...
  5. Loquacious

    OPINION Whooping your kids is a sign of weak communication skills...

    Says this guy What say you?
  6. Loquacious

    Do you or will you let your children...

    spend the night at anyone’s house who isn’t family or a close friend?
  7. Loquacious

    Teens and sex toys.

    I got this From Facebook! Real talk parenting time Scenario: You have a daughter, when she was 14 she was caught having sex, punished, she promised God , you and herself to never have sex again until she was ready and she also promised you that she would come to you first. She is now 16 a...
  8. Loquacious

    Step Parent 2.

    Should a step parent have just as much say so as the biological parent when it comes to decision making regarding the child? Example: When they can start dating, curfew times, and punishments.
  9. Loquacious

    Step parents!

    Based on how you feel, would you let your child call their step mom or step dad, mom or dad? How would you feel if they did? Why or why not?
  10. Loquacious


    For one I thought it was funny that it's my name and says she is a single parent of one, like myself. I also have a fear of my child not being accepted or treated as a grandchild to my new man's family. I don't care for all the lavish gifts, I just want him to be loved and accepted. Growing up...
  11. Loquacious

    Second chances..

  12. Chi-Town B

    The Parent Thread

    I know some of us got a rugrat or two or in my case many. Lets use this thread to discuss the highs and lows of parenting