Premiering July 31st on Amazon Prime Video, The Last Narc follows former cartel insiders divulging the bone-chilling details behind the notorious murder and kidnapping of DEA Agent “Kiki” Camarena. Through never before seen interviews, this four-part docuseries will unravel the story of...
Did anyone peep the first episode from Sunday? Shit is pretty wild. Series is about this writer who was big into true crimes hearing about this serial rapist/murderer from the 70's/80's that she named "The Golden State Killer" (formerly called the East Area Rapist) that had never been caught...
Netflix does it again.. anyone watching this shit? New doc on Netflix of this crazy story about these exotic animal owners in Florida who have competing zoo's and a bunch of twist and turns happen and some folks go to jail. Fucking crazy stuff.
Without a doubt one of the most sad and enraging crime documentaries I've ever seen. The system straight up failed this kid in so many different ways. The kid's mother and her boyfriend truly deserve to be tortured daily for the rest of their lives.
Great documentary but pretty difficult to not...
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