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FEATURED How Do You Feel About Kamala's Policy Proposals For Black Men?

There are plenty of specific things she could propose for us. Rebuilding the infrastructure in our communities would be #1. Our schools, housing, roads, mass transportation, business investments all need help. Some generic $25k grant isn't doing shit.

The only time our communities get investment is when they are being gentrified and us pushed out. So here's an idea she can start day 1, put that same energy into correcting the results of White flight after Civil Rights was passed. We've given billions to rebuild Iraq, we sent billions to Ukraine(most racist country on Earth), and also Israel. So there's no reason we can spend money to rebuild communities left behind long ago.

Childcare, hone buying, student loans dont' help us any more than other groups. And will just be lip service like under Biden
Real story. Yesterday I volunteered to clean up a rejuvenated park in a black community. Rubber ground, nice ass play sets, baseball field, walking trails, etc.

And what did I find? Used needles, liquor bottles, broken glass everywhere, and even a used condom. To top it all off, there was a dude there at 10am rolling up and smoking under the same shelter me and my people were staged.

So what’s the point of investing when the shit just going to get run down and abused?

And if you send in a heavy police presence to protect these places, then people will claim the area is over policed.

I know this isn’t schools, housing, etc., but I see it in those areas as well.

I think it’s time black people start having some tough conversations about how we take care of our own. Begging for investment then letting it go to shit is hustling backwards.
Real story. Yesterday I volunteered to clean up a rejuvenated park in a black community. Rubber ground, nice ass play sets, baseball field, walking trails, etc.

And what did I find? Used needles, liquor bottles, broken glass everywhere, and even a used condom. To top it all off, there was a dude there at 10am rolling up and smoking under the same shelter me and my people were staged.

So what’s the point of investing when the shit just going to get run down and abused?

And if you send in a heavy police presence to protect these places, then people will claim the area is over policed.

I know this isn’t schools, housing, etc., but I see it in those areas as well.

I think it’s time black people start having some tough conversations about how we take care of our own. Begging for investment then letting it go to shit is hustling backwards.
I think the solution to this issue is simply making people go back to taking pride in their communities. Kinda hard to do when you're unemployed and have addiction issues but there used to be a time where even the dope fiend even knew not to do certain shit where kids congregate
I think the solution to this issue is simply making people go back to taking pride in their communities. Kinda hard to do when you're unemployed and have addiction issues but there used to be a time where even the dope fiend even knew not to do certain shit where kids congregate
I mentor and I coach.

It’s the best possible solution. It’s just to be active in your community/neighborhood.

The problem is that people in their own communities don’t take pride in it anymore

It may be lack of values or whatever it is, but I see it
Personal opinion is it's impossible for an justice reform in the states that actually works ( it's more likely in Europe because state healthcare and even that feels impossible). That word will lose every election and when you look in depth what is required it's just impossible.

It needs to start at home - most people in jail have a line of abuse of history of family members being addicted to alcohol or drugs or a line of abuse - government/community helping people from first signs.

Education - kids who are kicked out/leave school are the vast majority of people who end up in prison in the UK and I read it's the same in the states.... - would require those students been put into work programs like apprenticeships where they can earn and study fundamentals

Decriminalisation - I mean we know the war on drugs is impossible to win government provided drugs where there's mental health support and rehabilitation centres but even this depends on the grade of drugs

Then it goes to prison - needs to be a actual rehabilitation centre where the target is people are there temporary with the aime of returning to society so they can study, rehab, prisons that reflect society... - these centers would cost billions

Just based on that how can any politicians sell that when the opposition will say they are soft on crime because we know facts in politics doesn't matter. Also it's admitting that you will spend billions on *criminals* ... Haven't even mentioned the victims of crime gun control
Right. The cost is what makes a lot of these things “impossible” but maybe there’s a way to inch our way closer over time.
Agree that we have to put the pride back in our communities. So instead of just investments to better schools and neighborhoods, we need to invest in addiction treatment, keeping drug dealers out of the community, etc. Focus on the things that cause a negative ROI on the investment THEN make the investment.

It’s going to take community leaders to do this though. So establish a community committee and leader whose sole responsibility is to maintain the adherence to certain rules in the community and kind of self police.

So when people are bashing government for not investing they should take a look at the communities needing investment and ask if there are those there that will protect the investment. It goes both ways.

And if you not doing anything for any community then you have no basis for complaining. And I feel like a lot of people that complain don’t do anything to help their communities.
I mentor and I coach.

It’s the best possible solution. It’s just to be active in your community/neighborhood.

The problem is that people in their own communities don’t take pride in it anymore

It may be lack of values or whatever it is, but I see it

@TheNightKing this is avoid point by both of yall but how do you make somebody care if the neighborhood is already bad. Like in the the suburbs or middle class or even in areas where it’s low income people care because they don’t want to look bad. We want our yard to look nice and the paint to work and etc.

I do think when people own it they are more invested but as we all know it’s hard to get a house now and even if renting you still take care of it.

I think folks need an esteem boost but I don’t know how to change a mind state
Real story. Yesterday I volunteered to clean up a rejuvenated park in a black community. Rubber ground, nice ass play sets, baseball field, walking trails, etc.

And what did I find? Used needles, liquor bottles, broken glass everywhere, and even a used condom. To top it all off, there was a dude there at 10am rolling up and smoking under the same shelter me and my people were staged.

So what’s the point of investing when the shit just going to get run down and abused?

And if you send in a heavy police presence to protect these places, then people will claim the area is over policed.

I know this isn’t schools, housing, etc., but I see it in those areas as well.

I think it’s time black people start having some tough conversations about how we take care of our own. Begging for investment then letting it go to shit is hustling backwards.

Parks are being ruined due to homeless everywhere. That's not on working class Black communities, we just get zero protection for our parks, schools, and businesses when it comes to that garbage.

I'm trying to wrap my head aorund how you replied to a specific platform of rebuilding our school, roads, businesses, and so on......and pointed to trash as a park and say we're the problem lol.

No one is begging for investment, we've had billions stolen from our communities for decades. Bills earmarked for us spent elsewhere. And allocated funds squandered in our local institutions. You did ask what specific things could be proposed, and you were given it. We gave billions to rebuild Iraq, but we allows our own communities to waste away.

Infrastructure is the backbone of everything. Rebuilding it would have generational impact.
Agree that we have to put the pride back in our communities. So instead of just investments to better schools and neighborhoods, we need to invest in addiction treatment, keeping drug dealers out of the community, etc. Focus on the things that cause a negative ROI on the investment THEN make the investment.

It’s going to take community leaders to do this though. So establish a community committee and leader whose sole responsibility is to maintain the adherence to certain rules in the community and kind of self police.

So when people are bashing government for not investing they should take a look at the communities needing investment and ask if there are those there that will protect the investment. It goes both ways.

And if you not doing anything for any community then you have no basis for complaining. And I feel like a lot of people that complain don’t do anything to help their communities.
We DO take pride in our communities. The majority of our community works and raise families like everyone else. Why are you focused on a fraction who are druggies and lowlifes? We bash the government because it isn't shit. Our communities haven't been invested in for decades, while white communities always get infrastructure investment from their local leaders.

When elections come around we're supposed to give 100% support, but damn if we ask for specific things for our votes, it's the same shit everytime. And then they wonder why we're sitting out lol
Real story. Yesterday I volunteered to clean up a rejuvenated park in a black community. Rubber ground, nice ass play sets, baseball field, walking trails, etc.

And what did I find? Used needles, liquor bottles, broken glass everywhere, and even a used condom. To top it all off, there was a dude there at 10am rolling up and smoking under the same shelter me and my people were staged.

So what’s the point of investing when the shit just going to get run down and abused?

And if you send in a heavy police presence to protect these places, then people will claim the area is over policed.

I know this isn’t schools, housing, etc., but I see it in those areas as well.

I think it’s time black people start having some tough conversations about how we take care of our own. Begging for investment then letting it go to shit is hustling backwards.

Parks in the hood are definitely a place where you're going to find bottles, needles, etc. You'd have to clean up the surrounding community to minimize or eliminate that.

That last sentence: That's part of my fear with Detroit. Everyone talks about how the revitalization efforts are so focused on downtown and not the rest of the city. But the way I see it, unless it's the nicer areas of The City, shit will get rebuilt and then fucked up over time 'cause some niggas act like they don't know how to take care of shit.
I think the solution to this issue is simply making people go back to taking pride in their communities. Kinda hard to do when you're unemployed and have addiction issues but there used to be a time where even the dope fiend even knew not to do certain shit where kids congregate

Part of that comes with ownership and feeling like you've got an actual stake in your community prospering. Renting and housing vouchers have severely stunted that because folks aren't really staying in one place. I see this working in property management. Folks who are just in and out of a place rarely give a fuck. Folks who been in the same place for years tend to care more.

It's shit like this that makes people give side eyes when the "what do you want" conversation happens. Not being kept out loans and grants for housing and business...not investment in school and community. But paternity testing and the buzz word phrase that needs to be abolished "generational wealth"

It's shit like this that makes people give side eyes when the "what do you want" conversation happens. Not being kept out loans and grants for housing and business...not investment in school and community. But paternity testing and the buzz word phrase that needs to be abolished "generational wealth"

Right lol

You knew she was promiscuous when you slept with her but now all of a sudden you need a DNA test and mandated one at that

30% lol

So 3 cats out of 10 potentially getting duped. Man sit down lol

It's shit like this that makes people give side eyes when the "what do you want" conversation happens. Not being kept out loans and grants for housing and business...not investment in school and community. But paternity testing and the buzz word phrase that needs to be abolished "generational wealth"

Random tweets are not a good representation of what black men want. So if you taking that tweet to heart, you're not looking hard enough
Random tweets are not a good representation of what black men want. So if you taking that tweet to heart, you're not looking hard enough
You're missing the point

The point is, when asked that question, these are the types of responses that people tend to give
Right lol

You knew she was promiscuous when you slept with her but now all of a sudden you need a DNA test and mandated one at that

30% lol

So 3 cats out of 10 potentially getting duped. Man sit down lol
DNA testing of newborns shoulda been mandatory long ago. They sure as hell do if there are parental support claims
You're missing the point

The point is, when asked that question, these are the types of responses that people tend to give
No I got the point, and that's not the type of responses people tend to give. The vast majority talk about jobs, school, crime, loans, and way more important things. A tweet with 600 likes doesn't represent us, and we have to stop putting this false narrative out there
DNA testing of newborns shoulda been mandatory long ago. They sure as hell do if there are parental support claims
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm just saying I don't think it happens as often as dudes try to imply it does

You can't get mad when you've been sleeping with a woman who's sleeping with other men and you end up being the dad. Now, I do believe there's are definitely instances when a paternity test is needed but it would seem that a lot of dudes that question paternity are usually ain't shit dudes in the first place. They aren't taking a test to confirm it's theirs, they're taking in hopes that it ain't