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If illegal immigrants have not received $9k, what evidence are you looking for? A news story that says “Illegal Immigrants Do Not Get $9k, Contrary to a Post on ABW”. 😆

It’s on the person making the claim to provide the proof.

Go re-read my post, and read his reply to Tay's reply.

She said illegal immigrants are NOT getting 9k a month, he said this is facts. How do you know it's Facts is the question I am purposing, Did you read something, did you go around counting every illegal immigrant pockets, how DO you know?

All I stated was that I 'heard' that they were getting 9k.

I asked him to give a source that to say that it's a fact. Whatever he READ that gave him the boldness to say that's a factual statement he's standing on.
All of the stuff about using what we got first before we get more? Eh, I agree we need to take full advantage of opportunities given to us, but I don’t agree that we don’t deserve more assistance until we’ve taken full advantage of those resources.

To his foreign assistance point, these other places are really fucked up. Even Israel, even if it is by their own doing.

Could you imagine living in the middle of a war zone constantly? Where a bomb could be dropped on your house at a moment’s notice? And the people who want you dead are literally right on the other side of your state border?

I think the main point is we take shit for granted in the U.S. when shit is a lot worse in some of these countries to which we give aid.

I don't give a shit about them folks in Israelies when Africans around Africa are suffering just as bad if not worst, they are not sent millions of dollars over there to protect them and help them, nor is Haiti or any of the nation that heavenly populated with black people.

Them Israel folks are dirty anyway, taking land from the Pals, that's been those people land going back to Biblical times. I couldn't give 1 fuck about them folks over in Israel
I knew that post about HBCU’s would get y’all’s panties in a bunch, lol.

Short of reparations, what do y’all want that Democrats haven’t already proposed? Notice I said “hasn’t already proposed”.

We have a certain political system that requires a majority of the house and senate to pass legislation, so don’t come with something that was proposed but just didn’t pass.

And if your next statement is “they could if they wanted to” then that’s another topic.

Honestly bro, you could have saved that article about the HBCU, that wasn't gonna fly or gain any brownie points like you expected it would.
What's your source to prove what she is saying is correct.

I said I "heard" that they were getting it. You and her says this isn't true. Drop 2-3 sources that proves that the illegal immigrants are not getting 9k

Show me what you READ that says this.

Let's me cut yo ass down real quickly, cuz I see you cheerleading and having dropped any sources that says what you and tay are saying are facts.
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 banned illegal immigrants from receiving federal benefits and most legal immigrants have wait 5 years to be eligible for benefits.

You can read more in the link below 👇🏾

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 banned illegal immigrants from receiving federal benefits and most legal immigrants have wait 5 years to be eligible for benefits.

You can read more in the link below 👇🏾


I will let you reply to this, I think you have already stated to this notion about laws.
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 banned illegal immigrants from receiving federal benefits and most legal immigrants have wait 5 years to be eligible for benefits.

You can read more in the link below 👇🏾

Are you implying that illegal immigrants are NOT receiving any money when they come over here??
I’m not going to speak on the 9K

But I know more than a few folks that’s over here getting food stamps and Medicare and illegal.
Go re-read my post, and read his reply to Tay's reply.

She said illegal immigrants are NOT getting 9k a month, he said this is facts. How do you know it's Facts is the question I am purposing, Did you read something, did you go around counting every illegal immigrant pockets, how DO you know?

All I stated was that I 'heard' that they were getting 9k.

I asked him to give a source that to say that it's a fact. Whatever he READ that gave him the boldness to say that's a factual statement he's standing on.
Ok, let’s put this to bed. I just googled it and this is the only thing that came up. They played audio from Chicago Alderman Anthony Beal (sp?) stating this claim. Not sure if he’s right, but this was his claim. To Tay’s point, it’s probably illegal to just give people a $9k check, but the alderman said the equivalent, which could be in other forms.

I don’t have a problem with the Ukraine support they are being invaded by an opp and I feel like we told them we got their back. Cancel all the Israel shit and keep that at home. I definitely feel immigrants come here because western powers fucked up their lands. And the average American has nothing to do with that
Ok, let’s put this to bed. I just googled it and this is the only thing that came up. They played audio from Chicago Alderman Anthony Beal (sp?) stating this claim. Not sure if he’s right, but this was his claim. To Tay’s point, it’s probably illegal to just give people a $9k check, but the alderman said the equivalent, which could be in other forms.

That's all I was saying that I "heard" that illegal immigrants were getting 9k money. I didn't hear it from that podcast though.

Are They Lying?
I’m not going to speak on the 9K

But I know more than a few folks that’s over here getting food stamps and Medicare and illegal.
If they are getting food stamps they are more then likely committing some sort of fraud. They can get emergency Medicaid and immunizations so disease doesn't spread. They are not getting any sort of check though...
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 banned illegal immigrants from receiving federal benefits and most legal immigrants have wait 5 years to be eligible for benefits.

You can read more in the link below 👇🏾

Laws are only as good as the enforcement of them

Since we understand that immigration is a priority of this current Administration it's not far-fetched to see them bend the law. They might fuck around and change the law.
What's your source to prove what she is saying is correct.

I said I "heard" that they were getting it. You and her says this isn't true. Drop 2-3 sources that proves that the illegal immigrants are not getting 9k

Show me what you READ that says this.

Let's me cut yo ass down real quickly, cuz I see you cheerleading and having dropped any sources that says what you and tay are saying are facts.

What you were actually talking about is

Currently, the state is funding temporary housing, including rented apartments and homes for migrants. The state is providing up to $9,000 in rental assistance over a 6-month period, which includes assistance with moving in and a starter kit to furnish the apartment.

"That rent lasts for six months and ideally people would have started their legal process, secured legal work authorization and be able to sustain that apartment. And so the cost, or I guess the payment toward the landlord is based on market rate, it's based on the configuration of the parament – how many rooms, where it's located – all those things. And so it varies from place to place," said Ald. Pacione-Zayas.

See how easy it is to know the facts instead of "what you heard" and letting lies inform your pov

A democratic city

There are black folks in Chicago who have fussed about how these illegal immigrants are receiving these benefits.

But we supposed to support the democratic party? Lol, ok