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I don't think any politician will make Black people a priority right now. They don't have to. Just as we saw in the other thread with Steve Harvey telling black people not to ask for anything for black people. We've got to actually become serious participants in the system before we can expect the system to take us seriously.
JD Vance “allegedly” supports this message.

Realistically tho I can’t think of any mainline politician that would have us as a priority with legit shot at becoming president at this time. I’d love for that to happen but a lot of shit would have to break in our favor for it to do so.
The name JD Vance is not anymore scary than the name Kamala Harris as far as black America is concerned

One is Godzilla the other is King Kong
I think we do have to set fair expectations for what we mean as having us as a priority. A lot of the pro black people keep saying that, but other than reparations, they don't really say much about what they want. You can't really go up to a presidential candidate with one low probability request and then storm off mad when that's not addressed. I'd like to see a well thought out list of request of things that should be done for black people and have that list presented to Kamala. At least she would have options and could respond accordingly.

Right now, I'd agree that she doesn't seem particularly committed to doing anything for black people, but, to be fair, I don't really see where she's been approached with many good ideas for what she could or should do for black people.
The name JD Vance is not anymore scary than the name Kamala Harris as far as black America is concerned

One is Godzilla the other is King Kong

I was more referring to the rumor that he was caught dry humping an actual couch but yes I agree with this lol.
If you don't have 5-10 things listed that will benefit us (ONLY us) Nobody will be the one.

Have to start with the 10-point plan to even have someone to even consider being the one.

Ice Cube has a nice plan that he constructed.
The democratic party or the republican party still hasn't contacted Ice Cube about his plan he put together.

He sat down with black scholars who outlined the very necessary things that black folks in this country needs. Noone has from either party has reached out to him as of yet.

A plan/list of things are in place for Black folks. Go see Ice Cube plan that he laid out
The democratic party or the republican party still hasn't contacted Ice Cube about his plan he put together.

He sat down with black scholars who outlined the very necessary things that black folks in this country needs. Noone has from either party has reached out to him as of yet.

A plan/list of things are in place for Black folks. Go see Ice Cube plan that he laid out
Then Ice Cube should run?
43 million black people in America

If everyone who was eligible to vote abandoned the political process that works against us, that would give us more power and leverage than we've ever had in history.. then there'd be like a bidding war for our vote in 2028

It's the only way to get some attention and make some noise. Doing what they expect us to do does not work for us

Sort of like what we did w/ them Montgomery Bus boycotts. Buying black, shopping black, investing black, etc.. Which I've already did.

This answer has always been that $$ in our pockets. Once and only once we finally inner-stand, understand, over-stand, and outer-stand this then we really won't need politicians and can truly do for ourselves.

And that's what it is.

My theory is to ditch politics all together as black folk and do what we did w/ them Montgomery boycotts. The only power we got is that dollar in our pocket and use that as a weapon.
So who do you have in mind?
I gave the solution in the post below yours

That is literally the best strategy stop being mules and servants for the rest of the planet

Y'all going to have to stop this mocking of black people who stand up for black people, when clearly y'alls strategy of Loyalty is failing