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Do You Only Consider Black People Born In The States Black?

Why does every Canadian negro have a tendency to kiss white people's ass?

try engaging with that question instead of wacking the post like a coward. I'm not telling lies


Man, I'm starting to think that you have some kind of psychological issue.

I said that Angel sounds like she jealous of Caitlin Clark after she said something that suggested jealousy to me.

Then you started going around calling me a coon because of that. You even nominated me for Coon of the Year.

Next I said that for all his faults, Skip Bayless sounds like he is on our side when it comes to racial issues.

That set you off to another level, even though I said that I would take back what I said if you could find a video of him saying racist shit.

None of this is normal man.

I actually happen to have a big problem with how a lot of Black Canadians view racial issues.

But you have the wrong guy if you're accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.
Man, I'm starting to think that you have some kind of psychological issue.

I said that Angel sounds like she jealous of Caitlin Clark after she said something that suggested jealousy to me.

Then you started going around calling me a coon because of that. You even nominated me for Coon of the Year.

Next I said that for all his faults, Skip Bayless sounds like he is on our side when it comes to racial issues.

That set you off to another level, even though I said that I would take back what I said if you could find a video of him saying racist shit.

None of this is normal man.

I actually happen to have a big problem with how a lot of Black Canadians view racial issues.

But you have the wrong guy if you're accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.
I mean I'll admit it's not normal that someone goes around calling out every instance of coonery they see but the onus ain't on me, right...


Canadian brothers are not the same. Yall just not. I'm not trying to be disrespectful in this moment I'm just telling the damn truth because I'm observant.

Listen man. Kendrick Lamar Duckworth undressed y'all in front of the world. There should come a point in time when you fallback and just take inventory. Do some self-reflection and be like, "🤔hey my folks ARE from another country and a very different culture, maybe I don't know everything about everything. Maybe I should stop being so opinionated on another country's affairs". Is that too much to ask man? Is that too much to ask from someone who can trace his ancestry back hella generations in America?Respectfully y'all type abandoned your homelands, it's really cringe that y'all are so strongly opinionated about ours

Have y'all even set foot in the states? That's a legit question. But that's not the point. The point is, let black Americans cook abeg
This doesn't really answer my question.

You said that you've only ever seen a reactive kind of hate toward non-American blacks.

He said that was bullshit.

You then say, sarcastically, that he must "have met and engaged with every single African American in the country that believes in advocating for AA culture and restitution."

what does every every single African American in the country that believes in advocating for AA culture and restitution have to do with what you personally have experienced?

When most people call bullshit, they are saying a person is lying. How could he know if I was lying about my experiences with a bunch of people he's never met if he didn't somehow know what everyone thinks. The point of my sarcasm is that he has no grounds to call bullshit because he has no idea what most of these people think. Ya'll are forming your opinions based on the words of a loud minority and then running with it as if most or all these people think that way.
I mean I'll admit it's not normal that someone goes around calling out every instance of coonery they see but the onus ain't on me, right...


Canadian brothers are not the same. Yall just not. I'm not trying to be disrespectful in this moment I'm just telling the damn truth because I'm observant.

Listen man. Kendrick Lamar Duckworth undressed y'all in front of the world. There should come a point in time when you fallback and just take inventory. Do some self-reflection and be like, "🤔hey my folks ARE from another country and a very different culture, maybe I don't know everything about everything. Maybe I should stop being so opinionated on another country's affairs". Is that too much to ask man? Is that too much to ask from someone who can trace his ancestry back hella generations in America?Respectfully y'all type abandoned your homelands, it's really cringe that y'all are so strongly opinionated about ours

Have y'all even set foot in the states? That's a legit question. But that's not the point. The point is, let black Americans cook abeg

You sound dumb as hell lol. Wanting to be king of all niggas and basing your political opinion off of rap is some middle school shit. Clown shit
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Man, I'm starting to think that you have some kind of psychological issue.

I said that Angel sounds like she jealous of Caitlin Clark after she said something that suggested jealousy to me.

Then you started going around calling me a coon because of that. You even nominated me for Coon of the Year.

Next I said that for all his faults, Skip Bayless sounds like he is on our side when it comes to racial issues.

That set you off to another level, even though I said that I would take back what I said if you could find a video of him saying racist shit.

None of this is normal man.

I actually happen to have a big problem with how a lot of Black Canadians view racial issues.

But you have the wrong guy if you're accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.
Why is the media giving so much attention to Caitlin is the real issue here
What do people think about the dark-skinned people in southeast asia and the pacific islands? They are an interesting case. Technically, they aren't descendants of Africans (in the near past of course, as all of humanity descends from Africa). Still, they've suffered some of the same discrimination and mistreatment as black people in other areas. Would ya'll draw a division between them and us, or do you consider them black too?

I'd err on the latter. I mean, they might not even consider themselves black, but if you dropped on in the U.S. or Europe, they'd definitely get the black treatment.
When most people call bullshit, they are saying a person is lying. How could he know if I was lying about my experiences with a bunch of people he's never met if he didn't somehow know what everyone thinks. The point of my sarcasm is that he has no grounds to call bullshit because he has no idea what most of these people think. Ya'll are forming your opinions based on the words of a loud minority and then running with it as if most or all these people think that way.

What I don't get is that you have only ever met or come across a small number of people. If you thought that he was accusing you of lying, it's kind of odd to reply by bring up every single AA who was an advocate for AAs.

I don't want to belabor the point much longer, but your reply can reasonably be understood as suggesting that you really think that no advocate has a non-reactive hate for non-American blacks, and not just that you haven't encountered any (which is what you originally said). Which is why I said what I did in response.

On a related point, if you have indeed encountered the words of a "loud minority," wouldn't that mean that you have come across people who have a a non-reactive hate for non-American blacks?
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What I don't get is that you have only ever met or come across a small number of people. If you thought that he was accusing you of lying, it's kind of odd to reply by bring up every single AA who was an advocate for AAs.

I don't want to belabor the point much longer, but your reply can reasonably be understood as suggesting that you really think that no advocate has a non-reactive hate for non-American blacks, and not just that you haven't encountered any (which is what you originally said). Which is why I said what I did in response.

On a related point, if you have indeed encountered the words of a "loud minority," wouldn't that men that you have come across people who have a a non-reactive hate for non-American blacks?

Yes, I know a minority of people, but he has not knowledge of that minority, so how he can he make a comment about them unless he has global knowledge of everyone.

Bruh, why are you trying to overanalyze a sarcastic remark. It wasn't meant to be taken literally. Are you ok?
The bottom line is that Black people are not monolithic.

American born Blacks do not share the same ideology, never have and never will. Foreign born Blacks do not share the same ideology either.

Everybody is an individual. You'll never get Black people to unite on the basis of being Black because some Black people think that's a stupid way of thinking.

And people who do want to unite on the basis of being Black are in the minority.

I mean, I like the idea of unity in general, but it's not realistic. And a lot of Blacks are deadbeat losers. Those that refuse to go to school, who drop out and end up in prison, not all, but a lot of lower functioning Blacks that bring the race down. Higher functioning Blacks understand that while racial unity sounds like a nice idea, it is impossible to unite with the other half that refuse to pull their pants up when they get dressed, drop out and end up in prison.

Black people are not monolithic and it's time to stop pretending like its possible to unite on the basis of skin color.

Back in the 60s, Malcolm X gave a speech called Message to the Grassroots in which he stated that Black people need to unite on the basis of what we have in common, namely that we were being oppressed by the Whiteman. In 1963 that made sense but now, in 2024 many Black people are doing better than the average White person, while others don't even try to better themselves. So uniting on the basis of being oppressed by the Whiteman isn't even a logical standpoint. Many Blacks have overcome racism and are educated and higher functioning. They do not want to unite with lower functioning Blacks on the basis of skin color because it doesn't make sense to them.
Na, Black people are all over the world...This was once a Black planet. Culturally there are differences. But, I've heard things from both sides claiming someone is or isnt Black and a lot of times when I here Black Americans say it, they mean that the person isnt Black American. I remember this Haitian girl telling me one time that someone was telling her she isnt Black and she replied I am but not American Black. Another time one of the guys who's Black Dominican was beefing with the other homie. The peace maker says yall chill out hate to see brothers beefing and my cousins says that dude not a brother, he aint Black. lol.. Yo, one time we're in line to pay for food and I'm behind these two girls, now one is White and the other one has the complexion of say Ashley Banks-Tatiana Ali. So either another person starts taking the orders, and the person thats leaving says" I took her order already you start with the Black girl." The girl says I'm not Black.. I'm looking like what the fuck am I missing...lol.. Turns out she's Honduran and I think she was trying to convey that she is Black American

Shyt, I've heard and Italian girl say, I'm not White I'm Italian.... so go figure
Na, Black people are all over the world...This was once a Black planet. Culturally there are differences. But, I've heard things from both sides claiming someone is or isnt Black and a lot of times when I here Black Americans say it, they mean that the person isnt Black American. I remember this Haitian girl telling me one time that someone was telling her she isnt Black and she replied I am but not American Black. Another time one of the guys who's Black Dominican was beefing with the other homie. The peace maker says yall chill out hate to see brothers beefing and my cousins says that dude not a brother, he aint Black. lol.. Yo, one time we're in line to pay for food and I'm behind these two girls, now one is White and the other one has the complexion of say Ashley Banks-Tatiana Ali. So either another person starts taking the orders, and the person thats leaving says" I took her order already you start with the Black girl." The girl says I'm not Black.. I'm looking like what the fuck am I missing...lol.. Turns out she's Honduran and I think she was trying to convey that she is Black American

Shyt, I've heard and Italian girl say, I'm not White I'm Italian.... so go figure
Afro-Latinos largely want to be anything other than black.

White supremacy really did a number on them.