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“It’s only difficult if you’re a man with something to hide.” - Idris Elba on #MeToo

The best answer will always be no comment. A lot of these cases have no evidence to support the claims and none to exonerate the accused. Once ur name is mentioned ur convicted in the court of public opinion.
He right

Those other dudes didn’t have anything to hide so they wasn’t worried about the false statements.
You might be talking about something different. Here's the video. The incident where the woman claims she was harassed starts at 5:07.

Now if you go back a little in the video, you can see how the woman characterized the interaction. This is a perfect example of the problem with today's atmosphere. It's not that every man is under the gun or under pressure. The problem is that some women make a point of trying to interpret things as being inappropriate and then throw those accusations out there. Once the accusations are out there then some will be quick to believe the worst. Everybody is Harvey Weinstein whether they were groping chicks or just made a single inappropriate comment or made a completely innocent comment that a chick interpreted as inappropriate.

That wasn't the one I was talking about with the pregnant woman, but you can't look at that clip and say he did nothing wrong. That's wild inappropriate and out of pocket to say to somebody you don't know in a room full of people. There were other clips throughout that video where he was clearly making women uncomfortable in interviews. I could be misremembering, but I think there's some formal complaints against him too for the same thing. But he's Morgan Freeman/God so of course it never went anywhere.

That was my point in responding to the post. No not every dude is Harvey Weinstein that gets caught up, but I don't think I've seen any dude get swept up in some career ending shit where absolutely nothing foul happened (not that I follow it that closely either), and if it does it gets nipped in the bud. Aziz was defended by the majority of people and the publication that ran that chick's story caught heat also.
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I'm not an outlier, the bolded is bullshit, and as I said before, feminism is a tool of patriarchy.

Just because men are physically stronger than women doesn't mean women can't use their positions of power, influence, weapons, and more than anything the "because I'm a woman" excuse to get the physical advantage of men.

Also, you didn't address the part where women are victimizedby other women. Where is that high profile example? Oh let me guess, it doesn't happen...

It probably does happen women abusing women
I put out examples of all of that shit in the past, dude is just being his usual dense self

Lol yall acting like im saying men cant be abused. Im not saying that. Im saying its a large amount of men who dont take it seriously. Why you think people cover it up? Everytime one of those white teachers sleeps with her students its a slap on the wrist. Do you all think thats an issue of patriarchy or thats its somehow an example of how patriarchy protects women?
Lol yall acting like im saying men cant be abused. Im not saying that. Im saying its a large amount of men who dont take it seriously. Why you think people cover it up? Everytime one of those white teachers sleeps with her students its a slap on the wrist. Do you all think thats an issue of patriarchy or thats its somehow an example of how patriarchy protects women?

I've said it before as well: it's an example of textbook rape culture, but not in the way that y'all believe rape culture exists. Female rapists are rarely ever prosecuted if they even get charges brought up in the first place.
I've said it before as well: it's an example of textbook rape culture, but not in the way that y'all believe rape culture exists. Female rapists are rarely ever prosecuted if they even get charges brought up in the first place.
They get prosecuted but they do way less time if any at all, usually get away wit probation and shit
I've said it before as well: it's an example of textbook rape culture, but not in the way that y'all believe rape culture exists. Female rapists are rarely ever prosecuted if they even get charges brought up in the first place.

And why is that? Who is protecting them? And why? I think your answer is why we disagree.
If a bitch say I did something I didn’t do

I’m sending all the lawyers her way to fuck up her entire life

Fuck a no comment.
Sexual harrassment has been a huge problem in the workplace for decades. It's the reason all this workplace harassment education stuff came out in the first place. Idkw people are acting like sex hasn't been used and abused in many facets of life since prolly forever and think just cuz people have had enough and are finally puttin their foot down all over the place it must be some BS.
Sexual harrassment has been a huge problem in the workplace for decades. It's the reason all this workplace harassment education stuff came out in the first place. Idkw people are acting like sex hasn't been used and abused in many facets of life since prolly forever and think just cuz people have had enough and are finally puttin their foot down all over the place it must be some BS.

They worried about the 100s of innocently accused men
All this hollywood shit dont even matter. People dont want their entertainment makers to go under so the lies are perpetuated and secrets concealed.
How do we know they are innocent?

We dont. Its like this. This movement was needed for a long ass time. Most folks against it are feeling its too extreme like all sorts of innocent oeople gonna get caught up. Some even think saying hi to a woman will get them fired. They just being extreme.
We dont. Its like this. This movement was needed for a long ass time. Most folks against it are feeling its too extreme like all sorts of innocent oeople gonna get caught up. Some even think saying hi to a woman will get them fired. They just being extreme.
Jfc, they need to go to the anti-sexual harrassment meeting next time.
That wasn't the one I was talking about with the pregnant woman, but you can't look at that clip and say he did nothing wrong. That's wild inappropriate and out of pocket to say to somebody you don't know in a room full of people. There were other clips throughout that video where he was clearly making women uncomfortable in interviews. I could be misremembering, but I think there's some formal complaints against him too for the same thing. But he's Morgan Freeman/God so of course it never went anywhere.

That was my point in responding to the post. No not every dude is Harvey Weinstein that gets caught up, but I don't think I've seen any dude get swept up in some career ending shit where absolutely nothing foul happened (not that I follow it that closely either). Aziz was defended by the majority of people and the publication that ran that chick's story caught heat also.
Lol fam he was reacting to Alfred Pennyworth's story.

He's a black man in Hollywood. He is the exact opposite of bulletproof. The fact that that bullshit even made it to CNN is proof that he, and Idris Elba whether he know it or not, is capable of being falsely accused
Lol fam he was reacting to Alfred Pennyworth's story.

He's a black man in Hollywood. He is the exact opposite of bulletproof. The fact that that bullshit even made it to CNN is proof that he, and Idris Elba whether he know it or not, is capable of being falsely accused
Ok that makes more sense. But there were other clips in that vid where he was outa pocket with interviewers. Morgan Freeman is fine he ain't going nowhere.....but saying he and other dudes in his position acted inappropriately isn't a witch hunt.
Back to the op, Mr, Elba a real one for that statement. Which I think was referring to the Cosby’s & Weinstein’s of the world.
I don't see nothin wrong wit what he said...BUT...he ain't exempt from gettin caught up in that shyt.

Doesn't matter how many women fall over for him...there's always gonna be that one plottin. Either for the attention, the money, or just b/c they're an evil summa bitch.