“It’s only difficult if you’re a man with something to hide.” - Idris Elba on #MeToo

Hell... proof of Morgan trying to hide it?

Of course I'd take it seriously. Half the women I've worked with who I've been sexually harassed by have been unattractive and it was definitely unwanted attention that made me uncomfortable.

You can't blame someone for being a victim be they male or female.

Youre an outlier then. We have seen it play out women perps arent treated the same or punished the same. And i know you gonna blame feminism for this but i think its from patriarchy. Men dont want to believe they can be a physical victim of a woman.
These black actors and actresses better learn that MeToo wave ain't they fight to fight because they will be denounced by their Hollywood / entertainment peers from a baseless allegation
I dont think black actors ate just jumping on the wave tho. I feel like people start to think the whole movement is just about hollywood. But all these folks put un the limelight its been stories about them for years.

Its literally an anti rape anti sexual assault movement. But because some childhood heroes are creeps we act like this is an attack on black people.
Morgan wasn't even looking at that chick! Lol let me find that clip
It was a couple clips from what I remember. He was wilin lol. Not something I woulda freaked out over, but I don't blame anyone that felt uncomfortable.

He still working so it's not like this affected anything anyway.
It was a couple clips from what I remember. He was wilin lol. Not something I woulda freaked out over, but I don't blame anyone that felt uncomfortable.

He still working so it's not like this affected anything anyway.

You might be talking about something different. Here's the video. The incident where the woman claims she was harassed starts at 5:07.

Now if you go back a little in the video, you can see how the woman characterized the interaction. This is a perfect example of the problem with today's atmosphere. It's not that every man is under the gun or under pressure. The problem is that some women make a point of trying to interpret things as being inappropriate and then throw those accusations out there. Once the accusations are out there then some will be quick to believe the worst. Everybody is Harvey Weinstein whether they were groping chicks or just made a single inappropriate comment or made a completely innocent comment that a chick interpreted as inappropriate.
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Hell... proof of Morgan trying to hide it?

Of course I'd take it seriously. Half the women I've worked with who I've been sexually harassed by have been unattractive and it was definitely unwanted attention that made me uncomfortable.

You can't blame someone for being a victim be they male or female.

Google it. It's more etherous that way.
He's pandering to his fan base for one.

What he said simply isn't true. This metoo shit has skewed male/female interaction so much that damn near any man/woman can say that they were a victim of it. Potentially, any moment from your past no matter how big or small can be used against you.

Something that was a valid gripe and demand for justice and accountability, has been turned into a perverted witch hunt by the usual suspects.
I dont think black actors ate just jumping on the wave tho. I feel like people start to think the whole movement is just about hollywood. But all these folks put un the limelight its been stories about them for years.

Its literally an anti rape anti sexual assault movement. But because some childhood heroes are creeps we act like this is an attack on black people.

The bold is bullshit and you're ignoring part of history. There have been many negative things that have started out a majority white issue. Then a few black people get caught up in said issue whether their guilty or not and the next thing you know black people are now the face of said issue while their white counterparts get to stay out of negativity and skate off while the black people are vilified
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idris got chicks defending him cuz k michelle said he ate the box right...saying this chick is scum...

that nigga bulletproof.....

Any person who eats that bitch box


I don't see the problem with what he said.

What he said wasn't terrible, but would he feel that way when someone drags something mundane from his past and turns it into an issue or when he does something jokingly with a woman who raises it as an offense when they fall out of favor. The problem isn't that all women are bad or out to get men. The problem is that the small minority who might be have been empowered by the twisted justice that many behind the #MeToo movement have unwittingly endorsed.
What he said wasn't terrible, but would he feel that way when someone drags something mundane from his past and turns it into an issue or when he does something jokingly with a woman who raises it as an offense when they fall out of favor. The problem isn't that all women are bad or out to get men. The problem is that the small minority who might be have been empowered by the twisted justice that many behind the #MeToo movement have unwittingly endorsed.
Nothing to do with what he said

At the end of the days, these aint his problems. He sound confident he aint gonna be caught up in your what ifs
What he said wasn't terrible, but would he feel that way when someone drags something mundane from his past and turns it into an issue or when he does something jokingly with a woman who raises it as an offense when they fall out of favor. The problem isn't that all women are bad or out to get men. The problem is that the small minority who might be have been empowered by the twisted justice that many behind the #MeToo movement have unwittingly endorsed.

Nothing to do with what he said

At the end of the days, these aint his problems. He sound confident he aint gonna be caught up in your what ifs

The bold is what it comes down to. He's obviously carried himself in a way that he's not worried about anything of substance being brought against him.
The bold is what it comes down to. He's obviously carried himself in a way that he's not worried about anything of substance being brought against him.

lol I'm sure many of the people that got caught up thought the same. Again, not everybody caught in some shit is Harvey Weinstein or even Louie CK. Some people have been hit up on some bullshit, and no person alive has skated through life completely clean. Remember, when the chick tried to take Aziz Ansari down just because he's goofy and unskilled when it comes to handling women?

Again, I get the sentiment he's pushing, but it's not true. People who've done legitimate dirt are not the only ones that are at risk. Granted, some of these dudes are exaggerating how big a risk they face, but I think it's fair to say that every dude runs some risk of having actions misconstrued.
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lol I'm sure many of the people that got caught up thought the same. Again, not everybody caught in some shit is Harvey Weinstein or even Louie CK. Some people have been hit up on some bullshit, and no person alive has skated through life completely clean. Remember, when the chick tried to take Aziz Ansari down just because he's goofy and unskilled when it comes to handling women?

Again, I get the sentiment he's pushing, but it's not true. People who've done legitimate dirt are not the only ones that are at risk. Granted, some of these dudes are exaggerating how big a risk they face, but I think it's fair to say that every dude runs some risk of having actions misconstrued.

The bold seems to be the basis for most arguments against what he said and many statements like it. You can't assume that just because you and most of the men you know have something that could be construed as inappropriate in your past that all men have something that can be brought up against them. I know men that are complete gentlemen with any female they interact with because that's just how they are built. They'd have teams of women coming to their defense if ever accused because that's just how they move. I also know that my past is full of BS actions towards women(mostly when I was young and ignorant) that could brought up in this climate if I had money like that. But I don't make the assumption that I am the norm or majority.
The bold seems to be the basis for most arguments against what he said and many statements like it. You can't assume that just because you and most of the men you know have something that could be construed as inappropriate in your past that all men have something that can be brought up against them. I know men that are complete gentlemen with any female they interact with because that's just how they are built. They'd have teams of women coming to their defense if ever accused because that's just how they move. I also know that my past is full of BS actions towards women(mostly when I was young and ignorant) that could brought up in this climate if I had money like that. But I don't make the assumption that I am the norm or majority.

Again, nobody is perfect, and you're still acting as if the man has to have actually done something wrong for it to be painted as wrong. That's my point. I already put the clip of Morgan Freeman up. In that particular incident, he did absolutely nothing wrong. The chick completely misunderstood or misrepresented what he said and used it to launch a campaign against him. Another woman that she actually tried to use to take Freeman down stood up and defended him and said that the other chick was exaggerating what was said. That doesn't change the fact that his name was tarnished over all this.

On top of that, just look at the Kavanaugh thing. Now I personally believe he deserved to be hit because even now he seems like a piece of shit, but they literally went back 40 years to when he was a high school student to get dirt on him. There are very few human beings on this planet that have gone 40+ years without doing anything at all that could be turned into fodder for people with a vendetta against them.

And even in the case when people have done something legitimately wrong. Not everyone who is in the wrong or ever wrong action is grounds for that person's life and reputation to be destroyed. That's what's crazy about all this SJW stuff. Because most of the people that are lighting these fires couldn't take the heat if it was turned back on them. We've already seen that with multiple people in the #MeToo movement already being the subject of controversies.
Youre an outlier then. We have seen it play out women perps arent treated the same or punished the same. And i know you gonna blame feminism for this but i think its from patriarchy. Men dont want to believe they can be a physical victim of a woman.
I'm not an outlier, the bolded is bullshit, and as I said before, feminism is a tool of patriarchy.

Just because men are physically stronger than women doesn't mean women can't use their positions of power, influence, weapons, and more than anything the "because I'm a woman" excuse to get the physical advantage of men.

Also, you didn't address the part where women are victimizedby other women. Where is that high profile example? Oh let me guess, it doesn't happen...
I'm not an outlier, the bolded is bullshit, and as I said before, feminism is a tool of patriarchy.

Just because men are physically stronger than women doesn't mean women can't use their positions of power, influence, weapons, and more than anything the "because I'm a woman" excuse to get the physical advantage of men.

Also, you didn't address the part where women are victimizedby other women. Where is that high profile example? Oh let me guess, it doesn't happen...

I put out examples of all of that shit in the past, dude is just being his usual dense self
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