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Why snoop? Why not just bless your woman with your passcodes, passwords, all that shit? You have to build trust to alleviate jealous tendencies
I guess this is cool if you like to pretend your s/o is your mommy or daddy at the same time as a lover but imo this is toxic for a healthy relationship.
what about this is sadda dena bitch?

Was talkin about the posts before that.

You were insisting you're not the jealous type , but think it's cool to snoop a niggas phone every month like it's spring cleaning and think he should give up all his passwords... but yea, you're not jealous.

Like I said, yall full of shit.
You should stay single then, unless the nigga plans on living his life with only ugly female friends
I'm not comfortable being with someone who attaches himself to people he'd like to fuck, so if that is what a guy wants then he should probably be with someone who is okay with that. I don't want to fuck my male friends, however attractive they may be. that isn't asking much. if I do find them fuckable, I distance from them when I'm in an exclusive relationship.

There's a difference between passing someone in the street and thinking they're a smash as opposed to a pass, and being in regular contact and maintaining a friendship with someone you'd smash given the chance. The latter doesn't fit into a monogamous relationship in my eyes.
Was talkin about the posts before that.

You were insisting you're not the jealous type , but think it's cool to snoop a niggas phone every month like it's spring cleaning and think he should give up all his passwords... but yea, you're not jealous.

Like I said, yall full of shit.
did u miss the post where I said "I guess I am jealous"?
did u miss the post where I said "I guess I am jealous"?

You admit you're jealous, my work is done here.

I guess this is cool if you like to pretend your s/o is your mommy or daddy at the same time as a lover but imo this is toxic for a healthy relationship.

Having access to your counterparts life doesn't mean that you're actually browsing through the shit on a daily

basis or at all. Its a show of trust extended to your counterpart that shows you have nothing to hide. Your

communication should be so intimate that your counterpart doesn't feel they could learn anything about you or

what you do by looking through your phone or email.
You admit you're jealous, my work is done here.

are most men maintaining friendships with women they'd like to fuck, while in an exclusive relationship?

idc if that makes me a minority but that is a dealbreaker to me. i need to add it to the list of things to ask before entering a relationship.
Even if he's willing to give me all his passcodes and passwords, heen gettin mine.

I don't see how jealousy can not be felt at some point in any relationship. Whether people are willing to admit it or not. I hate the stigma that being jealous or "having feelings" some how makes you weak or less.
I'm grown but still get jealous when my mother does certain things with my other siblings and not me. I've even been jealous when my best friend started hanging with people I didn't care for. I list these examples because of the constant referrals of insecurity being the cause of jealousy. I know my mother would do anything for me and so would my bestfriend, doesn't change the feeling.
Being jealous does not mean you are gonna act out in some snooping thru phones, "let me smell your dick" when you get home type stuff. It's an emotion, like sadness and happiness. Also does not mean you don't trust your partner, just means you are aware nothing in this life is a 100% guarantee.
are most men maintaining friendships with women they'd like to fuck, while in an exclusive relationship?

idc if that makes me a minority but that is a dealbreaker to me. i need to add it to the list of things to ask before entering a relationship.

Idk, you'll have to ask them.
Uhhhh...unlike some of yall...mines is quite secure wit herself.

I don't have to run a DNA test, lie detector, do a weekly inspection, tag & track, etc.

I mean yall do realize you're grown azzz people right? Lol.
grown ass people can determine their relationship habits for themselves. free thought, you know?

n i can't take what u say about bein secure in one's self seriously. u take back cheaters, infidelity aint a big deal to u in the 1st place fam. that aint the default setting in most people's relationships. which is aight. takes all sorts in this world. do u.
I don't see how jealousy can not be felt at some point in any relationship. Whether people are willing to admit it or not. I hate the stigma that being jealous or "having feelings" some how makes you weak or less.
I'm grown but still get jealous when my mother does certain things with my other siblings and not me. I've even been jealous when my best friend started hanging with people I didn't care for. I list these examples because of the constant referrals of insecurity being the cause of jealousy. I know my mother would do anything for me and so would my bestfriend, doesn't change the feeling.
Being jealous does not mean you are gonna act out in some snooping thru phones, "let me smell your dick" when you get home type stuff. It's an emotion, like sadness and happiness. Also does not mean you don't trust your partner, just means you are aware nothing in this life is a 100% guarantee.

The first three sentences was all you needed ma'am.