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It looks like the #MeToo movement is planting the seeds to come after the Hip Hop industry next…

It really aint. Its like a 1% chance of somebody lying about being raped

How do you know that? Stop with the madeup bullshit. That's part of the reason it's so hard to get justice in rape cases. There is way too much misinformation out there. No one knows what percentage of alleged rapes are real rapes, misunderstandings, or outright lies. Anyone who claims otherwise is full of shit.
How do you know that? Stop with the madeup bullshit. That's part of the reason it's so hard to get justice in rape cases. There is way too much misinformation out there. No one knows what percentage of alleged rapes are real rapes, misunderstandings, or outright lies. Anyone who claims otherwise is full of shit.

My point was this is way less likely somebody will lie about being a rape victim vs actually being raped. Im not saying it does not happen Emmit Till is a perfect example. But im not understanding the anti-me too movement. Like we see how rape victims are treated. Lady on nationsl tv just described her rape and it still wasnt enough. And inferl like the criticism is saying the me too movement is extreme. But many times you need some extreme shit to happen in order to change things.
You might be joking, but for real, that's one of the biggest examples of feminist bullshit to me. On one hand they've traditionally bashed rappers for making videos that objectify women. On the other hand they've also taken the stance that women should be allowed to make careers out of being vixens. Which is it? Should rap videos have a bunch of half naked women dancing around or not. You can't say the women are right to do it, but also say the men are wrong for giving them the opportunity to do it.

I think women only got with it when they saw the money they could make
You need evidence. If you've been raped, don't sit there waiting 20-30 years to come forward, go THAT DAY!!! It makes absolutely no sense that these broads coming out with shit 20-30 years after the fact with an accusation that you can't even defend against other than to say you didn't do it. Report it when it happens and there may be fresh evidence to use against the perp which helps to secure a conviction.

It CAN and HAS been different. Like any other crime, rape has evidence that a crime occurred. That's why the police have rape kits; to collect evidence that the crime actually happened.

What makes rape problematic it that it's definition keeps changing to include things like regret, drunk sex, etc. The idea that a woman can consider herself a rape victim because weeks, months, years, or decades later she regrets the encounter is a HUGE problem. Rape is forced or coerced sexual contact or intercourse, nothing more. Regret, drunk sex, and shit like that don't belong in that because it absolves women of piss poor judgment and creates perpetual victimhood where they begin to believe anything that ever happens to them is never their fault.

As for the bolded/italic/underlined: You know good and goddamned well that every single man accused of sexual misconduct is seen as guilty in the court of public opinion. That's why all these muhfuckas end up losing their jobs! There's ZERO evidence against any of them other than word of mouth and yet they end up losing everything because the company doesn't want the bad publicity attached to him, so get rid of his ass even when it's his own company.

Bruh but have you looked up why its not reported right away. In many cases aint no real support. It would be like reporting the kkk to the local sheriff.
Yeah, and how many more go straight to the cops right after it happens? Guarantee you that a good number of women that went straight to the cops are side eyeing these chicks coming out talmbout "well, 20-30 years ago..." unless the chick in question was a minor and the man was an adult.

As for what constitutes rape, yes, it's been changing since the 90's. As I mentioned earlier "drunk sex" was NEVER considered rape, but recently it has been. Regretting a sexual encounter after-the-fact was never considered rape, but now it is. Even when a chick consents to sex, if she says "stop" on the last stroke before you bust one and you don't immediately jump out the pussy, you've just raped her; that was never the case years ago. Sexually waking your partner up is now considered rape. Further murking up the waters is that now we have it where just because a chick doesn't explicitly say "no" doesn't mean she consents despite her taking all her clothes off, getting on the bed and throwing her legs behind her head with a fuckin smile on her face; you need an explicit "yes" in order to fuck that chick and not wind up on the summer jam screen.

And we can go even further with it. To believe that what constitutes rape in 2018 is significantly different from 1990 is naive at best, dangerous at it's worst.

With drunk sex tho have you heard anybody being convicted for that. Because i dont think grey area cases like both parties being drunk and flirty get convicted. As opposed to a case where the victim was unconscious and drunk like the movie kids.
My point was this is way less likely somebody will lie about being a rape victim vs actually being raped. Im not saying it does not happen Emmit Till is a perfect example. But im not understanding the anti-me too movement. Like we see how rape victims are treated. Lady on nationsl tv just described her rape and it still wasnt enough. And inferl like the criticism is saying the me too movement is extreme. But many times you need some extreme shit to happen in order to change things.

Outright lying isn't the only problem though. Part of it comes down to misrepresentations of events where females recount shit based on how they felt at the time rather than how things actually went down. Take that Aziz Ansari situation where the chick tried to claim she was assaulted just cause dude was overly thirsty. The counter MeToo sentiment is against the rush to destroy men without any real evidence not genuine rape victims.
Pretty much. To these niggas if we dont get the same treatment white men get then its bullshit and has no merit. But they forget R. Kelly is untouchable.

@ the bold. It somewhat or straight out doesn't have any merit or significant meaning when the punishment isn't equal. Don't come to me talking about morals.

And R.Kelly is/was an exception and not the rule. It wasn't a white girl either and that also played a huge part.
@ the bold. It somewhat or straight out doesn't have any merit or significant meaning when the punishment isn't equal. Don't come to me talking about morals.

And R.Kelly is/was an exception and not the rule. It wasn't a white girl either and that also played a huge part.

So its all agreed and known black people arent treated fair by a corrupt system. But does that excuse black people from punishment for crimes even if the victims were black? Of course not. We cant act like the black community has no issue with sex crimes.

Im not excusing white people bullshit either. White women def became the face of this hashtag. But still it was started by a black woman.
I think women only got with it when they saw the money they could make

Bruh but have you looked up why its not reported right away. In many cases aint no real support. It would be like reporting the kkk to the local sheriff.

Yeah, I have, and I call bullshit on most of that. Any other crime perpetrated against a person gets reported damned near immediately but not this one? Nah b, I've known entirely too many women that went straight to the cops with rape cases for all that malarkey. And, if we're being honest with ourselves... and I already know that will never be the case... we already know that the vast majority of those cases were more or less piss poor decision making on the woman's part rather than rape but because of today's climate all of those encounters are now labeled as "rape".

There are a few instances where I can completely understand it:

1. A child has been raped/sexually assaulted and chooses to hide it instead of disclosing it to family, friends, or another authority figure (teacher, principal, etc)
2. A child had been conditioned over time to believe that what was going on was ok and "everybody does it".
3. The victim was drugged. This one especially because you may not remember anything for quite some time and then it comes back in bits and pieces or maybe all at once. You can even doubt that something happened immediately afterwards because it's like a dream.

Past that... Nah b, if it happened for real get your shit together and take your ass down to the precinct and file a report.
My nigga shut up. My explanation wasn't pointless. You think he's the only way that thinks the way he does? He isn't. Identifying why people have mistaken perceptions of things and explaining why they are wrong is the only way you actually knock down false representations. Ranting like a dumbass and acting like everyone who doesn't agree with you is inherently terrible like you always do is what's actually pointless.
Now that I gave you a warning let’s try this again. You pointing out why someone could think a certain way has always been a tactic of your devils advocate ways. Then we go back and forth addressing a non issue. If you don’t like it ignore me, put me on ignore or stop quoting me, but I’ll never see your devils advocate views ever.
So its all agreed and known black people arent treated fair by a corrupt system. But does that excuse black people from punishment for crimes even if the victims were black? Of course not. We cant act like the black community has no issue with sex crimes.

Im not excusing white people bullshit either. White women def became the face of this hashtag. But still it was started by a black woman.

You're also ignoring cultural differences between Black folks and white folks.

How many times have we heard Black women say something along the lines of her intentionally saying "no" because she ain't just gonna give up the ass the first few times a dude asks? I don't know about you, but I've heard it a whole helluva lot over the years.

How many Black women do you know that intentionally get "buzzed" or drunk before fucking a dude because it's more enjoyable when she gets loose like that? Same for Black men; a lot of cats get buzzed or drunk for the performance aspect of it plus the shit just gets wild. I know me and damned near every chick I've ever fucked with would have drinks or get shitfaced to get live with it.

Most Black women have dudes they fucked and regretted it almost immediately, but wouldn't go so far as to cry "rape"; they just chalk it up to experience and keep it moving.

White hoes outchea actin like a man can't even say "hi" or nothin while they're out and about without it being misconstrued as some form of sexual aggression towards her while Black women don't really seem to have an issue with it.

This is a part of the problem as well: Some shit just doesn't translate between cultures. What's fine with one group of people is considered "rape" with another so you got everybody lookin at each other like they're all crazy.
My point was this is way less likely somebody will lie about being a rape victim vs actually being raped. Im not saying it does not happen Emmit Till is a perfect example. But im not understanding the anti-me too movement. Like we see how rape victims are treated. Lady on nationsl tv just described her rape and it still wasnt enough. And inferl like the criticism is saying the me too movement is extreme. But many times you need some extreme shit to happen in order to change things.

Because it was over 30 years ago with ZERO credible evidence to support it and the timing of all them chicks coming forward was suspicious as fuck.

I don't want the muhfucka sittin on the SCOTUS at all 'cause he's got racist leanings and we have EVIDENCE of that, but I can't ignore how a few broads came outta nowhere to accuse him of some shit so conveniently.
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Now that I gave you a warning let’s try this again. You pointing out why someone could think a certain way has always been a tactic of your devils advocate ways. Then we go back and forth addressing a non issue. If you don’t like it ignore me, put me on ignore or stop quoting me, but I’ll never see your devils advocate views ever.

lol You really are a self righteous little shit, aren't you? Well do what makes you happy I guess.