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It looks like the #MeToo movement is planting the seeds to come after the Hip Hop industry next…

Instagram models need the hip hop industry to stay sexist to eat.

They cant take the booty out our videos

You might be joking, but for real, that's one of the biggest examples of feminist bullshit to me. On one hand they've traditionally bashed rappers for making videos that objectify women. On the other hand they've also taken the stance that women should be allowed to make careers out of being vixens. Which is it? Should rap videos have a bunch of half naked women dancing around or not. You can't say the women are right to do it, but also say the men are wrong for giving them the opportunity to do it.
Are niggas against rapists bein' outed or what

You need evidence. If you've been raped, don't sit there waiting 20-30 years to come forward, go THAT DAY!!! It makes absolutely no sense that these broads coming out with shit 20-30 years after the fact with an accusation that you can't even defend against other than to say you didn't do it. Report it when it happens and there may be fresh evidence to use against the perp which helps to secure a conviction.

Nature of the crime means its always he said/she said. I don't like to judge until I've heard everything, and then most times after you have its still up in the air.

It is what it is and can't be any different

It CAN and HAS been different. Like any other crime, rape has evidence that a crime occurred. That's why the police have rape kits; to collect evidence that the crime actually happened.

What makes rape problematic it that it's definition keeps changing to include things like regret, drunk sex, etc. The idea that a woman can consider herself a rape victim because weeks, months, years, or decades later she regrets the encounter is a HUGE problem. Rape is forced or coerced sexual contact or intercourse, nothing more. Regret, drunk sex, and shit like that don't belong in that because it absolves women of piss poor judgment and creates perpetual victimhood where they begin to believe anything that ever happens to them is never their fault.

As for the bolded/italic/underlined: You know good and goddamned well that every single man accused of sexual misconduct is seen as guilty in the court of public opinion. That's why all these muhfuckas end up losing their jobs! There's ZERO evidence against any of them other than word of mouth and yet they end up losing everything because the company doesn't want the bad publicity attached to him, so get rid of his ass even when it's his own company.
Sooooooo, are we still ignoring Catholic priests and their heinous acts against children?

Nah, that shit been in the spotlight for the last 20 years. The big cases really started getting exposure back in '98 and they just kept coming ever since. It's to the point where everybody lookin at them dudes with suspicion.
Ok cool, and no major lawsuits were reported

What??? Were you living in a cave the last 20 years? Those lawsuits were all over the news! The handling of those priests is what got a lot of people pissed, especially when all the cover-ups were exposed. All that shit made national headlines. People were calling out the Pope 'cause his response amounted to less than a slap on the wrist and it looked like the Vatican was trying to keep them niggas from even being prosecuted for fresh cases.

Nah dude, you just ain't been paying attention.
Misguided aggression towards Black entertainers and not the real predators

Except that's not what's happening. We have 20+ years of documented abuses by Catholic clergy and it's squarely been in the public eye.

Attacking hip hop is basically white men in media trying to find a distraction from their own issues.
Hip hop is sexist as fuck

If u say it isnt u dumb or lyin. But no need to cry. I dont see it changing.

Hip hop like 40yrs old and most ppl cant name 5 female artists
You need evidence. If you've been raped, don't sit there waiting 20-30 years to come forward, go THAT DAY!!! It makes absolutely no sense that these broads coming out with shit 20-30 years after the fact with an accusation that you can't even defend against other than to say you didn't do it. Report it when it happens and there may be fresh evidence to use against the perp which helps to secure a conviction.

It CAN and HAS been different. Like any other crime, rape has evidence that a crime occurred. That's why the police have rape kits; to collect evidence that the crime actually happened.

What makes rape problematic it that it's definition keeps changing to include things like regret, drunk sex, etc. The idea that a woman can consider herself a rape victim because weeks, months, years, or decades later she regrets the encounter is a HUGE problem. Rape is forced or coerced sexual contact or intercourse, nothing more. Regret, drunk sex, and shit like that don't belong in that because it absolves women of piss poor judgment and creates perpetual victimhood where they begin to believe anything that ever happens to them is never their fault.

As for the bolded/italic/underlined: You know good and goddamned well that every single man accused of sexual misconduct is seen as guilty in the court of public opinion. That's why all these muhfuckas end up losing their jobs! There's ZERO evidence against any of them other than word of mouth and yet they end up losing everything because the company doesn't want the bad publicity attached to him, so get rid of his ass even when it's his own company.

Mate there's no way this is the first time you've read someone say that rape victims often keep their attack a secret for all sorts of reasons.

The definition of rape isn't changin' man its always beeb pretty much the same, it's just that women are way more likely to report it. As for men bein' guilty until proven innocent, that's true. Although, it's not 100%. Cristiano Ronaldo has a case on him right now, but most people believe him and not her.
I'm saying metoo is only going to put black men in jail but not white men. Black feminist are getting played again.