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Opinions You Keep to Yourself...

Cant debate politics. Democrat or republican ur not doin shit but rooting for a logo. Both sides are literally the same and react to shit the same way.

Call each other out on bullshit n cover up or make excuses for their own bullshit while accusing the other of doing the same.

Never fails.

Politics show the ignorance of the masses.
Welp here goes...

And just a forewarning I'm not explaining shit beyond this post, just hit that nosign or wack if y'all don't like it...

Integration was a horrible idea from jump.

Black women get drunk with power when in higher positions and it makes us annoying af to work with.

Never in my life will I ever give change to a white bum in America.

Niggas that love anal sex are higher up on the spectrum than they wanna admit.

The smarter black people get, the more angry they should be which is why I'm sure some choose to remain blissfully ignorant.

Niggas was stupid for expecting Obama to do anything more for them than be black and president at the same time. No president in the history of presidents ever helped niggas intentionally.

Incarcerated killers should be sentenced to fighting frontline in American wars rather than rotting in jail. Waste of a skill set.

I'm done for now...
Had a discussion bout guns with a bunch of old white conservatives at work after one of them shooting. Told them like man guns for protecting your home is cool but why the fuck do we need assault weapons.

They wasnt hearing me.

Showed them my gun permit to prove I wasnt anti guns, they still wasnt hearing me.

One dude said what about when you out with your fam and in a situation you need a big gun? I laughed at him like man you gonna pull out a AK-47 from your waist at a theater if its being shot up?

They was heated.

Then the one dude said what about protecting yourself from the govt. I laughed them out the room. Told one if the govt was to take over he would be the first one dead regardless of how many guns he had.

Havent talked about guns at work since.

Must be the talkin point that gets passed around people like them. Cuz they always bring up "situation". What situation muthafucca?

Where was these so-called gun rights muthafuccas when folks was gettin killed in mass shootings?

As for the government...HA! I trust the government more than I trust them crazy azzz, gun toting, conspiracy muthafuccas who get off lookin forward to the world coming to an end.
Welp here goes...

And just a forewarning I'm not explaining shit beyond this post, just hit that nosign or wack if y'all don't like it...

Integration was a horrible idea from jump.

Black women get drunk with power when in higher positions and it makes us annoying af to work with.

Never in my life will I ever give change to a white bum in America.

Niggas that love anal sex are higher up on the spectrum than they wanna admit.

The smarter black people get, the more angry they should be which is why I'm sure some choose to remain blissfully ignorant.

Niggas was stupid for expecting Obama to do anything more for them than be black and president at the same time. No president in the history of presidents ever helped niggas intentionally.

Incarcerated killers should be sentenced to fighting frontline in American wars rather than rotting in jail. Waste of a skill set.

I'm done for now...
My take is it's silly af to clown somebody for believing in an "imaginary friend" if you believe two rocks crashed head on, created a whole atmosphere with the exact elemental proportions need to sustain life. Then a single cell microbe eventually grew legs, got up to land, developed full limbs and an advanced brain and millions of years later here we are.

So where the hell them two rocks come from? And yes you could say where did any higher power come from, so my point is both sounf stupid just depends on whch side you on

Lol what makes you think I believe either theory? I’m perfectly content knowing I have no idea where the fuck all this came from, and yes I still think the imaginary friend is silly as hell.
I was gonna say this too. Men that complain about feminism just don't wana be challenged.

Most men don't have an issue with feminism.

The problem is with radical, 3rd wave feminism.

Rarely have I heard any man say that women don't deserve equal pay for the same work, the right to vote.......or anything of that nature.

It's when those extreme feminists talk about patriarchy, chivalry, benevolent sexism and all that other craziness that I think is ridiculous.

I mean, it seems like some of them think that they're living in a patriarchal society the same way as women in Saudi Arabia who are covered from head to toe........and can't do anything without the permission of their father, brother, husband, or any other male member of their family.

Basically, when they exaggerate their situation......it's hard to take them seriously.
And the super christians wanna pray everything away.

No, sometimes you have to actually get off your ass and do something.

Lawd that annoys me to death. If you’re fat and need to lose weight, you think just because you pray about it and do nothing else like, say, work out and/or eat healthy, you really think the lord will bless you? It’s insane. Just praying ain’t gonna do shit.

Religious ppl is the ones going around with bullshit everyday

Anti-religious people are just as bad though.

Always funny to me how Atheists complain about Christians trying to impose their views on others.......when Atheists do the exact same thing.

Kobe smug pic.png

So, ironically........they're really no better than the religious people they complain about.

Men really need to stop telling women how women should feel about things women go through.

I tried telling some dudes that. They aint say it out loud but I could see in their eyes they were thinking I was a bitch.

Decided Ill keep that shit to myself ever since.
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Marriage is overrated. Felt this way for minute tbh. I get hassled about how me and my s/o NEED to get married. For what?

Where does the "need" part come in? I need to eat to live. I need air to breath. But why the "need" to get married?

I understand a lot of it has to wit traditional/religious/blah blah reasons. Or how society make folks believe that no matter much you accomplish in life...you're still incomplete without a spouse and kids. But what makes a couple's relationship who married, better than a couple who's not married, but has been in a long term relationship?

This is something I know I can't have a serious debate wit my family about.
My homie girl is a feminist lol I'm like bruh how can you deal with this all the time.

I walking into the gym the other day and I was in front of a older white lady. I held the door for her and she thank you. I'm like no problem you're welcome. Next thing she said was these feminist are making it hard for men to be cordial and nice. Lol that was funny as hell to me.

I read an article about how older women are feeling the consequences of "modern feminism". Shit came out right after that bullshit video "10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman" was posted up and a bunch of thinkpieces were written in support of that bullshit video. Old broads was like "Now hold on second... We like getting catcalls and men actually noticing us!" and many held feminism to blame.
I'm all for gay rights, for them living their lives how they see fit, and gettin married if they want to. Plus...how you gonna tell two grown azzz people what they can or cannot do?

How is them wanting to get married affecting any of our livelihoods? Yeah we may not like the lifestyle...but at least respect the fact that that its THEIR lives. Why do you care if they wanna walk down the isle? And let's not bring up the bible. B/c if you're a so-called religious person...then you should already know that NO man or woman can judge.

My only issue I have wit it...is folks tryin to compare the gay struggle...to the black struggle. No. Not even close. Civil rights...ok yeah. But to say gays have suffered the same as blacks...naw...just...naw. Don't do that. You can change your sexual orientation at any time...IF you chose to. I can't change my skin color to become another race.
Welp here goes...

And just a forewarning I'm not explaining shit beyond this post, just hit that nosign or wack if y'all don't like it...

Integration was a horrible idea from jump.

Black women get drunk with power when in higher positions and it makes us annoying af to work with.

Never in my life will I ever give change to a white bum in America.

Niggas that love anal sex are higher up on the spectrum than they wanna admit.

The smarter black people get, the more angry they should be which is why I'm sure some choose to remain blissfully ignorant.

Niggas was stupid for expecting Obama to do anything more for them than be black and president at the same time. No president in the history of presidents ever helped niggas intentionally.

Incarcerated killers should be sentenced to fighting frontline in American wars rather than rotting in jail. Waste of a skill set.

I'm done for now...

You better talk dat talk woman. Preach