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Nas takes to Instagram to write open letter to ex wife Kelis over child custody

i agree with your 3rd paragraph, however, after experience in dealing with someone who embellishes, exaggerates and just flat out lies about the truth, i see where he is coming from
sounds like you may have dated my bm....

alot of shit you say matches up too much
what im taking from this and yall comments is that you guys never truly been taken to the ringer with a chick.

a liar can come across as authentic while someone whos not lying may seems like they coming on too thick....
it could because you heard herside first and for a while....an when he finally speaks he has alot to say so it may seem like" ok, nigga we get it" when hes was spread out over years.

if a man can take responsibility ....for his actions....what more does he need?
he said what he feels like she been saying.
now the public has to sift thru the BS for the truth.

but none of that should matter because he just wants his son

I haven't been through it, you're right. Your post makes a lot of sense, though. A frequent liar would obviously be good at it, maybe even good enough to seem more genuine than someone who is being more honest
I haven't been through it, you're right. Your post makes a lot of sense, though. A frequent liar would obviously be good at it, maybe even good enough to seem more genuine than someone who is being more honest
i have dealt with a chick like her....and thru all her lies...no one questioned the validity of what she was saying.....and if it started to veer off....here comes the tears.

but let me ask you this question.

real shit....

if your girls brother or dad came to you and asked you why you hit her cause she said you beat her ass, what would you say? how would you say it?


what if you sister or daughter came to you and said her man beat her ass, what would you do? how would you react? what would you expect the dude to say when you comfronted him? would what he said matter? or would you just think to protect your family first?

now....go back to the first question.

think about it,.
is their a way out for a dude once this is said?
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i have dealt with a chick like her....and thru all her lies...no one questioned the validity of what she was saying.....and if it started to veer off....hear comes the tears.

but let me ask you this question.

real shit....

if your girls brother or dad came to you and asked you why you hit her cause she said you beat her ass, what would you say? how would you say it?


what if you sister or daughter came to you and said her man beat her ass, what would you do? how would you react? what would you expect the dude to say when you comfronted him? would what he said matter? or would you just think to protect your family first?

now....go back to the first question.

think about it,.
is their a way out for a dude once this is said?

When it comes to family, people almost always take their blood's side. He's playing a losing game, at least as far as swaying those people's opinions. For me, as an outsider, I know he looks like he's trying to big himself up, and then he knocks her down, which does not come across as understanding. Makes him look like he embodies a lot of what he accuses her of.

If this is the case, Nas is smart enough to know that playing with the pigs will get you muddy
Nas always been the chill type .. And very reserved publicly... For him to type all that pent up emotion shows he's been taken to the brink...

Forget the other bullshit between him and Kelis... He should be in his son's life.. More especially as a Black father
Fair enough. If you're similarly disinterested in both sides, it's all good. It just seemed like you didn't give Nas a fair shot.
Nah that wasn't it...I knew my post would be taken as such so I wasn't trippin.
The details actually do matter. It's not just a matter of the day of the week. If someone makes it seem like you were beating the shit out of them when really it was minor scuffles and public perception has a lot to do with your livelihood you better clear yourself up. All abuse ain't the same, you can't be serious.
But that's not what Kelis said. She said they was both putting hands on each other. When and for what reason I don't need to know.
He discusses their relationship. How she's apparently jealous of his daughter (what relevance does that have?), how he's so happy right now even though she's married (comes across weird, like he's spreading it on too thick), talking about how she wanted him to stop the divorce proceedings (that did not need to be aired), how her first song was apparently some omen and forewarning about her succubus tendencies...

He talks a lot about what she used to do. His posture is along the lines of "I'm bad, you're evil". He admits he does some wrong, to justify him crucifying her later on in that piece, bringing up the past like Marty McFly.

There's a lot of self aggrandizement in his post: I'm a humble, god fearing, good, respectable, loyal, disconnected, brain infected, overloaded, candy coated, blah blah blah. It adds to this tone I think Gabi is referring to, where he seems unwilling to really talk with Kelis, rather than at her.

The bold encapsulates my problem with your stance. You don't seem to be getting the point of him writing this. It's not to try and have a civil discussion with her. If you read what he said, from his standpoint he already tried that. This letter is all about setting the record straight and making the statement that he's had enough of the bullshit. Kelis has been bashing him for a while now, and he didn't say anything. You think when he finally has enough and comes out that he's basically going to sugar coat everything and try to equivocate her actions? Of course not. At this point, it's going to be gloves off. Ya'll are giving her so much credit because she admitted she did wrong, but taking credit from him even though he did the same thing. All while you ignore that the only reason any of this is public in the first place is because she made it that way. Again, look at what he actually says. He tells her to stop trying to use the current happenings in the world to garner sympathy for herself. Now you'd dismiss that as him bashing her, but look at what we know. She painted him as abusive and a woman beater. Then she admits that she was violent too and the relationship was toxic. Nas basically comes out and says the same thing, but puts more anger into it. Why, because Kelis' initial portrayal of the situation makes him look worse than what is probably reality. None of us know for all that happened, but we do seem to agree that both were wrong. If that's the case, how can ya'll come on here and praise Kelis, but bash Nas when they both are just giving their sides of the story?
The bold encapsulates my problem with your stance. You don't seem to be getting the point of him writing this. It's not to try and have a civil discussion with her. If you read what he said, from his standpoint he already tried that. This letter is all about setting the record straight and making the statement that he's had enough of the bullshit. Kelis has been bashing him for a while now, and he didn't say anything. You think when he finally has enough and comes out that he's basically going to sugar coat everything and try to equivocate her actions? Of course not. At this point, it's going to be gloves off. Ya'll are giving her so much credit because she admitted she did wrong, but taking credit from him even though he did the same thing. All while you ignore that the only reason any of this is public in the first place is because she made it that way. Again, look at what he actually says. He tells her to stop trying to use the current happenings in the world to garner sympathy for herself. Now you'd dismiss that as him bashing her, but look at what we know. She painted him as abusive and a woman beater. Then she admits that she was violent too and the relationship was toxic. Nas basically comes out and says the same thing, but puts more anger into it. Why, because Kelis' initial portrayal of the situation makes him look worse than what is probably reality. None of us know for all that happened, but we do seem to agree that both were wrong. If that's the case, how can ya'll come on here and praise Kelis, but bash Nas when they both are just giving their sides of the story?

Seeing a single, gigantic block of text like this from you is weird, brah. I beg of you, break that ish up next time.

I'm not giving her credit or praising her, for the record, I just think his posturing on the matter indicates that he's not being entirely honest. He admits he was in a heated, passionate place, so I think that's even to be expected.
Seeing a single, gigantic block of text like this from you is weird, brah. I beg of you, break that ish up next time.

I'm not giving her credit or praising her, for the record, I just think his posturing on the matter indicates that he's not being entirely honest. He admits he was in a heated, passionate place, so I think that's even to be expected.

lol My bad.

I think he's speaking from hurt and anger, so yeah, you can't take everything he says as gospel, same way you couldn't with Kelis. I'm just saying people need to be fair and consistent. You can't listen to Kelis' wishy washy accounts and credit her because she takes some responsibility, but then dismiss Nas because he's forward in his disagreement with her.
Nas never had this problem with Destiny's mums despite their fallout... I know from the media he was quite close to his daughter

Why is it then different for his son?
Kelis framed herself as a victim who fought back. Nas says that isn't true. The timing of this all coincides with Nas getting a big bag from Amazon while also having his child support payments reduced. She's trying to control him by breaking the custody agreement keeping him from his son and trying to tear him down in the court of public opinion.

Only God knows what happened between those 2 but to try to bring it public 10 years later because you're upset about a custody agreement that allows a man to see his son is vindictive and wack.
Is he a perfect father? Probably not. But her portrayal of him as a deadbeat "photo op" dad is hard for me to believe given how close him and Des always were and still are to this day. Des will tell you he's the best dad in the world. Nas always rapped about wanting a son. It seems like he's tried really hard to have a relationship and Kelis is doing everything she can to prevent it. That's not right. And yes, I watched her full interview twice.
I don't like all this public grandstanding. But why did Nas allow Kelis to verbally abuse his daughter? The courts had nothing to do with that.
Nah that wasn't it...I knew my post would be taken as such so I wasn't trippin.

But that's not what Kelis said. She said they was both putting hands on each other. When and for what reason I don't need to know.
i got a question.
if a chick constantly hits you first until you begin to defend yourself....
would that be considered putting hands on each other? or defending yourself
Kelis framed herself as a victim who fought back. Nas says that isn't true. The timing of this all coincides with Nas getting a big bag from Amazon while also having his child support payments reduced. She's trying to control him by breaking the custody agreement keeping him from his son and trying to tear him down in the court of public opinion.

Only God knows what happened between those 2 but to try to bring it public 10 years later because you're upset about a custody agreement that allows a man to see his son is vindictive and wack.
im sorry.....this may be a foul mindframe...

but any chick that keeps a child from a father....is not to be believed about anything.
cause if he hit her....then he didnt do a good job since she feel strong enough to keep the kid from him.