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Theories in here match the shows writing lmaooo

I can’t even rule out anybody’s prediction for not making sense

The Tasha shit alone just makes it so cringeworthy. Like it just doesn’t make sense. We going on 2-3 seasons they been at it and her screaming she want out and this nigga ain’t snap on her monkey ass yet about wanting to get out episode fucking 1

Then her and Tommy speaking on shit to a minor that can have they asses hemmed up for life....ejecto seato cuhzzzzzzzzzz
they are simply setting up and speeding up Tariq s Anakin s development
how u gonna ban a nigga for a inaccurate prediction? Holly could ve been a snitch until she wasnt

must've been you

that wasnt a prediction with any sort of merit

nothing she done the entire season even remotely resembled she would turn
Sometimes the writing this season seems too......unbelievable or forced and it's lead to a drop off in the performances in certain characters.

Tommy was an amazing actor after him an Ghost fell out and he was way more dark. Now he's just loud and reckless and way less tactical. His thing with Lala is going nowhere and isn't beneficial to the show anymore. He was a much better actor when Holly was a round and the episodes after he killed her and he was running the game solo. Now his moves are too predictable and even though we don't see him doing drugs this season he's acting unhinged as though he is.

Kanan's acting was also better when his character was darker. He's not a better character for the show when he's happier and all out in the open. Too many daylight scenes for him this season. He needs less screen time. That would make him more effective.

Angela was way better when she was fucking with Ghost. It feels like her character is missing something right now and what that is, is something to lose and something to gain. What is she striving for now? Before it was to ascend to the top of her career and start a life with Ghost. Now they're trying to make her character more career based without Ghost but it's obvious it can't work without them being involved. Her character needs him.

Tasha is a piece of work. She doesn't know what she wants and that's fucking with everyone in her life and she refuses to acknowledge that. There's really nothing more to say about her.

Tariq has to make a decision. I feel like the lil nigga is smart enough to know he doesn't need the game but also feels like his whole life is built around it so why not be in it. Poor kid.

Tate is clearly a heavy player is the drug game. This was heavily hinted at when Ghost saw him chopping it up on the corner outside that one time before their interview and also when he basically forced Ghost to put one of his young hustlers. We know he's running for Gov. but it's clear as day with the way he talks to Ghost that he's no stranger to the street shit. I mean it's not like the nigga isn't from the same neighborhoods as Ghost. His reveal with be the climax of the season. If I had to guess something with happen to one or both of the Jimenez and Tate will have a hand in it and neither Ghost or Dre will be able to capitalize on it cause...yup you guessed it, Tate already has both of them niggas by the balls.

They're playing up the Ghost drinking shit a lil too much also. I get it but I think they're overdoing it. Also Since day one we've known Ghost to be the most tactical character on the show. I mean we've seen this nigga do all types of shit that lets us understand why they call him Ghost but he's a shell of himself right now. I don't know if this is the writers way of showing us how much the death of Raina is hurting him but the show desperately needs him to get back on his bullshit and fast.

All in all I think the main thing this show needs is..........

A new city. I honestly think it would be perfect and could easily extend the show for a few more seasons. Spread some of these characters out. They've already showed hits of Tommy moving to LA and Ghost and Angie moving to Miami. I think it would do wonders for the show to have some of these people spread out over a few different cities and introduce some new characters and storylines. It feels like there's too many characters and storylines being jammed up in a small setting. Spread these muthafuckas out.
And smh & lol at the weekly bitchin yall doing about the writing...yet yall STILL continue watching it. Lol!



Sometimes the writing this season seems too......unbelievable or forced and it's lead to a drop off in the performances in certain characters.

Tommy was an amazing actor after him an Ghost fell out and he was way more dark. Now he's just loud and reckless and way less tactical. His thing with Lala is going nowhere and isn't beneficial to the show anymore. He was a much better actor when Holly was a round and the episodes after he killed her and he was running the game solo. Now his moves are too predictable and even though we don't see him doing drugs this season he's acting unhinged as though he is.

Kanan's acting was also better when his character was darker. He's not a better character for the show when he's happier and all out in the open. Too many daylight scenes for him this season. He needs less screen time. That would make him more effective.

Angela was way better when she was fucking with Ghost. It feels like her character is missing something right now and what that is, is something to lose and something to gain. What is she striving for now? Before it was to ascend to the top of her career and start a life with Ghost. Now they're trying to make her character more career based without Ghost but it's obvious it can't work without them being involved. Her character needs him.

Tasha is a piece of work. She doesn't know what she wants and that's fucking with everyone in her life and she refuses to acknowledge that. There's really nothing more to say about her.

Tariq has to make a decision. I feel like the lil nigga is smart enough to know he doesn't need the game but also feels like his whole life is built around it so why not be in it. Poor kid.

Tate is clearly a heavy player is the drug game. This was heavily hinted at when Ghost saw him chopping it up on the corner outside that one time before their interview and also when he basically forced Ghost to put one of his young hustlers. We know he's running for Gov. but it's clear as day with the way he talks to Ghost that he's no stranger to the street shit. I mean it's not like the nigga isn't from the same neighborhoods as Ghost. His reveal with be the climax of the season. If I had to guess something with happen to one or both of the Jimenez and Tate will have a hand in it and neither Ghost or Dre will be able to capitalize on it cause...yup you guessed it, Tate already has both of them niggas by the balls.

They're playing up the Ghost drinking shit a lil too much also. I get it but I think they're overdoing it. Also Since day one we've known Ghost to be the most tactical character on the show. I mean we've seen this nigga do all types of shit that lets us understand why they call him Ghost but he's a shell of himself right now. I don't know if this is the writers way of showing us how much the death of Raina is hurting him but the show desperately needs him to get back on his bullshit and fast.

All in all I think the main thing this show needs is..........

A new city. I honestly think it would be perfect and could easily extend the show for a few more seasons. Spread some of these characters out. They've already showed hits of Tommy moving to LA and Ghost and Angie moving to Miami. I think it would do wonders for the show to have some of these people spread out over a few different cities and introduce some new characters and storylines. It feels like there's too many characters and storylines being jammed up in a small setting. Spread these muthafuckas out.

Yes Ghost was tactical...UNTIL his daughter got murdered.

He still hasn't really dealt wit his daughter's death. Which is why Tasha went off on him about. He hasn't shown he's grieving. They just see him going about his business as usual.

Right now he doesn't know how to grieve. That's why he was drinking. He doesn't have anyone to talk to, which is why he's been trying to reach out to Angela. In a way, he kinda wants her to save him.

I like how the Rev. was tryin to get Ghost to take responsibility for his actions. He should've been speakin to Tasha's stankin azzz.

Power creator Courtney Kemp came through to afterbuzz and gave some insights on this season/show. Cliff notes:

  • Contrary to some people's belief, the twins i.e. Tariq and Raina are indeed Ghost's kids and not Kanan's. Tasha has so many reasons to have beef with Kanan and vice-versa e.g. Kanan killed Shawn (who was Tasha's lover), kidnaps Tariq (ie Tasha's son), Tasha conspired to send Kanan to jail etc
  • Stern is a "casual racist". She likens it to people who would vote for Obama but wouldn't have "a black" in their house
  • People complaining online about Ghost "being different" this season. Ummm....his daughter's just died people! He's still grieving so people need to not expect him to move like season 1-3
  • Ghost has always been an alcoholic
  • Ghost not wanting the reverend to call him "son" comes back to 1) him checking the rev last season about calling him that already and 2) a lil bit of daddy issues. His dad had a club and drunk himself out of business to failure
  • Difficult on timeline of show. The series itself has been 5 months (in the narrative) but they're currently playing Tariq 15 because it wouldn't make sense to have him 12. Tasha is 30, Ghost/Tommy are 35. In the original conception of the show the kids were meant to be older (i.e. 15 already so Tariq would have been being the teenage rebel earlier on than we're now seeing) but because they casted Naturi, they aged down the twins from the original conception
  • Tate is dirty. Politicians are a different type of gangster...
  • The scene with Ghost hemming up Tate at the charity was deliberately orchestrated. The writers have been making the audience root for Ghost to come at Tate all this time but when he does it, we're meant to feel "ooh no...this wasn't the time". Hence the "you know you done fucked up" moment
  • Silver was designed as a "captain save-a-ho" character. He's also meant to represent a talented tenth person. Silver's relationship with Tasha mirrors Angela's to Ghost. In other words they only see or want to see one side of the person
  • Blanca (the latina detective on Angela) was created with a Colombo type character in mind. Courtney gave the sense she might not live long as Blanca is a "white hat" and white hats don't live long typically on the show
  • Everyone has failed Tariq but equally he's made the wrong decisions
  • Angela may look dumb to the audience (e.g. thinking Ghost killed Gregg or recently Tommy being the distro for the Jimenez). People need to remember this is TV and Angela is not in the scenes we all see therefore we the audience know more than her. So for her she's right based on her knowledge
  • Teresi may look now that he's looking out for himself against Tommy but in terms of their relationship, what it is right now is not how it's going to be. Courtney mentions propinquity (the affection that grows from spending time with someone)....I won't say anymore on that but I kind of got the gist of where she was going there
  • Kanan killing the Tainos was always part of the storyline. Adding Kendrick in the crackhead role was a new touch to the plot. Kendrick wanted the character to be a seer, like a magical person but because he was so crazy people couldn't see it (i.e. mental illness but showing flashes of brilliance)
  • Q&As:
  • who cheated first Tasha or Ghost? Depends on what you call cheating. Tasha getting off in the back of the car was to show Tasha's immaturity. But if your definition of cheating is sex, then Ghost...
  • the proximity of deaths to Ghost is getting closer (in reference to if the show is ending or going forward)
  • the casket was not small for Raina, it had to do with the way it was shot i.e. the angle
  • Lobos was nuts but in total control of himself. Diego is nuts but not in control that's why Alicia is there. She's the smart one but needs him because "he's the penis"
  • people saying the writing's not as good (cough some niggas in here cough). Courtney has a theory and that it's because it's not escapist as before. This season is not fun but she's been getting those comments since they put Ghost in jail. It's not as fun as season 1-3. It's not the writing, people say that but they're honoring Raina's death right now. The show is uncomfortable right now because she wants to push the audience for their entertainment. Everyone hates the show by E04 and everyone loves it by E08.
  • Courtney does the research and mostly decision maker on the music for the show
  • Courtney exclusive, the last episode of this season will be almost 75mins (typically its 58:30mins)
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  • Contrary to some people's belief, the twins i.e. Tariq and Raina are indeed Ghost's kids and not Kanan's. Tasha has so many reasons to have beef with Kanan and vice-versa e.g. Kanan killed Shawn (who was Tasha's lover), kidnaps Tariq (ie Tasha's son), Tasha conspired to send Kanan to jail etc

The only ones who believed that shit, were the same ones that thought Holly was a super secret agent.
Lol @ her thinking the writing got bad that late

Nah shit was shaky from the start but in the beginning, stories can go anywhere so they kind of got to take course before you start critiquing too much

This being over a 5 month period speaks to how bad the writing is and should’ve been kept silent

In 5 months, these dudes took out a mob boss and a cartel boss...I respect her part in creating something I had affinity for at one point but don’t insult our intelligence as viewers

Nah it’s wack and we can’t honor Reina and feel that pain cause no effort was put into building her character up. It was a weak move. Black men on tv shooting little girls for no reason. That’s trash. If she had balls Ghost would’ve been out or dead, 2 seasons ago

cosign @ bold. I always suspected from early on that although it took a year per season, it was always meant to be viewed as a continuation from the previous season, but her confirming just makes it look stupid. I mean you took out Lobos, Milan, almost Kanan and got Jimenez on your back (plus Jason/Serbs) all within 5 mths?! LMAO
Hold on the timeline of the entire series has been 5 months?

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Its getting so far from reality with each passing epsoide

Like how the fuck the Cartel dont reach out to their NY distro to let them know everything is ok when they seen the shit went down.

The MOB trusting a outsider Tommy and believing what 50 said to them.

Along with Dre being on the board with a nigga trying to kill him.

Its so far gone
I thought each season was a new year because during each season it's always cold outside. So I was thinking they picked up in the winter of a new year.

I was just thinking about this the other day wondering why we never saw other seasons changing.

Tommy was sent to jail and released
Ghost was sent to jail and released
Kanan was set on fire and healed
Sean was killed
Raina got killed
Greg got killed
Lobos taken down and killed
Holly got killed
Truth opened, closed and reopened
Sandoval got killed
Dre went from a soldier to a boss
Stern has popped up like 3 different times after being embarrassed

Five months is bullshit