OPINION What's your position on illegal immigration?

Lol @ "They're taking away the jobs" bs excuse.

Oh I'm sorry...how many muthafuccas are lining up to apply positions at McDonald's...maids in hotels...cleaning bathrooms...all the other menial jobs that a LOT of Americans citizens deem beneath them?

Does the system need to be fixed...yes.

Do these families need to be torn apart...hell no. And you would think black folks would know a lot about families being torn apart considering OUR history with this country.

But let's stop acting like folks are rushing to clean people's houses...take care of their kids...trim their bushes. Smh

Real thing is companies wont pay an illegal real money. And dont want to hire americans. But these companies face no penalty. Thats Americans problem we like corporations and shit we like for them to be shady because obviously thats how it should be.
Us has no official language. Idk why niggas move to spanish speaking areas in spanish named cities and dont learn spanish? Spanish got to be the most accessible language outside of english. And all bi lingual people get paid more

We write in English and speak English. All Important documents are in English.

The official language is English. So just stop
Yeah, I don't really care who was president when the kids were put in cages..

At no point in my post did I mention any presidents.

I just posed a question.

I appreciate the response, though.

What you did say was this: "under normal circumstances, people aren't detained indefinately and having their kids thrown into cages for misdemeanors."

I threw that in there because everybody has been on Trumps ass over those pics of kids in them detention cages that surfaced recently, and all the talk has been about kids getting separated from their parents and whatnot and folks are blaming Trump for it. You brought it up, and because this is a part of the larger discussion I felt the need to inject that into it.
Lol @ "They're taking away the jobs" bs excuse.

Oh I'm sorry...how many muthafuccas are lining up to apply positions at McDonald's...maids in hotels...cleaning bathrooms...all the other menial jobs that a LOT of Americans citizens deem beneath them?

Does the system need to be fixed...yes.

Do these families need to be torn apart...hell no. And you would think black folks would know a lot about families being torn apart considering OUR history with this country.

But let's stop acting like folks are rushing to clean people's houses...take care of their kids...trim their bushes. Smh

Students do a lot of those jobs. Prior to foreign labour cutting prices, Black women made up a good preponderance of the cleaning force. Nobody said White folks are losing out, that point is irrelevant.
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We write in English and speak English. All Important documents are in English.

The official language is English. So just stop

Legally its not. Aint no laws saying you have to know english bruh. Thats why its mexicans who been here for decades and barely speak english. Same with chinatown. Its de facto and people live without it.
I Think there should be a humane process in which people can gain their citizenship.. its funny when i see people co-opt cac narratives. Steve bannon types are driving this wedge masterfully might i add.

I just go back to how this country was founded and am like word...

I Think there should be a humane process in which people can gain their citizenship.. its funny when i see people co-opt cac narratives. Steve bannon types are driving this wedge masterfully might i add.

I just go back to how this country was founded and am like word...


There are ways for people to gain citizenship. My family did it and many others do.
interesting take.

i mean the whites did come illegally...brought us illegally
and now calling them illegal.

White ppl was wrong

But they did not come here illegally. Wasn’t no law and slaves was legal (still fucked up)
I have a question about this...

What jobs are they taking, though?

In a previous post, somebody said that a McDonald's had to be shut down, because of an INS raid..

Are we saying that Americans are mad because immigrants are taking these low paying, fast food jobs?

There's people with college degrees who can't find jobs in their field, but they refuse to swallow their pride and take a minimum wage job and would prefer to be unemployed.

Juan, on the othet hand, aint too proud to flip burgers for a living.

My point is, if you REALLY want a job at Micky D's, you can get a job at Micky D's.

A lotta Americans won't work for that salary.

These immigrants are desperate and will do ANY job to help their families back home.

My 2 cents.

I know a lot of people keep saying it, but this shit really ain't the truth.

In my example, the McDonalds that got raided reopened the following week. The whole staff flipped from 100% Mexican to a mix of Black and White with one Asian cat thrown in. Those were all jobs being taken from Americans that wanted those jobs.

There's a shitload of folks with degrees busing tables, flipping burgers, and the like. That's the main reason there's been that whole push for a $15/hr minimum wage. Those people are demanding it because they're unable to sustain their previous lifestyle they had or want to have while flippin burgers.

There are Americans for those jobs. There are Americans that will do those jobs if that's what's available to them. The myth here is that we'll refuse to take them. On the contrary, many Americans are desperate enough to take those jobs but they're being offered to immigrants who minimum wage employers believe won't quit if a better opportunity comes their way.
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White ppl was wrong

But they did not come here illegally. Wasn’t no law and slaves was legal (still fucked up)

ok....so can i come into your house and create a rule where there is no rule?
I know a lot of people keep saying it, but this shit really ain't the truth.

In my example, the McDonalds that got raided reopened the following week. The whole staff flipped from 100% Mexican to a mix of Black and White with one Asian cat thrown in. Those were all jobs being taken from Americans that wanted those jobs.

There's a shitload of folks with degrees busing tables, flipping burgers, and the like. That's the main reason there's been that whole push for a $15/hr minimum wage. Those people are demanding it because they're unable to sustain their previous lifestyle they had or want to have while flippin burgers.

There are Americans for those jobs. There are Americans that will do those jobs if that's what's available to them. The myth here is that we'll refuse to take them. On the contrary, many Americans are desperate enough to take those jobs but they're being offered to immigrants who minimum wage employers believe won't quit if a better opportunity comes their way.
if you got a degree and you flipping burgers....i would hope you fell onto a hard time and dont plan on staying there.

but the fact you have a degree should make someone not worried about the wage at that point...because they have the requirement to make more....just out of luck t the moment
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if you got a degree and you flipping burgers....i would hope you fell onto a hard time and dont plan on staying there.

but the fact you have a degree should make someone not worried about the wage at that point...because they have the requirement to make more....just out of luck t the moment

The vast majority of articles I've ever read on it that's precisely what happened. Had a good job then got laid off. There are cats fresh out of college that are having a tough time finding a job but I think that's more because their expectations are entirely too high. They think they're gonna hit the bricks and land a high paying job but that just ain't the case so they refuse lower paying, entry level jobs in their field.
The vast majority of articles I've ever read on it that's precisely what happened. Had a good job then got laid off. There are cats fresh out of college that are having a tough time finding a job but I think that's more because their expectations are entirely too high. They think they're gonna hit the bricks and land a high paying job but that just ain't the case so they refuse lower paying, entry level jobs in their field.
so they rather work at fast food spot and demand them raise the wages for them?

ok....so can i come into your house and create a rule where there is no rule?

You can’t come in my house because I own it and that mine. I layed claim to it

So your point has no bearing on anything.