FEATURED TikTok is urging users to call Congress about a looming ban to 170 million Americans of their Constitutional right to free expression

They'll soon come up with a national security risk bill for Chinese vehicles to keep them out of the United States while giving the legacy automakers all kinds of tax breaks to stay relevant. We the consumers will be paying outrageous mark ups on inferior products .
They'll soon come up with a national security risk bill for Chinese vehicles to keep them out of the United States while giving the legacy automakers all kinds of tax breaks to stay relevant. We the consumers will be paying outrageous mark ups on inferior products .
I ain’t trusting a Chinese made automo-nothing!

They use pot metal for everything
US politics is so god damn dumb, and this situation is a prime example.

I remember in the beginning it was pretty much only far right wing people on this “Ban TikTok because China” shit.

But now the right wanna keep it because now Joe Biden agreed to ban it.

Same thing happened with the vaccine. When it was Trumps, dems said they ain’t want it, it soon as Biden got in they loved it, and the republicans had to hate it. It’s so stupid.
U speaking my language
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Where do you think Ford , gm , Tesla & stellantis get their steel from ? These vehicles will have to meet the EU & NHS standards
supposedly those vehicles are made with Japanese

but I wouldn't be surprised to find out the "truth" is far more sinister 🙁
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They'll soon come up with a national security risk bill for Chinese vehicles to keep them out of the United States while giving the legacy automakers all kinds of tax breaks to stay relevant. We the consumers will be paying outrageous mark ups on inferior products .
I think you're confusing Japanese with Chinese. The name brands in the US are from Japan. I had to google what brands are from China and never heard of them or seen them on the road
I thought this was going to be an outright ban. It isn’t. I’m still researching this topic but it’s not looking good.

They’re using arguments that make sense, “foreign entities infiltrating American freedoms for nefarious purposes.” We should see that as a threat.

But the bigger problem is allowing the government to police these apps/social media platforms. For now, they’re going to focus on the foreign based companies but eventually this will lead to any and all outlets of online media.

Everyone is a freelance reporter, they’ve lost control of information feeding. No one is really consuming news media like we’ve always known. The veil has been torn back and we see the reality of the lies being robotically fed to us from government media.

They’re going to dead that at some point. Slow roll out here, it seems. Maybe I’m just being overly dramatic but it’s definitely something to think about. But we can’t do anything at the end of the day.
I’d argue against this take. While I believe some media is propaganda for whichever side they endorse, I think the misinformation and violent rhetoric spewed on social media is a far worse threat than traditional media.

How many people get radicalized, how many kids commit suicide from bullying/body dysmorphia, how many people trust nut jobs over experts to the point of losing their life, how many kids are distracted to the point of failing school, etc.

Social media has opened the floodgates to information, but as much as it’s been positive, it’s been far more damaging.
  • Ether
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They have all said the same thing today.

It’s a good argument if there’s a lot of misinformation and outright lies propagated on social media.

But if this is the argument, they’d have to look at other social media platforms as well.

For better or worse, at least on the US platforms there’s some level of fact checking that’s not happening on TikTok. And the fear is that China can influence US citizens with such misinformation.
It’s a good argument if there’s a lot of misinformation and outright lies propagated on social media.

But if this is the argument, they’d have to look at other social media platforms as well.

For better or worse, at least on the US platforms there’s some level of fact checking that’s not happening on TikTok. And the fear is that China can influence US citizens with such misinformation.

What propaganda is going on TikTok that dangerous? Please Enlighten the class.

TikTok is the only social media platform not opening censoring pro Palestine content.
  • Ether
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Our government at best is a fuckin joke. TikTok was pushing out all perspectives of news to the masses and unfiltered by the government. Also that bill that passed also is way more deeper than just funky ass TikTok it gives the government the right to take any company they deem unworthy from the controlling owners.