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Name Things Worse Than Dead Remote Control Batteries

I'm almost scared to ask

but how does a dude use a bidet?

I seen them before but I thought they were only for women

ya'll niggaz really out here douching(dushing/idk - sp?) after taking a shit? 🙁

I might have already told this yarn but when i first moved to costa rica my house had a bidet. not some hook up to your toilet seat shit that squirts your bunghold gently but an official other porcelein situation next to the terlet. So after a few days looking at that motherfucker like "why do i need you?" i decided to take the plunge.

Here is where things went bad for your boy... little did I know this shit was hooked up to the hot water. And hot water in costa rica works differently than the states so you have to have that shit set to full tilt boogie just to wash dishes properly. So back to the bidet... this wasn't like the shower or the sink... this was 100% only hot water. I singed my balls and asshole so bad I couldn't even sit down for a whole day. I actually cried a little. Shit was like a jet of hot molten lava searing the most sensitive part of my body.

Fuck a bidet. Just use wet wipes and wipe properly and save yourself the strife.
I might have already told this yarn but when i first moved to costa rica my house had a bidet. not some hook up to your toilet seat shit that squirts your bunghold gently but an official other porcelein situation next to the terlet. So after a few days looking at that motherfucker like "why do i need you?" i decided to take the plunge.

Here is where things went bad for your boy... little did I know this shit was hooked up to the hot water. And hot water in costa rica works differently than the states so you have to have that shit set to full tilt boogie just to wash dishes properly. So back to the bidet... this wasn't like the shower or the sink... this was 100% only hot water. I singed my balls and asshole so bad I couldn't even sit down for a whole day. I actually cried a little. Shit was like a jet of hot molten lava searing the most sensitive part of my body.

Fuck a bidet. Just use wet wipes and wipe properly and save yourself the strife.
My nigga. I had this happen to me but basically I had it hooked up and had the water flowing low to warm up so while I’m doing my business I gave myself a courtesy flush because it was stinking lol. Well because mine was hooked to the bathroom sink it cuts off the cold water to use to flush the toilet but the hot water goes on high and shoot’s up the bidet! My ass ain’t moved so fast in my life! I shot off that toilet like this
Worse: Having to start takin that colonoscopy prep cleanser at 5pm.

Worser: The effects kicking in 15-20mins later and you still got 2hrs left until you can clock out.

Worse: Having to start takin that colonoscopy prep cleanser at 5pm.

Worser: The effects kicking in 15-20mins later and you still got 2hrs left until you can clock out.

Worsest: When nobody warns you that a potential side effect is straight up blood shooting out of your dick after you bust a nut a week later and you think you're dying and your girl is screaming like a horror movie broad and you have no answers for her.