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Maybe y'all would understand more if it was a blond hair blue eyed white girl ... Cuz clearly the fact that she's a lesbian is too much for y'all to understand basic diplomacy. Cuz if America claims she has diplomatic immunity.... This is an international event with a country actively against war with our allies
U can’t check the bags of someone w diplomatic ties or immunity
The way I see it…she gonna be there for years

this an isolated event of her breaking a law not being a prisoner of war

She Just so happened to break a law during the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the news didn’t even get out until the point where the US is starving the entire country out by sanctions as punishment for the invasion

I don’t see how the US has a leg to stand on as far as negotiation and I don’t see Russia’s incentive to do the US a favor.

niggas wanna be up in arms over her being black and gay but the gay black woman chose to break the law or at the least did something very stupid

we can not save everyone that does something stupid that’s not how the world works
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Wonder what movie yall watched, cuz you cant just claim you have diplomatic immunity in another country, because you are American and got in trouble. That's some real stereotypical asshole American behavior lol.

On another note, a lot of people over here need to recognize and check their weed addiction. Cant go anywhere or do anything without smoking first, smh.
Wonder what movie yall watched, cuz you cant just claim you have diplomatic immunity in another country, because you are American and got in trouble. That's some real stereotypical asshole American behavior lol.

On another note, a lot of people over here need to recognize and check their weed addiction. Cant go anywhere or do anything without smoking first, smh.

Beat me to it.

Exactly, you can't just claim diplomatic immunity. That's something that has to be set up between countries before travel arrangements are even made. And the US can't just claim a citizen has diplomatic immunity after their arrest. If that were the case then they could just do that anytime an American citizen is detained abroad.

I don't think much will come from this situation with Griner. If the US fights hard, and drops sanctions to release her that's setting up a shitstorm back at home bigger than if the Russians keep her. People will see that as another celebrity getting special treatment, when you have other Americans abroad serving out their time, including in Russia.

Even worse, you have to consider the fact that of whose already died in Ukraine it's more than likely than a handful have been US citizens. If the US isn't screaming war for their retribution, then why would the US go to war for someone that on her own volition commited a crime?

Putin thought he had an ace up his sleeve that's why no one knew about Griner until recently and the US has to consider that. If they give him what he wants they'll be playing right in to his game.
What’s lost here is if the WNBA paid them livable wages, they wouldn’t have to take second Jobs overseas
What’s lost here is she got arrested for trying to smuggle weed so the whole she shouldn’t have been there in the first place angle is moot

Griner made 220k she didn’t need to be in Russia she chose to just like she chose to have the vape
Wonder what movie yall watched, cuz you cant just claim you have diplomatic immunity in another country, because you are American and got in trouble. That's some real stereotypical asshole American behavior lol.

On another note, a lot of people over here need to recognize and check their weed addiction. Cant go anywhere or do anything without smoking first, smh.

ain’t no such thing as weed addiction
One of my fears is being locked up in another country. I dont smoke but do edibles sometimes. I have traveled with them domestically once before but would never do it internationally . I dont even like checking in my luggage if possible. I be paranoid that someone would frame me or just take my shit, lol. Went to greece for a week with a carry on suitcase and backpack. Stayed in my sight.