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OPINION Is Marvel's Black Panther movie really a "special moment" for Black America??

i was 11

and i thought it was great to see the images of my own people on the screen being superheroes and community folk. there were some thugs, but i inthk the story glamorized the everyday man, and it really inspired me to be the best i could be... especially at the end when the whole community stood up behind him...i was only 11 but i wanted to be just like meteor man.........someone who care about the people around him and my entire community could stand behind....

it sucks that it didn't leave a stronger impact on you......

When Meteor Man came out I was 21 and just about to go back to EMU within a few weeks. When I saw that advertisement for it I was like "Aiight, bet... Townsend doing good for himself." and applauded the fact that a Black filmmaker would step outside the box they were pigeonholed into and make a superhero flick.

But... bruh... Shits looked corny as hell to me. Meteor Man had two superhero flicks to live up to in order to get my dollars: Batman and Batman Returns, and it simply didn't compare. I watched it on HBO and thought it was corny but I still recognized it for what it was: The first Black superhero flick ever made with a Black director and cast.
@King Du

you really doing this..these corny memes are representative of reality.. these are jokes b.... wait a sec a just saw a commercial about taking a trip to Wakanda using bitcoins..
see that's the difference between you and me....

you be thinkign niggaz be joking...

i know thse niggaz be serious...

it's admirable you think they joking... it means you still have hope that niggaz ain't this far gone...

but i know the harsh cold reality....

to your point Du, i do agree that people in general are trendy. This isnt exclusive to the black community, however, in this instance, to Playmakers point, all i see are a buncha corny ass memes b/c we live in a society, unfortunately, where everybody wants to be the next hashtag to pop...or to have their meme be the one that stands out
and you know why niggas are trendy
(just on the point of trendy)

because of the status SYMBOL it projects to people that buy into frivolity and it sometimes symbolizes a confidence they dont possess from within
look, i know yall niggaz got too much pride to say i was right.

it's cool....just don't act like i'm reaching when i point it out like a jerk all february long.....
stop mistaking my argument, i'm not mad people excited about the movie.

i'm pointg out that nigaz is overacting and it points to a larger problem
i agreee with all that,,,

it's just these niggaz killing me

Yeah, and that shit is some serious niggatry there. However, cats like me that have been waiting on it have been amped ever since Civil War. When I saw the very first Civil War trailer, I thought that Marvel decided to finally pay off Sony to bring Spiderman into the fold and they did it with the black suit (which has always been my favorite). When I finally realized it was Black Panther I lost my shit. And when I finally saw the movie and saw that they didn't give him the "token nigger" treatment AND he got an end credit scene in Wakanda I knew it was a lock for the BP movie they had been rumored to be making. So we're finally getting a good flick, showing an African nation far more technologically advanced than the rest of the world but still rich in culture and heritage. Doesn't matter if it's fictional, niggas in flying armored suits and gamma radiation enhanced rage monsters are fictional too.

The point here, though, is that we're seeing a depiction of an African nation not named "Egypt" with Black people that look like us instead of Arabs or honkies (i.e. every single movie about Egypt since 1955's "Land of Pharaohs"), not showing us as naked or half naked, spear wielding savages (i.e. Tarzan, Daktari, etc...), not showing us as insane as fuck power hungry cannibals ("Amin: The Rise and Fall", The Last King of Scottland"), not showing a country in ruin due to civil war or genocide (Hotel Rwanda, Sometime in April, etc...). It's really something different from Hollywood.
yea, but don't get it twisted , it's still a marketing ploy.....and again the irony of it's release date isn't lost on me....

enjoy it yes, but don't treat it more than what it is, because that's how the media can further manipulate your money
Du would lose his mind over a Static Shock or Black Vulcan movie. Be over there kicking boxes and making electricity noises and shit.
i'm repping tough in the black lightning thread... i asked why didn't it get the same hype despite the same number of black images...

i guess cuz it's dealing with relatable community issues, and it's not in some mystical fantasy land in another continent..it's not trendy enough....

i remember when luke cage came out and i was pumped on how they was comparing black aughrs of a lotta books i personally read, and how luke cage had a walter mosley book in his lap in one of the trailers...

niggaz don't get hype abotu shit like that....u know.... regular shit....

they want Wakanda
i'm repping tough in the black lightning thread... i asked why didn't it get the same hype despite the same number of black images...

i guess cuz it's dealing with relatable community issues, and it's not in some mystical fantasy land in another continent..it's not trendy enough....

i remember when luke cage came out and i was pumped on how they was comparing black aughrs of a lotta books i personally read, and how luke cage had a walter mosley book in his lap in one of the trailers...

niggaz don't get hype abotu shit like that....u know.... regular shit....

they want Wakanda

My issue with Luke Cage is that it's Netflix only. If it was on a regular ass cable channel I'da been watching it religiously. I'm happy Marvel is doing something with him although a Power Man and Iron Fist movie with a full blown MCU treatment would be many levels of dopeness above the Netflix series.
My issue with Luke Cage is that it's Netflix only. If it was on a regular ass cable channel I'da been watching it religiously. I'm happy Marvel is doing something with him although a Power Man and Iron Fist movie with a full blown MCU treatment would be many levels of dopeness above the Netflix series.
i liked luke cage, i like the netflix series as a whole.. i like them better than the MCU