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Breaking News New York City will require proof of vaccination to enter all restaurants and fitness centers, Mayor Bill de Blasio announces.

So the vaccine reduces mutation because it reduces the number of people with the virus. Is that what you're saying?

Will the number contracting it actually go down, or will the number of symptomatic people go down. Isn't that why they told people who have the vaccine to stop getting tested?

I know this is a lot of question, but people don't like to answer them when I ask.

The number of people contracting the virus will go down significantly.

Again, you can catch the virus if you are vaxxed, but your chance of catching is very low compared to someone thats not vaxxed.

So if everyone was vaxxed, itll get to a point where no one has this anymore, and so, new variants wont be created.

There is a direct correlation to this. You can look up states that have a high vax% and you'll notice those states have the lowest% of new cases.
Ill also say this.

Like I distrust "data" as much as yall do. I dont trust scientists, i dont trust the govt, etc.

What I do trust is my eyes and ears.

Scientists keep telling us the shit is safe using emperical data. Basically, shit they discovered in labs after tons of testing. that shit is cool and that shit is not cool. When im reading about the solar system, that shit is cool. When im deciding on getting a vax? Not cool.

For me, im a fan of observational data. Basically meaning I dont care what anyone has to say, ill do my own observation.

And thats what I did. I waited till a bunch of people I personally knew took the vax. Checked up on them and saw they were good. Waited a bit more. More people I knew got it. None of them got weird side effects, so I decided to trust it and got it. And now im fine too.

I just wish more people did this. Like stop letting facebook, twitter, fox, and cnn tell you how to feel and think about shit. Instead, look for yourself and observe the shit and see what you find.
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I thought you mistyped and meant to put OTJ for on the job.

No clue then, so please fill me in.

Also, if you're an expert, why not just offer up info instead of playing the mysterious authority role?

I still read thru the other "Vaccinated..." thread and you drew your line a loooong time ago no matter what "credible" info you were presnted with...you just kept moving the goal post about what "credible" was

I don't have the time to go on for months and months (minutes either lol) about the same thing over and over

You got this, Sir

I still read thru the other "Vaccinated..." thread and you drew your line a loooong time ago no matter what "credible" info you were presnted with...you just kept moving the goal post about what "credible" was

I don't have the time to go on for months and months (minutes either lol) about the same thing over and over

You got this, Sir

you not getting vaccinated baby?

I still read thru the other "Vaccinated..." thread and you drew your line a loooong time ago no matter what "credible" info you were presnted with...you just kept moving the goal post about what "credible" was

I don't have the time to go on for months and months (minutes either lol) about the same thing over and over

You got this, Sir
Don't make it personal. If you have info drop it for everybody else.
Whats lost on many is long term covid symptoms that will end up qualifying as disability in some cases... some peoples quality of life has been dramatically compromised..thats some scary shit
I caught it in April. I have asthma also.

Still cant breathe right to this day! I been making up mad reasons why I been using my inhaler so much and just now reading your post it dawned on me that it could be Covid related
You expect a vaccine to be 100% effective, especially one that was just developed. So your measure of good is perfection. To anyone that understands vaccines, anything above I think 65% effectiveness is considered good.

I think the vaccine is still above the 90% range for preventing hospitalization and death, which is actually great. And that's the point of vaccines, to prevent you from getting as sick as you might without it. Not to never catch it.

You mentioned the flu. People still caught the flu after the flu shot but they were asymptomatic are mildly symptomatic so they never knew they had it. Only reason we know so much about breakthrough infections now is because everybody is getting tested. People weren't getting tested for every sniffle before or for their jobs.

My wife got the flu shot once and was sick within 24 hours. The flu shot really doesn't work that well and they know it.

The point of vaccines is to eradicate the illness. Again, nobody gets polio unless they're not vaccinated because after a full course of it you're completely immune to it. Same for the other diseases I mentioned. These new janky ass vaccines aren't working like that, which is why I've stated in another thread that they need to really focus on OTC treatments for this shit. Getting covid should be like getting the flu or a cold; you hit the pharmacy, grab some shit off the shelf, go home and chill for a few days and done.
My wife got the flu shot once and was sick within 24 hours. The flu shot really doesn't work that well and they know it.

The point of vaccines is to eradicate the illness. Again, nobody gets polio unless they're not vaccinated because after a full course of it you're completely immune to it. Same for the other diseases I mentioned. These new janky ass vaccines aren't working like that, which is why I've stated in another thread that they need to really focus on OTC treatments for this shit. Getting covid should be like getting the flu or a cold; you hit the pharmacy, grab some shit off the shelf, go home and chill for a few days and done.
Your biggest fallacy is thinking vaccines are made to eradicate illnesses only. No, they are also made to prevent hospitalization and deaths.

And how long ago was the polio vaccine created though? I can't say of course, but was it 100% effective when it was first introduced or did it eventually get there once enough people got vaccinated?

Also, I don't know much about polio, but isn't it a different kind of illness? And how transmissibile was it?

Basically, you can't expect the same results from a 1 year old vaccine for a coronavirus that you would from a what, 100 year old vaccine for something totally different.

Even still, an above 90% effectiveness against hospitalization and death is pretty damn impressive. Don't sacrifice progress waiting on perfection.